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kgtk normalize-nodes converts a KGTK node file to a KGTK edge file.

Relationship Names

By default, the input file's column headers are used as relationship names in the output file's label column. The --labels option can be used to provide a different set of relationship names in the output file.


usage: kgtk normalize-nodes [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                            [-c COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...]]
                            [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]]
                            [--id-column ID_COLUMN_NAME]
                            [-v [optional True|False]]

Normalize a KGTK node file into a KGTK edge file with a row for each column value in the input file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -c COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...], --columns COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...]
                        Columns to remove as a space-separated list.
                        (default=all columns except id)
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        Label names to use as a space-separated list.
                        (default=column names)
  --id-column ID_COLUMN_NAME
                        The name of the ID column. (default=id or alias)

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).


Sample Data: The First 18 Elements

Here is a file containing some physical properties and categories for the first 18 elements in the Period Table of Elements and Properties.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.tsv
id AtomicNumber Element Symbol AtomicMass NumberofNeutrons NumberofProtons NumberofElectrons Period Group Phase Radioactive Natural Metal Nonmetal Metalloid Type AtomicRadius Electronegativity FirstIonization Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint NumberOfIsotopes Discoverer Year SpecificHeat NumberofShells NumberofValence
H 1 Hydrogen H 1.007 0 1 1 1 1 gas yes yes Nonmetal 0.79 2.2 13.5984 8.99E-05 14.175 20.28 3 Cavendish 1766 14.304 1 1
He 2 Helium He 4.002 2 2 2 1 18 gas yes yes NobleGas 0.49 24.5874 1.79E-04 4.22 5 Janssen 1868 5.193 1
Li 3 Lithium Li 6.941 4 3 3 2 1 solid yes yes AlkaliMetal 2.1 0.98 5.3917 5.34E-01 453.85 1615 5 Arfvedson 1817 3.582 2 1
Be 4 Beryllium Be 9.012 5 4 4 2 2 solid yes yes AlkalineEarthMetal 1.4 1.57 9.3227 1.85E+00 1560.15 2742 6 Vaulquelin 1798 1.825 2 2
B 5 Boron B 10.811 6 5 5 2 13 solid yes yes Metalloid 1.2 2.04 8.298 2.34E+00 2573.15 4200 6 Gay-Lussac 1808 1.026 2 3
C 6 Carbon C 12.011 6 6 6 2 14 solid yes yes Nonmetal 0.91 2.55 11.2603 2.27E+00 3948.15 4300 7 Prehistoric 0.709 2 4
N 7 Nitrogen N 14.007 7 7 7 2 15 gas yes yes Nonmetal 0.75 3.04 14.5341 1.25E-03 63.29 77.36 8 Rutherford 1772 1.04 2 5
O 8 Oxygen O 15.999 8 8 8 2 16 gas yes yes Nonmetal 0.65 3.44 13.6181 1.43E-03 50.5 90.2 8 Priestley|Scheele 1774 0.918 2 6
F 9 Fluorine F 18.998 10 9 9 2 17 gas yes yes Halogen 0.57 3.98 17.4228 1.70E-03 53.63 85.03 6 Moissan 1886 0.824 2 7
Ne 10 Neon Ne 20.18 10 10 10 2 18 gas yes yes Noble Gas 0.51 21.5645 9.00E-04 24.703 27.07 8 Ramsay_and_Travers 1898 1.03 2 8
Na 11 Sodium Na 22.99 12 11 11 3 1 solid yes yes AlkaliMetal 2.2 0.93 5.1391 9.71E-01 371.15 1156 7 Davy 1807 1.228 3 1
Mg 12 Magnesium Mg 24.305 12 12 12 3 2 solid yes yes AlkalineEarthMetal 1.7 1.31 7.6462 1.74E+00 923.15 1363 8 Black 1755 1.023 3 2
Al 13 Aluminum Al 26.982 14 13 13 3 13 solid yes yes Metal 1.8 1.61 5.9858 2.70E+00 933.4 2792 8 Wshler 1827 0.897 3 3
Si 14 Silicon Si 28.086 14 14 14 3 14 solid yes yes Metalloid 1.5 1.9 8.1517 2.33E+00 1683.15 3538 8 Berzelius 1824 0.705 3 4
P 15 Phosphorus P 30.974 16 15 15 3 15 solid yes yes Nonmetal 1.2 2.19 10.4867 1.82E+00 317.25 553 7 BranBrand 1669 0.769 3 5
S 16 Sulfur S 32.065 16 16 16 3 16 solid yes yes Nonmetal 1.1 2.58 10.36 2.07E+00 388.51 717.8 10 Prehistoric 0.71 3 6
Cl 17 Chlorine Cl 35.453 18 17 17 3 17 gas yes yes Halogen 0.97 3.16 12.9676 3.21E-03 172.31 239.11 11 Scheele 1774 0.479 3 7
Ar 18 Argon Ar 39.948 22 18 18 3 18 gas yes yes NobleGas 0.88 15.7596 1.78E-03 83.96 87.3 8 Rayleigh_and_Ramsay 1894 0.52 3 8

