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This command creates a html visualization of a KGTK edge file


usage: kgtk visualize-graph [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                            [--node-file NODE_FILE] [--direction DIRECTION]
                            [--edge-color-column EDGE_COLOR_COLUMN]
                            [--edge-color-numbers EDGE_COLOR_NUMBERS]
                            [--edge-color-style EDGE_COLOR_STYLE]
                            [--edge-color-default EDGE_COLOR_DEFAULT]
                            [--edge-width-column EDGE_WIDTH_COLUMN]
                            [--edge-width-minimum EDGE_WIDTH_MINIMUM]
                            [--edge-width-maximum EDGE_WIDTH_MAXIMUM]
                            [--edge-width-default EDGE_WIDTH_DEFAULT]
                            [--edge-width-scale EDGE_WIDTH_SCALE]
                            [--node-color-column NODE_COLOR_COLUMN]
                            [--node-color-style NODE_COLOR_STYLE]
                            [--node-color-default NODE_COLOR_DEFAULT]
                            [--node-color-numbers NODE_COLOR_NUMBERS]
                            [--node-size-column NODE_SIZE_COLUMN]
                            [--node-size-minimum NODE_SIZE_MINIMUM]
                            [--node-size-maximum NODE_SIZE_MAXIMUM]
                            [--node-size-default NODE_SIZE_DEFAULT]
                            [--node-size-scale NODE_SIZE_SCALE]
                            [--node-file-id NODE_FILE_ID]
                            [--show-text-limit SHOW_TEXT_LIMIT]
                            [--node-border-color NODE_BORDER_COLOR]
                            [--tooltip-column TOOLTIP_COLUMN]
                            [--show-text SHOW_TEXT] [--show-blank-labels]
                            [-v [optional True|False]]

