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kgtk validate-properties validates and filter property patterns in a KGTK file.

Problem Statement

The kgtk validate command cannot detect problems such as:

  • date ranges at granularities finer than ayear
  • numbers out of range
  • a number where a quantity was expected
  • a symbol where a string was expected
  • the presence of one property requires another property
  • The presense of one property excludes another property

We want to be able to detect violations of various constraint patterns.

An existing system, CHACL, is an RDF-based constraint system. We'd like KGTK to have something that is both easier for new users than RDF and more efficient to run.


KGTK edges have node1, label, and node2 fields as their core. id fields are optional, and additional fields may also appear.

The node1 field usually represents an object being described by the edges. The edges for that object represent properties or attributes of the object, with the label field naming the property and the node2 field containing an associated value. Properties may be qualified, using the id field of an edge as the linkage to qualifier edges.

Generally, patterns of constraints are applied to classes of objects and properties, rather than specific individual objects or properties. kgtk validate-properties includes tools for identifying the class heirarchy to which an object or property belongs.

In addition to focusing on constraints applicable to edges grouped around objects, kgtk validate-properties supports the application of constraints to any additional columns that are present.

Pattern Files

kgtk validate-properties describes its declarations and constraints using KGTK edges with id fields as needed, but without additional columns. These edges are typically in a seperate file, called a property pattern file or pattern file.

Here is a brief sample of a property pattern file:

node1 label node2 id
red isa rgbcolor
green isa rgbcolor
blue isa rgbcolor

Property Classes

The values in the label column are property names. Each property name is itself a property class. Each property class may be a member of one or more parent property classes, as indicated by isa and matches declarations.

For example, suppose we have a KGTK file that describes the properties of a set of blocks. One property we want to describe is the RCG color. This property itself has three components, red, green, and blue, each of which takes a floating point value that ranges from 0..1 inclusive.

Here are two blocks and their colors:

node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0

Here are the constraints that name red, green, and blue as RGB color components, and which constrain the values of each component to be numbers in the range 0..1 inclusive.

node1 label node2 id
red property True
red isa rgbcolor
red maxoccurs 1
green property True
green isa rgbcolor
green maxoccurs 1
blue property True
blue isa rgbcolor
blue maxoccurs 1
rgbcolor datatype True
rgbcolor node1_type symbol
rgbcolor node2_type number
rgbcolor minval 0.0
rgbcolor maxval 1.0
rgbcolor requires red
rgbcolor requires green
rgbcolor requires blue
rgbcolor isa colorclass
rgbcolor prohibits colorname
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorclass mustoccur True
  • property declares that the property class is a property that may appear in the label column of a data file. Although these eentries are mainly documentation, they also prevent the specied property from being considered unknown.
  • isa says that the node1 class is a subclass of the node2 class.
  • maxoccurs indicates that properties of the specified class may occur a maximum number of times per node1 group.
  • datatype declares that the property class is a superclass that may not appear in the label column of a data file. At present, this constraint is not enforced.
  • node_typesays that data records withlabelvalues that belong to this class must havenode1values with a KGTK datatype in the list in thenode2` column of the pattern edge, e.g.
    • In this specific case, the node1 value of an RGB color component must be a KGTK symbol.
  • node2_type says that data records with label values that belong to this class must have node2 values with a KGTK datatype in the list in the node2 column of the pattern edge, e.g.
    • In this specific case, the node2 value of an RGB color component must be a KGTK number.
  • minval supplies a minimum value for the node2 column of matching data records.
  • maxval supplies a maximum value for the node2 column of matching data records.
  • requires says that each data row that contains at least one property or class of the pattern's node1 value must have a property or class of the node2 value. In this instance, we state that if an object has at least one RCB color component, it must have all three RGB color components.
  • prohibits says that if a node1 data group contains an instance of the class in the node1 of the pattern, then the node1 data group must not contain an instance of a property in the node2 of the pattern.
  • mustoccur says that each node1 data group must contain at least one property of the specified class.

Processing node1 Groups

When ---process-node1-groups is True (the default value is True), edges are processed as groups with the same node1 value. If any edge in a group fails validation, the entire group is rejected.