Default Conversion

kgtk normalize-nodes -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.tsv
node1 label node2
H AtomicNumber 1
H Element Hydrogen
H Symbol H
H AtomicMass 1.007
H NumberofNeutrons 0
H NumberofProtons 1
H NumberofElectrons 1
H Period 1
H Group 1
H Phase gas
H Natural yes
H Nonmetal yes
H Type Nonmetal
H AtomicRadius 0.79
H Electronegativity 2.2
H FirstIonization 13.5984
H Density 8.99E-05
H MeltingPoint 14.175
H BoilingPoint 20.28
H NumberOfIsotopes 3
H Discoverer Cavendish
H Year 1766
H SpecificHeat 14.304
H NumberofShells 1
H NumberofValence 1
He AtomicNumber 2
He Element Helium
He Symbol He
He AtomicMass 4.002
He NumberofNeutrons 2
He NumberofProtons 2
He NumberofElectrons 2
He Period 1
He Group 18
He Phase gas
He Natural yes
He Nonmetal yes
He Type NobleGas
He AtomicRadius 0.49
He FirstIonization 24.5874
He Density 1.79E-04
He BoilingPoint 4.22
He NumberOfIsotopes 5
He Discoverer Janssen
He Year 1868
He SpecificHeat 5.193
He NumberofShells 1
Li AtomicNumber 3
Li Element Lithium
Li Symbol Li
Li AtomicMass 6.941
Li NumberofNeutrons 4
Li NumberofProtons 3
Li NumberofElectrons 3
Li Period 2
Li Group 1
Li Phase solid
Li Natural yes
Li Metal yes
Li Type AlkaliMetal
Li AtomicRadius 2.1
Li Electronegativity 0.98
Li FirstIonization 5.3917
Li Density 5.34E-01
Li MeltingPoint 453.85
Li BoilingPoint 1615
Li NumberOfIsotopes 5
Li Discoverer Arfvedson
Li Year 1817
Li SpecificHeat 3.582
Li NumberofShells 2
Li NumberofValence 1
Be AtomicNumber 4
Be Element Beryllium
Be Symbol Be
Be AtomicMass 9.012
Be NumberofNeutrons 5
Be NumberofProtons 4
Be NumberofElectrons 4
Be Period 2
Be Group 2
Be Phase solid
Be Natural yes
Be Metal yes
Be Type AlkalineEarthMetal
Be AtomicRadius 1.4
Be Electronegativity 1.57
Be FirstIonization 9.3227
Be Density 1.85E+00
Be MeltingPoint 1560.15
Be BoilingPoint 2742
Be NumberOfIsotopes 6
Be Discoverer Vaulquelin
Be Year 1798
Be SpecificHeat 1.825
Be NumberofShells 2
Be NumberofValence 2
B AtomicNumber 5
B Element Boron
B Symbol B
B AtomicMass 10.811
B NumberofNeutrons 6
B NumberofProtons 5
B NumberofElectrons 5
B Period 2
B Group 13
B Phase solid
B Natural yes
B Metalloid yes
B Type Metalloid
B AtomicRadius 1.2
B Electronegativity 2.04
B FirstIonization 8.298
B Density 2.34E+00
B MeltingPoint 2573.15
B BoilingPoint 4200
B NumberOfIsotopes 6
B Discoverer Gay-Lussac
B Year 1808
B SpecificHeat 1.026
B NumberofShells 2
B NumberofValence 3
C AtomicNumber 6
C Element Carbon
C Symbol C
C AtomicMass 12.011
C NumberofNeutrons 6
C NumberofProtons 6
C NumberofElectrons 6
C Period 2
C Group 14
C Phase solid
C Natural yes
C Nonmetal yes
C Type Nonmetal
C AtomicRadius 0.91
C Electronegativity 2.55
C FirstIonization 11.2603
C Density 2.27E+00
C MeltingPoint 3948.15
C BoilingPoint 4300
C NumberOfIsotopes 7
C Discoverer Prehistoric
C SpecificHeat 0.709
C NumberofShells 2
