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Import the entire ConceptNet, or just its English part, into KGTK format. Weights could optionally be stored in an auxiliary KGTK file.


usage: kgtk import-conceptnet [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [--english_only]
                              [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--weights-file WEIGHTS_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --english_only        Only english conceptnet?
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --weights-file WEIGHTS_FILE
                        A KGTK output file that will contain only the weights.
                        (Optional, use '-' for stdout.)


Import the English part of ConceptNet into KGTK. Don't import the weights.

kgtk import-conceptnet --english_only -i examples/conceptnet-assertions-5.7.0.csv -o conceptnet_en.tsv

Example output (first and last 10 lines):

node1 relation node2 node1;label node2;label relation;label relation;dimension source sentence
/c/en/0/n /r/Antonym /c/en/1 "0" "1" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/12_hour_clock/n /r/Antonym /c/en/24_hour_clock "12 hour clock" "24 hour clock" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/24_hour_clock/n /r/Antonym /c/en/12_hour_clock "24 hour clock" "12 hour clock" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/5/n /r/Antonym /c/en/3 "5" "3" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/a.c/n /r/Antonym /c/en/d.c "a.c" "d.c" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/a.m/r /r/Antonym /c/en/afternoon "a.m" "afternoon" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/a.m/r /r/Antonym /c/en/p.m "a.m" "p.m" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/a.m/r /r/Antonym /c/en/pm "a.m" "pm" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/ab_extra/r /r/Antonym /c/en/ab_intra "ab extra" "ab intra" "antonym" "CN"
/c/en/xebec/n/wp/studio /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/film "xebec" "film" "product" "CN"
/c/en/xerox /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/image_scanner "xerox" "image scanner" "product" "CN"
/c/en/xerox /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/management_consulting "xerox" "management consulting" "product" "CN"
/c/en/xerox /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/outsourcing "xerox" "outsourcing" "product" "CN"
/c/en/xerox /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/printer/n/wp/computing "xerox" "printer" "product" "CN"
/c/en/xerox /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/projector "xerox" "projector" "product" "CN"
/c/en/zanella /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/moped "zanella" "moped" "product" "CN"
/c/en/zanella /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/motorcycle "zanella" "motorcycle" "product" "CN"
/c/en/zara/n/wp/retailer /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/clothing "zara" "clothing" "product" "CN"
/c/en/zeeman/n/wp/store /r/dbpedia/product /c/en/clothing "zeeman" "clothing" "product" "CN"