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Import the entire ATOMIC knowledge graph into KGTK format.


ATOMIC (Sap et al., 2019) is a recently constructed knowledge graph of common sense statements for events. It consists of over 700k statements that describe 24k base events with 9 relations. The knowledge covered in ATOMIC expresses event causality and implications on their (human) participants. Since its creation, ATOMIC has been a common resource in KG-augmented downstream reasoning systems, built for tasks such as question answering or natural language inference.


usage: kgtk import-atomic [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for

Obtaining the data

ATOMIC can be downloaded here. The KGTK importer uses its aggregated file: v4_atomic_all_agg.csv.


Import ATOMIC into KGTK.

kgtk import-atomic -i v4_atomic_all_agg.csv -o atomic.tsv

Example output (first and last 10 lines):

node1 relation node2 node1;label node2;label relation;label relation;dimension source sentence
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:avoidant "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "avoidant" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:weak "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "weak" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:hurried "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "hurried" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:late "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "late" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:tardy "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "tardy" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xAttr at:busy "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "busy" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xEffect at:she_ran_to_the_bathroom "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "she ran to the bathroom" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xEffect at:she_finally_made_it "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "she finally made it" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_'d_better_go at:xEffect at:leaves "personx \'d better go"|"\'d better go" "leaves" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xAttr at:objective "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "objective" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xAttr at:confrontational "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "confrontational" "person x has attribute" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xEffect at:stumble_over_someone_else "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "stumble over someone else" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xEffect at:gets_hurt "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "gets hurt" "effect on person x""AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xEffect at:misses_an_opportunity "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "misses an opportunity" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xEffect at:learns_a_valuable_lesson "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "learns a valuable lesson" "effect on person x" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xReact at:regretful "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "regretful" "person x feels" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xReact at:like_he_did_the_wrong_thing "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag"like he did the wrong thing, he should have zagged" "person x feels" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xWant at:to_sit_down_and_rest "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "to sit down and rest" "person x wants" "AT"
at:personx_zig_when_personx_shoulds_zag at:xWant at:to_find_out_their_time_in_the_race "personx zig when personx shoulds zag"|"zig when shoulds zag" "to find out their time in the race" "person x wants" "AT"