Convert edge file (optional node file) to html graph visualization file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --node-file NODE_FILE
                        Path of the node file.
  --direction DIRECTION
                        The edge direction: arrow|particle|None. Default: None
  --show-edge-label     Add this option to show labels on edges. Default:
  --edge-color-column EDGE_COLOR_COLUMN
                        Column for edge colors in the edge file. The values
                        can be numbers, hex codes or any strings
  --edge-color-numbers EDGE_COLOR_NUMBERS
                        Indicate if the values in the --edge-color-column are
                        numbers and specify how to scale the numbers. The
                        valid choices are:linear|log|as-is. Default: None. The
                        numbers will be scaled linearly, logarithmically, left
                        as is respectively.
  --edge-color-hex      Add this option if the values in the --edge-color-
                        column are valid hexadecimal colors.Valid hexadecimal
                        colors start with # and are of 3 or 6 length (without
                        the #)
  --edge-color-style EDGE_COLOR_STYLE
                        Pick one of the following CATEGORICAL styles:
                        d3.schemeCategory10, d3.schemeAccent, d3.schemeDark2,
                        d3.schemePaired, d3.schemePastel1, d3.schemePastel2,
                        d3.schemeSet1, d3.schemeSet2, d3.schemeSet3,
                        d3.schemeTableau10 OR one of the following GRADIENT
                        styles: d3.interpolateBrBG, d3.interpolatePRGn,
                        d3.interpolatePiYG, d3.interpolatePuOr,
                        d3.interpolateRdBu, d3.interpolateRdGy,
                        d3.interpolateRdYlBu, d3.interpolateRdYlGn,
                        d3.interpolateSpectral, d3.interpolateBlues,
                        d3.interpolateGreens, d3.interpolateOranges,
                        d3.interpolatePurples, d3.interpolateReds,
                        d3.interpolateGreys, d3.interpolateTurbo,
                        d3.interpolateViridis, d3.interpolateInferno,
                        d3.interpolateMagma, d3.interpolatePlasma,
                        d3.interpolateCividis, d3.interpolateWarm,
                        d3.interpolateCool, d3.interpolateCubehelixDefault,
                        d3.interpolateBuGn, d3.interpolateBuPu,
                        d3.interpolateGnBu, d3.interpolateOrRd,
                        d3.interpolatePuBuGn, d3.interpolatePuBu,
                        d3.interpolatePuRd, d3.interpolateRdPu,
                        d3.interpolateYlGnBu, d3.interpolateYlGn,
                        d3.interpolateYlOrBr, d3.interpolateYlOrRd,
                        d3.interpolateRainbow Default:
               for more
  --edge-color-default EDGE_COLOR_DEFAULT
                        Default color for edges. Default: '#000000'
  --edge-width-column EDGE_WIDTH_COLUMN
                        Column for edge widths in the edge file. The values
                        should be numbers.
  --edge-width-minimum EDGE_WIDTH_MINIMUM
                        Minimum edge width. Default: 1.0
  --edge-width-maximum EDGE_WIDTH_MAXIMUM
                        Maximum edge width. Default: 5.0
  --edge-width-default EDGE_WIDTH_DEFAULT
                        Default edge width. Default: 1.0
  --edge-width-scale EDGE_WIDTH_SCALE
                        Edge width scale: linear|log. Default: None
  --node-color-column NODE_COLOR_COLUMN
                        Column for node colors in the --node-file. The values
                        can be numbers, valid hex codes or any strings.
  --node-color-style NODE_COLOR_STYLE
                        Pick one of the following CATEGORICAL styles:
                        d3.schemeCategory10, d3.schemeAccent, d3.schemeDark2,
                        d3.schemePaired, d3.schemePastel1, d3.schemePastel2,
                        d3.schemeSet1, d3.schemeSet2, d3.schemeSet3,
                        d3.schemeTableau10 OR one of the following GRADIENT
                        styles: d3.interpolateBrBG, d3.interpolatePRGn,
                        d3.interpolatePiYG, d3.interpolatePuOr,
                        d3.interpolateRdBu, d3.interpolateRdGy,
                        d3.interpolateRdYlBu, d3.interpolateRdYlGn,
                        d3.interpolateSpectral, d3.interpolateBlues,
                        d3.interpolateGreens, d3.interpolateOranges,
                        d3.interpolatePurples, d3.interpolateReds,
                        d3.interpolateGreys, d3.interpolateTurbo,
                        d3.interpolateViridis, d3.interpolateInferno,
                        d3.interpolateMagma, d3.interpolatePlasma,
                        d3.interpolateCividis, d3.interpolateWarm,
                        d3.interpolateCool, d3.interpolateCubehelixDefault,
                        d3.interpolateBuGn, d3.interpolateBuPu,
                        d3.interpolateGnBu, d3.interpolateOrRd,
                        d3.interpolatePuBuGn, d3.interpolatePuBu,
                        d3.interpolatePuRd, d3.interpolateRdPu,
                        d3.interpolateYlGnBu, d3.interpolateYlGn,
                        d3.interpolateYlOrBr, d3.interpolateYlOrRd,
                        d3.interpolateRainbow Default:
               for more
  --node-color-default NODE_COLOR_DEFAULT
                        Default node color. Default: '#000000'
  --node-color-numbers NODE_COLOR_NUMBERS
                        Indicate if the values in the --node-color-column are
                        numbers and specify how to scale the numbers. The
                        valid choices are:linear|log|as-is. Default: None. The
                        numbers will be scaled linearly, logarithmically, left
                        as is respectively.
  --node-color-hex      Add this option if the values in the --node-color-
                        column are valid hexadecimal colors.Valid hexadecimal
                        colors start with # and are of 3 or 6 length (without
                        the #)
  --node-size-column NODE_SIZE_COLUMN
                        Column for node sizes in the --node-file. Default:
  --node-size-minimum NODE_SIZE_MINIMUM
                        Minimum node size. Default: 1.0
  --node-size-maximum NODE_SIZE_MAXIMUM
                        Maximum node size. Default: 5.0
  --node-size-default NODE_SIZE_DEFAULT
                        Default node size. Default: 2.0
  --node-size-scale NODE_SIZE_SCALE
                        Node size scale: linear|log. Default: None
  --node-file-id NODE_FILE_ID
                        ID column name in the --node-file. Default: 'id'
  --show-text-limit SHOW_TEXT_LIMIT
                        When number of nodes is greater than --show-text-
                        limit, node labels will not be visible.Default: 500
  --node-border-color NODE_BORDER_COLOR
                        Node border color. Default: None
  --tooltip-column TOOLTIP_COLUMN
                        Column for node tooltips in the --node-file. Default:
  --show-text SHOW_TEXT
                        Show node labels at the position relative to node:
                        center|above. Default: None. If the number of nodes in
                        the graph is greater than specified by --show-text-
                        limit option, which is 500 by default, then the text
                        will not be shown in the visualization.
  --show-blank-labels   if --show-text is specified, show the label of a Qnode
                        as emptry string, and not the Qnode, if the label is
                        an empty string.

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).

Node and Edge Color Style Options

The following color styles are available for node and edge colors, the options --node-color-style and --edge-color-style, respectively.