When --process-node1-groups is False, edges are processed individually. Only the edges that fail validation are rejected.

Table of Actions

Action Description
datatype The node1 symbol of this pattern edge is a property class.
equal_to The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a number that equals one of the node2 numbers in the pattern edge(s).
equal_to_date The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a date that equals one of the node2 dates in the pattern edge(s).
field_blank The selected field is blank.
field_name The node2 symbol in the pattern edge is a field name selector. May be repeated (or node2 may contain a list if permitted).
field_not_blank The selected field is not blank.
field_not_pattern The selected field does not matcn the pattern in the pattern edge node2 value.
field_not_values The value of the field is not the same as the value in the pattern edge node2. May be repeated (or node2 may contain a list if permitted).
field_pattern The selected field matches the pattern in the pattern edge node2 value.
field_values The value of the field is the same as the value in the pattern edge node2. May be repeated (or node2 may contain a list if permitted).
greater_than The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a number that is greater than the node2 number in the pattern edge.
greater_than_date The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a date that is greater than the node2 number in the pattern edge.
groupbyprop When specified, a list of classes that serve as aggregation levels for max/min distinct/occurs calculations.
id_allow_list When the node2 value of this pattern edge is True, the id value for data rows with label values in the class of the node1 value of the pattern edge may be a KGTK list.
id_blank When the node2 value of this pattern edge is True, the id value for data rows with label values in the class of the node1 value of the pattern edge must be empty. When False, the id value for data rows with label value in this class must not be empty.
id_chain The id value of the data edge with a label value matching the node1 value of the pattern edge must match the node1 value of a second data edge (the remote data edge), and the remote data edge must match at least one class in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
id_not_blank When the node2 value of this pattern edge is True, the id value for data rows with label values in this class must not be empty. When False, the id value for data rows with label value in this class must be empty.
id_not_pattern The id value of a data edge with a label value in the class of the node1 value of the pattern edge must not match the regular expression in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
id_pattern The id value of a data edge with a label value in the class of the node1 value of the pattern edge must match the regular expression in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
isa The class in the node1 value of the pattern edge is a subclass of the class in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
label_allow_list For data edges with label values matching the node1 value of the pattern edge, the label value of the data edge may be a KGTK list when the node2 value of the pattern edge is True. When the node2 value of the pattern edge is False, the label value of the data edge must not be a KGTK list. Note that the KGTK File Specification does not allow KGTK lists in KGTK edge files.
label_pattern The label value of a data edte with a label value in the class of the node1 value of the pattern edge must match the regular expression in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
less_than The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a number that is less than the node2 number in the pattern edge.
less_than_date The node2 value or field value in the data edge is a date that is less than the node2 number in the pattern edge.
matches The node1 value of the pattern edge is a superclass of any class that matches the regular expresison in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
maxdate For each data edge attempting to match the class name in the node1 value of the pattern edge, the node2 value of the data edge must be a date/time value less than or equal to the date/time node2 value in the pattern edge.
maxoccurs For each node1 group in the data file, there must be no more data edges matching the node1 class of the pattern edge than the node2 value of the pattern edge.
maxval The node2 value of each data edge matching the node1 class in the pattern edge must have a numeric value no greater than the node2 value of the pattern edge.
mindate For each data edge attempting to match the class name in the node1 value of the pattern edge, the node2 value of the data edge must be a date/time value no less than the date/time node2 value in the pattern edge.
minoccurs For each node1 group in the data file, there must be no fewer data edges matching the node1 class of the pattern edge than the node2 value of the pattern edge.
minval The node2 value of each data edge matching the node1 class in the pattern edge must have a numeric value no less than the node2 value of the pattern edge.
mustoccur When the node2 value of the pattern edge is True, the node1 value of the pattern edge is a class that must orrure in each node1 group of the data edges.
nextcase The node2 value of the pattern edge is the node1 value of the next case in an ordered switch.
node1_type The node1 value of the data edge that matches the class in the label of the pattern edge must be of the KGTK data type listed in thenode2` column of the pattern edge.
node1_allow_list When the node2 value of the pattern edge is True, any data edge with a clss matching the label value of the pattern edge may allow KGTK lists in the node1 value of the data edge. When the node2 value of the pattern edge is False, any data edges in this class must not have KGTK list value in node2. Note: The KGTK File Specificaiton prohibits KGTK lists in the node1 value of a KGTK edge.
node1_values For data edges in classes that match the node1 value of the pattern edge, the node2 value of the data edge must be one of the node2 values in the pattern edge.
node2_allow_list When the node2 value of the pattern edge is True, any data edge with a clss matching the label value of the pattern edge may allow KGTK lists in the node2 value of the data edge. When the node2 value of the pattern edge is False, any data edges in this class must not have KGTK list value in node2. Note: The KGTK File Specificaiton prohibits KGTK lists in the node1 value of a KGTK edge.
node2_blank When the node2 value of this pattern edge is True, the node2 value for data rows with label values in this class must be empty. When False, the node2 value for data rows with label value in this class must not be empty. Note: The KGTK File Specification requires that node2 value be non-empty in KGTK edge files.
node2_chain The node2 value of the data edge with a label value matching the node1 value of the pattern edge must match the node1 value of a second data edge (the remote data edge), and the remore data edge must match at least one class in the node2 value of the pattern edge.
node2_column The node2 value of the pattern edge specifies a additional column to use instead of node2.
node2_is_valid When node2 of the pattern edge is True, the node2 value of data edges for this class must be valid KGTK valies.
node2_not_blank When the node2 value of this pattern edge is True, the node2 value for data rows with label values in this class must not be empty. When False, the node2 value for data rows with label value in this class must be empty. Note: The KGTK File Specification requires that node2 value be non-empty in KGTK edge files.