C NumberofValence 4
N AtomicNumber 7
N Element Nitrogen
N Symbol N
N AtomicMass 14.007
N NumberofNeutrons 7
N NumberofProtons 7
N NumberofElectrons 7
N Period 2
N Group 15
N Phase gas
N Natural yes
N Nonmetal yes
N Type Nonmetal
N AtomicRadius 0.75
N Electronegativity 3.04
N FirstIonization 14.5341
N Density 1.25E-03
N MeltingPoint 63.29
N BoilingPoint 77.36
N NumberOfIsotopes 8
N Discoverer Rutherford
N Year 1772
N SpecificHeat 1.04
N NumberofShells 2
N NumberofValence 5
O AtomicNumber 8
O Element Oxygen
O Symbol O
O AtomicMass 15.999
O NumberofNeutrons 8
O NumberofProtons 8
O NumberofElectrons 8
O Period 2
O Group 16
O Phase gas
O Natural yes
O Nonmetal yes
O Type Nonmetal
O AtomicRadius 0.65
O Electronegativity 3.44
O FirstIonization 13.6181
O Density 1.43E-03
O MeltingPoint 50.5
O BoilingPoint 90.2
O NumberOfIsotopes 8
O Discoverer Priestley
O Discoverer Scheele
O Year 1774
O SpecificHeat 0.918
O NumberofShells 2
O NumberofValence 6
F AtomicNumber 9
F Element Fluorine
F Symbol F
F AtomicMass 18.998
F NumberofNeutrons 10
F NumberofProtons 9
F NumberofElectrons 9
F Period 2
F Group 17
F Phase gas
F Natural yes
F Nonmetal yes
F Type Halogen
F AtomicRadius 0.57
F Electronegativity 3.98
F FirstIonization 17.4228
F Density 1.70E-03
F MeltingPoint 53.63
F BoilingPoint 85.03
F NumberOfIsotopes 6
F Discoverer Moissan
F Year 1886
F SpecificHeat 0.824
F NumberofShells 2
F NumberofValence 7
Ne AtomicNumber 10
Ne Element Neon
Ne Symbol Ne
Ne AtomicMass 20.18
Ne NumberofNeutrons 10
Ne NumberofProtons 10
Ne NumberofElectrons 10
Ne Period 2
Ne Group 18
Ne Phase gas
Ne Natural yes
Ne Nonmetal yes
Ne Type Noble Gas
Ne AtomicRadius 0.51
Ne FirstIonization 21.5645
Ne Density 9.00E-04
Ne MeltingPoint 24.703
Ne BoilingPoint 27.07
Ne NumberOfIsotopes 8
Ne Discoverer Ramsay_and_Travers
Ne Year 1898
Ne SpecificHeat 1.03
Ne NumberofShells 2
Ne NumberofValence 8
Na AtomicNumber 11
Na Element Sodium
Na Symbol Na
Na AtomicMass 22.99
Na NumberofNeutrons 12
Na NumberofProtons 11
Na NumberofElectrons 11
Na Period 3
Na Group 1
Na Phase solid
Na Natural yes
Na Metal yes
Na Type AlkaliMetal
Na AtomicRadius 2.2
Na Electronegativity 0.93
Na FirstIonization 5.1391
Na Density 9.71E-01
Na MeltingPoint 371.15
Na BoilingPoint 1156
Na NumberOfIsotopes 7
Na Discoverer Davy
Na Year 1807
Na SpecificHeat 1.228
Na NumberofShells 3
Na NumberofValence 1
Mg AtomicNumber 12
Mg Element Magnesium
Mg Symbol Mg
Mg AtomicMass 24.305
Mg NumberofNeutrons 12
Mg NumberofProtons 12
Mg NumberofElectrons 12
Mg Period 3
Mg Group 2
Mg Phase solid
Mg Natural yes
Mg Metal yes
Mg Type AlkalineEarthMetal
Mg AtomicRadius 1.7
Mg Electronegativity 1.31
Mg FirstIonization 7.6462
Mg Density 1.74E+00
Mg MeltingPoint 923.15
Mg BoilingPoint 1363
Mg NumberOfIsotopes 8
Mg Discoverer Black
Mg Year 1755
Mg SpecificHeat 1.023
Mg NumberofShells 3
Mg NumberofValence 2