Color Style URL Image Type
d3.schemeCategory10 Image Categorical
d3.schemeAccent Image Categorical
d3.schemeDark2 Image Categorical
d3.schemePaired Image Categorical
d3.schemePastel1 Image Categorical
d3.schemePastel2 Image Categorical
d3.schemeSet1 Image Categorical
d3.schemeSet2 Image Categorical
d3.schemeSet3 Image Categorical
d3.schemeTableau10 Image Categorical
d3.interpolateBrBG Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePRGn Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePiYG Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePuOr Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRdBu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRdGy Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRdYlBu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRdYlGn Image Gradient
d3.interpolateSpectral Image Gradient
d3.interpolateBlues Image Gradient
d3.interpolateGreens Image Gradient
d3.interpolateOranges Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePurples Image Gradient
d3.interpolateReds Image Gradient
d3.interpolateGreys Image Gradient
d3.interpolateTurbo Image Gradient
d3.interpolateViridis Image Gradient
d3.interpolateInferno Image Gradient
d3.interpolateMagma Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePlasma Image Gradient
d3.interpolateCividis Image Gradient
d3.interpolateWarm Image Gradient
d3.interpolateCool Image Gradient
d3.interpolateCubehelixDefault Image Gradient
d3.interpolateBuGn Image Gradient
d3.interpolateBuPu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateGnBu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateOrRd Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePuBuGn Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePuBu Image Gradient
d3.interpolatePuRd Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRdPu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateYlGnBu Image Gradient
d3.interpolateYlGn Image Gradient
d3.interpolateYlOrBr Image Gradient
d3.interpolateYlOrRd Image Gradient
d3.interpolateRainbow Image Gradient

Edge and Node file Format

Edge File contains: - node1: the subject column (source node) - label: the predicate column (property name) - node2: the object column (target node)

Optional: - node1;label: the subject label (source node) - label;label: the predicate label (property name) - node2;label: the object label (target node)

Node File contains: - id: id of the node. Default is 'id' col, but can be configured through --node-file-id option.

Optional: - label: the node label - x: x_coordinate of node - y: y_coordinate of node

Both node file and edge file can contain additional columns. These columns can be used to provide more information as needed (see examples below)


kgtk cat -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv

Edge File

node1 label node2 weight hex_color ordinal
Q1 "friend" Q2 0.9 #FF69B4 0
Q2 "friend" Q3 0.3 #FF69B4 1
Q3 "friend" Q4 "" #FF69B4 2
Q5 "friend" Q3 "" #FF69B4 3
Q6 "friend" Q5 "" #FF69B4 4
Q6 "friend" Q1 "" #FF69B4 5
Q1 "born" Q7 "" #FFF68F 6
Q2 "born" Q7 "" #FFF68F 7
Q3 "born" Q7 "" #FFF68F 8
Q4 "born" Q8 "" #FFF68F 9
Q5 "born" Q8 "" #FFF68F 10
Q6 "born" Q8 "" #FFF68F 11
Q1 "lives" Q8 "" #32CD32 12
Q2 "lives" Q7 "" #32CD32 13
Q3 "lives" Q9 "" #32CD32 14
Q4 "lives" Q8 "" #32CD32 15
Q5 "lives" Q9 "" #32CD32 16
Q6 "lives" Q8 "" #32CD32 17
kgtk cat -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv

Node File

id label is_country type degree type_missing population hex_color ordinal
Q1 'Alice'@en 0 human 40 "" "" #00FFFF 0
Q2 'Susan'@en 0 human 14 "" "" #8A2BE2 1
Q3 'John'@en 0 human 4 "" "" #FF4040 2
Q4 'Claudia'@en 0 human 32 "" "" #7FFF00 3
Q5 'Ulrich'@en 0 human 422 "" "" #FFB90F 4
Q6 'Fritz'@en 0 human 4 "" "" #C1FFC1 5
Q7 'USA'@en 1 country 50 country 300 #FF1493 6
Q8 'Germany'@en 1 country 500 country 50 #FFD700 7
Q9 'Brazil'@en 1 country 222 country 200 #FF69B4 8

1. Default

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv -o default.html
This is the default version of this command, only producing a graph with default color, width and size

2. Color by is_country column in the node file, use d3.schemeCategory10 to color nodes

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column is_country \
                     --node-color-style d3.schemeCategory10 \
                     --node-color-numbers as-is \
                     -o show_countries.html
This command specifies is_country as column for assigning colors.

This command specifies that the values in the color column are numbers and should be left as is with the help of following option --node-color-numbers as- is.

Finally, we specify that nodes should be colored using the d3.schemeCategory10 style.

3. Color by column degree, values as numbers, color scale: log, d3.schemePastel1 as color style

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column degree \
                     --node-color-numbers log \
                     --node-color-style d3.schemePastel1 \
                     -o show_degrees.html

This command specifies degree as column for assigning colors.

This command specifies that the values in the color column are numbers and should be scaled logarithmically with the help of following option --node-color-numbers log.

Finally, we specify that nodes should be colored using the d3.schemePastel1 style.

4. Handle missing values

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column type_missing \
                     --node-color-style d3.schemeSet3 \
                     -o show_types_missing.html

This command uses the column type_missing as assigning colors.