usage: kgtk validate-properties [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] --pattern-file
                                PATTERN_FILE [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                                [--reject-file REJECT_FILE]
                                [--presorted [True|False]]
                                [--process-node1-groups [True|False]]
                                [--no-complaints [True|False]]
                                [--complain-immediately [True|False]]
                                [--add-isa-column [True|False]]
                                [--isa-column-name ISA_COLUMN_NAME]
                                [--autovalidate [True|False]]
                                [-v [optional True|False]]

Validate property patterns in a KGTK file. 

Additional options are shown in expert help.
kgtk --expert clean-data --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --pattern-file PATTERN_FILE
                        The property pattern definitions. (Required, use '-'
                        for stdin.)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (Optional, use '-' for stdout.)
  --reject-file REJECT_FILE
                        The property pattern reject output. (Optional, use '-'
                        for stdout.)
  --presorted [True|False]
                        Indicate that the input has been presorted (or at
                        least pregrouped) on the node1 column.
  --process-node1-groups [True|False]
                        When True, process all records for a node1 value as a
                        group. (default=True).
  --no-complaints [True|False]
                        When true, do not print complaints (when rejects are
                        expected). (default=False).
  --complain-immediately [True|False]
                        When true, print complaints immediately (for
                        debugging). (default=False).
  --add-isa-column [True|False]
                        When true, add an ISA column to the output and reject
                        files. (default=False).
  --isa-column-name ISA_COLUMN_NAME
                        The name for the ISA column. (default isa;node2)
  --autovalidate [True|False]
                        When true, validate node1 and node2 values before
                        testing them. (default=True).

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).


Colored Blocks: Property Pattern

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv
node1 label node2 id
red property True
red isa rgbcolor
red maxoccurs 1
green property True
green isa rgbcolor
green maxoccurs 1
blue property True
blue isa rgbcolor
blue maxoccurs 1
rgbcolor datatype True
rgbcolor node1_type symbol
rgbcolor node2_type number
rgbcolor minval 0.0
rgbcolor maxval 1.0
rgbcolor requires red
rgbcolor requires green
rgbcolor requires blue
rgbcolor isa colorclass
rgbcolor prohibits colorname
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorname node1_type symbol
colorname node2_type symbol
colorname node2_values red
colorname node2_values green
colorname node2_values blue
colorname node2_values yellow
colorclass mustoccur True

Colored Blocks: Good Data

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-good-data.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-good-data.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file -
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0