Al AtomicNumber 13
Al Element Aluminum
Al Symbol Al
Al AtomicMass 26.982
Al NumberofNeutrons 14
Al NumberofProtons 13
Al NumberofElectrons 13
Al Period 3
Al Group 13
Al Phase solid
Al Natural yes
Al Metal yes
Al Type Metal
Al AtomicRadius 1.8
Al Electronegativity 1.61
Al FirstIonization 5.9858
Al Density 2.70E+00
Al MeltingPoint 933.4
Al BoilingPoint 2792
Al NumberOfIsotopes 8
Al Discoverer Wshler
Al Year 1827
Al SpecificHeat 0.897
Al NumberofShells 3
Al NumberofValence 3
Si AtomicNumber 14
Si Element Silicon
Si Symbol Si
Si AtomicMass 28.086
Si NumberofNeutrons 14
Si NumberofProtons 14
Si NumberofElectrons 14
Si Period 3
Si Group 14
Si Phase solid
Si Natural yes
Si Metalloid yes
Si Type Metalloid
Si AtomicRadius 1.5
Si Electronegativity 1.9
Si FirstIonization 8.1517
Si Density 2.33E+00
Si MeltingPoint 1683.15
Si BoilingPoint 3538
Si NumberOfIsotopes 8
Si Discoverer Berzelius
Si Year 1824
Si SpecificHeat 0.705
Si NumberofShells 3
Si NumberofValence 4
P AtomicNumber 15
P Element Phosphorus
P Symbol P
P AtomicMass 30.974
P NumberofNeutrons 16
P NumberofProtons 15
P NumberofElectrons 15
P Period 3
P Group 15
P Phase solid
P Natural yes
P Nonmetal yes
P Type Nonmetal
P AtomicRadius 1.2
P Electronegativity 2.19
P FirstIonization 10.4867
P Density 1.82E+00
P MeltingPoint 317.25
P BoilingPoint 553
P NumberOfIsotopes 7
P Discoverer BranBrand
P Year 1669
P SpecificHeat 0.769
P NumberofShells 3
P NumberofValence 5
S AtomicNumber 16
S Element Sulfur
S Symbol S
S AtomicMass 32.065
S NumberofNeutrons 16
S NumberofProtons 16
S NumberofElectrons 16
S Period 3
S Group 16
S Phase solid
S Natural yes
S Nonmetal yes
S Type Nonmetal
S AtomicRadius 1.1
S Electronegativity 2.58
S FirstIonization 10.36
S Density 2.07E+00
S MeltingPoint 388.51
S BoilingPoint 717.8
S NumberOfIsotopes 10
S Discoverer Prehistoric
S SpecificHeat 0.71
S NumberofShells 3
S NumberofValence 6
Cl AtomicNumber 17
Cl Element Chlorine
Cl Symbol Cl
Cl AtomicMass 35.453
Cl NumberofNeutrons 18
Cl NumberofProtons 17
Cl NumberofElectrons 17
Cl Period 3
Cl Group 17
Cl Phase gas
Cl Natural yes
Cl Nonmetal yes
Cl Type Halogen
Cl AtomicRadius 0.97
Cl Electronegativity 3.16
Cl FirstIonization 12.9676
Cl Density 3.21E-03
Cl MeltingPoint 172.31
Cl BoilingPoint 239.11
Cl NumberOfIsotopes 11
Cl Discoverer Scheele
Cl Year 1774
Cl SpecificHeat 0.479
Cl NumberofShells 3
Cl NumberofValence 7
Ar AtomicNumber 18
Ar Element Argon
Ar Symbol Ar
Ar AtomicMass 39.948
Ar NumberofNeutrons 22
Ar NumberofProtons 18
Ar NumberofElectrons 18
Ar Period 3
Ar Group 18
Ar Phase gas
Ar Natural yes
Ar Nonmetal yes
Ar Type NobleGas
Ar AtomicRadius 0.88
Ar FirstIonization 15.7596
Ar Density 1.78E-03
Ar MeltingPoint 83.96
Ar BoilingPoint 87.3
Ar NumberOfIsotopes 8
Ar Discoverer Rayleigh_and_Ramsay
Ar Year 1894
Ar SpecificHeat 0.52
Ar NumberofShells 3
Ar NumberofValence 8