Notice here there are missing values.

All missing values will be assigned the default node color, using the style d3.schemeSet3 to color nodes.

5. Color by column hex_color, values as hexadecimal color codes

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column hex_color \
                     --node-color-hex \
                     -o show_color_hex.html
This command uses the column hex_color, which contains valid hex colors, for coloring nodes.

6. Show Edge Color

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --edge-color-column hex_color \
                     --edge-color-hex \
                     -o show_edge_color.html
This command uses the column hex_color, which contains valid hex colors, for assigning edge colors.

7. Show Node Size and Color

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-size-column population \
                     --node-size-minimum 2.0 \
                     --node-size-maximum 6.0 \
                     --node-size-default 4.0 \
                     --node-color-column hex_color \
                     --node-color-hex \
                     --node-size-scale log \
                     -o show_edge_node_color.html
Colors nodes according to the column hex_color, which contains valid hex colors. Size of the nodes is proportional to the values in the column population, we scale the node size logarithmically

8. Edge Width

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --edge-width-column weight \
                     --edge-width-minimum 2.0 \
                     --edge-width-maximum 5.0 \
                     --edge-width-default 2.0 \
                     --edge-width-scale log \
                     --node-color-column degree \
                     --node-color-style d3.schemeDark2 \
                     --node-color-numbers linear \
                     -o node_size_log1.html
This command uses the column weight in edge file to interpolate edge width using the log scale.

Resulting edge width will be between 2.0 and 5.0 as specified by the options --edge-width-minimum and --edge-width-maximum. Any edge with no value in weight columns will be assigned the default size: 2.0

Moreover, color the nodes using the numerical values in the column degree, scaling the values linearly, using the style d3.schemeDark2.

9. Show text above nodes

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column hex_color \
                     --node-color-hex \
                     --show-text above \
                     -o show_node_label.html
Colors nodes by the column hex_color and shows labels above the nodes

10. Show labels on edges, color edges using hex colors

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --edge-color-column hex_color \
                     --edge-color-hex \
                     --show-edge-label \
                     -o show_edge_label.html
Colors edges by the hexadecimal codes in the column hex_color and shows labels on the edges as well.

11. Show labels and color nodes and edges

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column hex_color \
                     --node-color-hex \
                     --show-text above \
                     --show-edge-label \
                     --edge-color-hex \
                     --edge-color-column hex_color \
                     -o show_node_edge_label.html

Colors nodes by hexadecimal color codes in the column hex_color for both edges and nodes and show labels above nodes and on edges.

12. Show labels above nodes, blank labels for nodes with missing labels (instead of showing ids)

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column hex_color \
                     --node-color-hex \
                     --show-text above \
                     --show-blank-labels \
                     -o show_blank_labels.html
This command shows blank labels for nodes with no labels, coloring the nodes using the hex colors in the column hex_color

13. Color by column ordinal, values as numbers, use d3.interpolateGreens interpolator

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column ordinal \
                     --node-color-numbers as-is \
                     --node-color-style d3.interpolateGreens \
                     -o scolor_nodes_interpolator_green.html
This command colors the nodes using numerical values in the column ordinal. We will map the colors to the scale d3.interpolateGreens.

The values in the column are sequential values, small values will be mapped to lighter shades of green while higher values will be mapped to darker shades.

14. Color by column ordinal, values as numbers, use d3.interpolateGreens interpolator, show labels on nodes

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --node-file examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2_node.tsv \
                     --node-color-column ordinal \
                     --node-color-numbers as-is \
                     --node-color-style d3.interpolateGreens \
                     --show-text above \
                     -o color_nodes_interpolator_green.html
This command colors the nodes using numerical values in the column ordinal. We will map the colors to the scale d3.interpolateGreens.

The values in the column are sequential values, small values will be mapped to lighter shades of green while higher values will be mapped to darker shades. Labels on the nodes match the shade of green for that node.

15. Color edges by column ordinal, values as numbers, use d3.interpolateReds interpolator

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --edge-color-column ordinal \
                     --edge-color-numbers as-is \
                     --edge-color-style d3.interpolateReds \
                     -o color_edges_interpolator_reds.html
This command colors the edges using numerical values in the column ordinal. We will map the colors to the scale d3.interpolateReds.

The values in the column are sequential values, small values will be mapped to lighter shades of red while higher values will be mapped to darker shades.

16. Color edges by column label, values as strings, use d3.schemeDark2 style

kgtk visualize-graph -i examples/docs/visualize_force_graph_example2.tsv \
                     --edge-color-column label \
                     --edge-color-style d3.schemeDark2 \
                     -o color_edges_categorical_dark.html

This command maps strings in the column label to a categorical scale d3.schemeDark2