Colored Blocks: Node1 is a String

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-node1-strings.tsv
node1 label node2 id
"block1" red 1.0
"block1" green 0.0
"block1" blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-node1-strings.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Row 1: the node1 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node1 types for rgbcolor: symbol
Row 2: the node1 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node1 types for rgbcolor: symbol
Row 3: the node1 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node1 types for rgbcolor: symbol
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
"block1" red 1.0
"block1" green 0.0
"block1" blue 0.0

Colored Blocks: Node2 is a String

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-node2-strings.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red "1.0"
block1 green "0.0"
block1 blue "0.0"
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-node2-strings.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Row 1: the node2 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node2 types for rgbcolor: number
Row 2: the node2 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node2 types for rgbcolor: number
Row 3: the node2 KGTK datatype 'string' is not in the list of allowed node2 types for rgbcolor: number
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red "1.0"
block1 green "0.0"
block1 blue "0.0"

Colored Blocks: Color Values Out of Range: Grouped

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-bad-values.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.1
block1 green -0.1
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-bad-values.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv \
     --process-node1-groups True
node1 label node2 id
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Row 1: prop_or_datatype rgbcolor value 1.100000 is greater than maxval 1.000000.
Row 2: prop_or_datatype rgbcolor value -0.100000 is less than minval 0.000000.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.1
block1 green -0.1
block1 blue 0.0


The default value for --process-node1-groups is True. The option was included on the command line as an explicit contrast to the ungrouped example.


The entire block1 group of edges was rejected, even though the blue edge was valid.

Colored Blocks: Color Values Out of Range: Ungrouped

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-bad-values.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.1
block1 green -0.1
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-bad-values.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv \
     --process-node1-groups False
node1 label node2 id
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Row 1: prop_or_datatype rgbcolor value 1.100000 is greater than maxval 1.000000.
Row 2: prop_or_datatype rgbcolor value -0.100000 is less than minval 0.000000.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.1
block1 green -0.1


Only the specific invalid edges were rejected.

Colored Blocks: Missing Property: Grouped

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-red.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-red.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv \
     --process-node1-groups True
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
Node 'block2': Property or datatype 'rgbcolor' requires red.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0


The default value for --process-node1-groups is True. The option was included on the command line as an explicit contrast to the ungrouped example.


The entire block2 group of edges was rejected.

Colored Blocks: Missing Property: Ungrouped

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-red.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-red.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv \
     --process-node1-groups False
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Node 'block2': Property or datatype 'rgbcolor' requires red.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id


The missing property was detected. However, the remainingblock2 edges were not rejected, since they individually passed validation.


A future enhancement will add an optional output file that lists the node1 values with validation errors.

Colored Blocks: Too Many Values

In the following example, block has two red values attributed to it.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-multiple-values.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 0.0
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-multiple-values.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Property or datatype 'red' occured 2 times for node1 'block1', maximum is 1.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 0.0
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0

Colored Blocks: Missing Property Class

In this example, one of the blocks is missing its rgbcolor properties.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-rgbcolor.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block1 shape cube
block2 shape cylinder
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-missing-rgbcolor.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block1 shape cube
Property or datatype 'colorclass' did not occur for node1 'block2'.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 shape cylinder

Colored Blocks: Prohibited Class Co-occurance

In this example, one of the blocks nas both rgbcolor and colorname. Only one of the two is allowed.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-prohibited-colorname.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block1 colorname red
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-prohibited-colorname.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --reject-file rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
Node 'block1': Property or datatype 'rgbcolor' prohibits colorname.
kgtk cat -i rejects.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block1 colorname red

Colored Blocks: Good Named Colors

The colorname values must match one of the names on a list in the pattern file.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-good-colornames.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block3 colorname red
block4 colorname green
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-good-colornames.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file -
node1 label node2 id
block3 colorname red
block4 colorname green

Colored Blocks: Unknown Color Name

The color mauve is not a known color name.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-color-mauve.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block3 colorname red
block4 colorname mauve
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-color-mauve.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file -
node1 label node2 id
block3 colorname red
Row 2: the node2 value 'mauve' is not in the list of allowed node2 values for colorname: blue|green|red|yellow

Colored Blocks: --add-isa-column Reveals Class Membership

When the --add-isa-column option is True (the default is False), a column is added to the output and reject files to display the class memberships deduced for each edge.