Convert Specific Columns

kgtk normalize-nodes -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.tsv \
                     --columns AtomicNumber Element Symbol AtomicMass
node1 label node2
H AtomicNumber 1
H Element Hydrogen
H Symbol H
H AtomicMass 1.007
He AtomicNumber 2
He Element Helium
He Symbol He
He AtomicMass 4.002
Li AtomicNumber 3
Li Element Lithium
Li Symbol Li
Li AtomicMass 6.941
Be AtomicNumber 4
Be Element Beryllium
Be Symbol Be
Be AtomicMass 9.012
B AtomicNumber 5
B Element Boron
B Symbol B
B AtomicMass 10.811
C AtomicNumber 6
C Element Carbon
C Symbol C
C AtomicMass 12.011
N AtomicNumber 7
N Element Nitrogen
N Symbol N
N AtomicMass 14.007
O AtomicNumber 8
O Element Oxygen
O Symbol O
O AtomicMass 15.999
F AtomicNumber 9
F Element Fluorine
F Symbol F
F AtomicMass 18.998
Ne AtomicNumber 10
Ne Element Neon
Ne Symbol Ne
Ne AtomicMass 20.18
Na AtomicNumber 11
Na Element Sodium
Na Symbol Na
Na AtomicMass 22.99
Mg AtomicNumber 12
Mg Element Magnesium
Mg Symbol Mg
Mg AtomicMass 24.305
Al AtomicNumber 13
Al Element Aluminum
Al Symbol Al
Al AtomicMass 26.982
Si AtomicNumber 14
Si Element Silicon
Si Symbol Si
Si AtomicMass 28.086
P AtomicNumber 15
P Element Phosphorus
P Symbol P
P AtomicMass 30.974
S AtomicNumber 16
S Element Sulfur
S Symbol S
S AtomicMass 32.065
Cl AtomicNumber 17
Cl Element Chlorine
Cl Symbol Cl
Cl AtomicMass 35.453
Ar AtomicNumber 18
Ar Element Argon
Ar Symbol Ar
Ar AtomicMass 39.948

Convert Specific Columns with Alternate Relationship Names

--labels LABEL ... allows you to specify the relationsip symbols used in the output KGTK edge file. When this option is specified, one lable must be supplied for each column extracted.

kgtk normalize-nodes -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.tsv \
                     --columns AtomicNumber Element AtomicMass \
                     --labels atomic_number element atomic_mass
node1 label node2
H atomic_number 1
H element Hydrogen
H atomic_mass 1.007
He atomic_number 2
He element Helium
He atomic_mass 4.002
Li atomic_number 3
Li element Lithium
Li atomic_mass 6.941
Be atomic_number 4
Be element Beryllium
Be atomic_mass 9.012
B atomic_number 5
B element Boron
B atomic_mass 10.811
C atomic_number 6
C element Carbon
C atomic_mass 12.011
N atomic_number 7
N element Nitrogen
N atomic_mass 14.007
O atomic_number 8
O element Oxygen
O atomic_mass 15.999
F atomic_number 9
F element Fluorine
F atomic_mass 18.998
Ne atomic_number 10
Ne element Neon
Ne atomic_mass 20.18
Na atomic_number 11
Na element Sodium
Na atomic_mass 22.99
Mg atomic_number 12
Mg element Magnesium
Mg atomic_mass 24.305
Al atomic_number 13
Al element Aluminum
Al atomic_mass 26.982
Si atomic_number 14
Si element Silicon
Si atomic_mass 28.086
P atomic_number 15
P element Phosphorus
P atomic_mass 30.974
S atomic_number 16
S element Sulfur
S atomic_mass 32.065
Cl atomic_number 17
Cl element Chlorine
Cl atomic_mass 35.453
Ar atomic_number 18
Ar element Argon
Ar atomic_mass 39.948

Using An Alternate ID

--id-column ID_COLUMN_NAME specifies a column to be used instead of the normal id column for the source of the node1 values in the output file.