The default ISA column name is isa;node2. The --isa-column-name COLUMN_NAME option may be used to change that.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-mixed-types.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
block3 colorname red
block4 colorname green
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-mixed-types.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --add-isa-column --isa-column-name Classes
node1 label node2 id Classes
block1 red 1.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 green 0.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 red 0.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 green 1.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block3 colorname red colorname->colorclass
block4 colorname green colorname->colorclass

Colored Blocks: Use matches Instead of isa

Instead of declaring that a subclass isa superclass, you can say superclass matches .

Here is a pattern file using matches:

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-matches.tsv
node1 label node2 id
red property True
red maxoccurs 1
green property True
green maxoccurs 1
blue property True
blue maxoccurs 1
rgbcolor datatype True
rgbcolor node1_type symbol
rgbcolor node2_type number
rgbcolor minval 0.0
rgbcolor maxval 1.0
rgbcolor matches "red\|green\|blue"
rgbcolor requires red
rgbcolor requires green
rgbcolor requires blue
rgbcolor isa colorclass
rgbcolor prohibits colorname
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorname node1_type symbol
colorname node2_type symbol
colorname node2_values red
colorname node2_values green
colorname node2_values blue
colorname node2_values yellow
colorclass mustoccur True
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-mixed-types.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-matches.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --add-isa-column --isa-column-name Classes
node1 label node2 id Classes
block1 red 1.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 green 0.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 red 0.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 green 1.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block3 colorname red colorname->colorclass
block4 colorname green colorname->colorclass

Colored Blocks: Multiple Inheritance

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-with-shapes.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 cube True
block1 red 1.0
block1 green 0.0
block1 blue 0.0
block2 red 0.0
block2 green 1.0
block2 blue 0.0
block2 sphere True
block3 red 0.0
block3 green 0.0
block3 blue 1.0
block3 cone True
block4 red 1.0
block4 green 1.0
block4 blue 0.0
block4 pyramid True
kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-with-shapes.tsv
node1 label node2 id
red property True
red isa rgbcolor
red maxoccurs 1
green property True
green isa rgbcolor
green maxoccurs 1
blue property True
blue isa rgbcolor
blue maxoccurs 1
rgbcolor datatype True
rgbcolor node1_type symbol
rgbcolor node2_type number
rgbcolor minval 0.0
rgbcolor maxval 1.0
rgbcolor requires red
rgbcolor requires green
rgbcolor requires blue
rgbcolor isa colorclass
rgbcolor prohibits colorname
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorname node1_type symbol
colorname node2_type symbol
colorname node2_values red
colorname node2_values green
colorname node2_values blue
colorname node2_values yellow
colorclass mustoccur True
cube property True
cube isa boxshape
cone property True
cone isa pointyshape
cone isa roundshape
sphere property True
sphere isa roundshape
pyramid property True
pyramid isa pointyshape
cylinder property True
cylinder isa roundshape
boxshape datatype True
boxshape isa shape
pointyshape datatype True
pointyshape isa shape
roundshape datatype True
roundshape isa shape
shape datatype True
shape mustoccur True
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-with-shapes.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-with-shapes.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --add-isa-column --isa-column-name Classes
node1 label node2 id Classes
block1 cube True cube->boxshape->shape
block1 red 1.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 green 0.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block1 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 red 0.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 green 1.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block2 sphere True sphere->roundshape->shape
block3 red 0.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block3 green 0.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block3 blue 1.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block3 cone True cone->(pointyshape->shape, roundshape->shape)
block4 red 1.0 red->rgbcolor->colorclass
block4 green 1.0 green->rgbcolor->colorclass
block4 blue 0.0 blue->rgbcolor->colorclass
block4 pyramid True pyramid->pointyshape->shape

Colored Blocks: Unordered Switch

The unordered switch statement provides class inheritance on a row-by-row basis. The first class that matches the row is selected, but there is no guarantee on the order in which the list of classes is evaluated.