kgtk normalize-nodes -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.tsv \
                     --columns AtomicNumber Symbol AtomicMass \
                     --labels atomic_number symbol atomic_mass \
                     --id-column Element
node1 label node2
Hydrogen atomic_number 1
Hydrogen symbol H
Hydrogen atomic_mass 1.007
Helium atomic_number 2
Helium symbol He
Helium atomic_mass 4.002
Lithium atomic_number 3
Lithium symbol Li
Lithium atomic_mass 6.941
Beryllium atomic_number 4
Beryllium symbol Be
Beryllium atomic_mass 9.012
Boron atomic_number 5
Boron symbol B
Boron atomic_mass 10.811
Carbon atomic_number 6
Carbon symbol C
Carbon atomic_mass 12.011
Nitrogen atomic_number 7
Nitrogen symbol N
Nitrogen atomic_mass 14.007
Oxygen atomic_number 8
Oxygen symbol O
Oxygen atomic_mass 15.999
Fluorine atomic_number 9
Fluorine symbol F
Fluorine atomic_mass 18.998
Neon atomic_number 10
Neon symbol Ne
Neon atomic_mass 20.18
Sodium atomic_number 11
Sodium symbol Na
Sodium atomic_mass 22.99
Magnesium atomic_number 12
Magnesium symbol Mg
Magnesium atomic_mass 24.305
Aluminum atomic_number 13
Aluminum symbol Al
Aluminum atomic_mass 26.982
Silicon atomic_number 14
Silicon symbol Si
Silicon atomic_mass 28.086
Phosphorus atomic_number 15
Phosphorus symbol P
Phosphorus atomic_mass 30.974
Sulfur atomic_number 16
Sulfur symbol S
Sulfur atomic_mass 32.065
Chlorine atomic_number 17
Chlorine symbol Cl
Chlorine atomic_mass 35.453
Argon atomic_number 18
Argon symbol Ar
Argon atomic_mass 39.948


This example assumes that the input files contains an id field, but another field is being substituted for it. If the input file does not contain an id field at all, the expert option --mode=NONE is also needed.

Expert Example: CSV Input File without id Field

If the input file does not have an id field, the option --id-column ID_COLUMN_NAME may be used to select a substitute for the id column. The expert option --mode=NONE is also needed. This example also illustrates using a CSV file as an input file, using the expert option --input-format csv.

kgtk normalize-nodes -i examples/docs/periodic_table_of_elements_1-18.csv \
                     --mode=NONE --input-format csv \
                     --columns AtomicNumber Symbol AtomicMass \
                     --labels atomic_number symbol atomic_mass \
                     --id-column Element
node1 label node2
Hydrogen atomic_number 1
Hydrogen symbol H
Hydrogen atomic_mass 1.007
Helium atomic_number 2
Helium symbol He
Helium atomic_mass 4.002
Lithium atomic_number 3
Lithium symbol Li
Lithium atomic_mass 6.941
Beryllium atomic_number 4
Beryllium symbol Be
Beryllium atomic_mass 9.012
Boron atomic_number 5
Boron symbol B
Boron atomic_mass 10.811
Carbon atomic_number 6
Carbon symbol C
Carbon atomic_mass 12.011
Nitrogen atomic_number 7
Nitrogen symbol N
Nitrogen atomic_mass 14.007
Oxygen atomic_number 8
Oxygen symbol O
Oxygen atomic_mass 15.999
Fluorine atomic_number 9
Fluorine symbol F
Fluorine atomic_mass 18.998
Neon atomic_number 10
Neon symbol Ne
Neon atomic_mass 20.18
Sodium atomic_number 11
Sodium symbol Na
Sodium atomic_mass 22.99
Magnesium atomic_number 12
Magnesium symbol Mg
Magnesium atomic_mass 24.305
Aluminum atomic_number 13
Aluminum symbol Al
Aluminum atomic_mass 26.982
Silicon atomic_number 14
Silicon symbol Si
Silicon atomic_mass 28.086
Phosphorus atomic_number 15
Phosphorus symbol P
Phosphorus atomic_mass 30.974
Sulfur atomic_number 16
Sulfur symbol S
Sulfur atomic_mass 32.065
Chlorine atomic_number 17
Chlorine symbol Cl
Chlorine atomic_mass 35.453
Argon atomic_number 18
Argon symbol Ar
Argon atomic_mass 39.948