In this example, the shape property has a shape name in node2. We use the node2 value in each shape edge to select a specific class.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-for-switch.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 colorname red
block1 shape cube
block2 colorname green
block2 shape sphere
block3 colorname blue
block3 shape cone
block4 colorname yellow
block4 shape pyramid
kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-unordered-switch.tsv
node1 label node2 id
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorname node1_type symbol
colorname node2_type symbol
colorname node2_values red
colorname node2_values green
colorname node2_values blue
colorname node2_values yellow
colorclass mustoccur True
shape property True
shape node1_type symbol
shape node2_type symbol
shape switch cube
shape switch cone
shape switch sphere
shape switch pyramid
shape switch cylinder
cube datatype True
cube isa boxshape
cube node2_values cube
cone datatype True
cone isa pointyshape
cone isa roundshape
cone node2_values cone
sphere datatype True
sphere isa roundshape
sphere node2_values sphere
pyramid datatype True
pyramid isa pointyshape
pyramid node2_values pyramid
cylinder datatype True
cylinder isa roundshape
cylinder node2_values cylinder
boxshape datatype True
boxshape isa shapeclass
pointyshape datatype True
pointyshape isa shapeclass
roundshape datatype True
roundshape isa shapeclass
shapeclass datatype True
shapeclass mustoccur True
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-for-switch.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-unordered-switch.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --add-isa-column --isa-column-name Classes
node1 label node2 id Classes
block1 colorname red colorname->colorclass
block1 shape cube shape->cube->boxshape->shapeclass
block2 colorname green colorname->colorclass
block2 shape sphere shape->sphere->roundshape->shapeclass
block3 colorname blue colorname->colorclass
block3 shape cone shape->cone->(pointyshape->shapeclass, roundshape->shapeclass)
block4 colorname yellow colorname->colorclass
block4 shape pyramid shape->pyramid->pointyshape->shapeclass

Colored Blocks: Ordered Switch

The ordered switch statement provides class inheritance on a row-by-row basis. The first class that matches is selected, with a guarantee on the order in which the list is evaluated.

In this example, the shape property has a shape name in node2. We use the node2 value in each shape edge to select a specific class.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-for-switch.tsv
node1 label node2 id
block1 colorname red
block1 shape cube
block2 colorname green
block2 shape sphere
block3 colorname blue
block3 shape cone
block4 colorname yellow
block4 shape pyramid
kgtk cat -i examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-ordered-switch.tsv
node1 label node2 id
colorname property True
colorname isa colorclass
colorname node1_type symbol
colorname node2_type symbol
colorname node2_values red
colorname node2_values green
colorname node2_values blue
colorname node2_values yellow
colorclass mustoccur True
shape property True
shape node1_type symbol
shape node2_type symbol
shape switch shapetest1
shapetest1 isa cube
shapetest1 nextcase shapetest2
shapetest2 isa cone
shapetest2 nextcase shapetest3
shapetest3 isa sphere
shapetest3 nextcase shapetest4
shapetest4 isa pyramid
shapetedt4 nextcase shapetest5
shapetest5 isa cylinder
cube datatype True
cube isa boxshape
cube node2_values cube
cone datatype True
cone isa pointyshape
cone isa roundshape
cone node2_values cone
sphere datatype True
sphere isa roundshape
sphere node2_values sphere
pyramid datatype True
pyramid isa pointyshape
pyramid node2_values pyramid
cylinder datatype True
cylinder isa roundshape
cylinder node2_values cylinder
boxshape datatype True
boxshape isa shapeclass
pointyshape datatype True
pointyshape isa shapeclass
roundshape datatype True
roundshape isa shapeclass
shapeclass datatype True
shapeclass mustoccur True
kgtk validate-properties \
     --input-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-for-switch.tsv \
     --pattern-file examples/docs/valprop-colored-blocks-pattern-ordered-switch.tsv \
     --output-file - \
     --add-isa-column --isa-column-name Classes
node1 label node2 id Classes
block1 colorname red colorname->colorclass
block1 shape cube shape->shapetest1->cube->boxshape->shapeclass
block2 colorname green colorname->colorclass
block2 shape sphere shape->shapetest3->sphere->roundshape->shapeclass
block3 colorname blue colorname->colorclass
block3 shape cone shape->shapetest2->cone->(pointyshape->shapeclass, roundshape->shapeclass)
block4 colorname yellow colorname->colorclass
block4 shape pyramid shape->shapetest4->pyramid->pointyshape->shapeclass