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The generate-wikidata-triples command generates triple files from a kgtk file. The generated triple files can then be loaded into a triple store directly.

The triple generator reads a tab-separated kgtk file from standard input, by default, or a given file. The kgtk file is required to have at least the following 4 fields: node1, label, node2 and id. The node1 field is the subject; label is the predicate and node2 is the object.


usage: kgtk generate-wikidata-triples [-h] [-lp LABELS] [-ap ALIASES]
                                      [-dp DESCRIPTIONS] [-pf PROPERTY_FILE]
                                      [-pd [True|False]] [-n N]
                                      [-gt [True|False]] [-w [True|False]]
                                      [-sid [True|False]] [-log LOG_PATH]
                                      [-prefix PREFIX_PATH]
                                      [--error-action ERROR_ACTION]
                                      [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

Generating Wikidata triples.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -lp LABELS, --label-property LABELS
                        property identifiers which will create labels,
                        separated by comma','.
  -ap ALIASES, --alias-property ALIASES
                        alias identifiers which will create labels, separated
                        by comma','.
  -dp DESCRIPTIONS, --description-property DESCRIPTIONS
                        description identifiers which will create labels,
                        separated by comma','.
  -pf PROPERTY_FILE, --property-file PROPERTY_FILE
                        path to the file which contains the property datatype
                        mapping in kgtk format.
  -pd [True|False], --property-declaration-in-file [True|False]
                        whether read properties in the kgtk file. If set to
                        yes, use `cat input.tsv input.tsv` to pipe the input
                        file twice
  -n N, --output-n-lines N
                        output triples approximately every {n} lines of
                        reading stdin.
  -gt [True|False], --generate-truthy [True|False]
                        the default is to not generate truthy triples. Specify
                        this option to generate truthy triples.
  -w [True|False], --warning [True|False]
                        if specified, warn various kinds of exceptions and
                        mistakes and log them to a log file with line number
                        in input file, rather than stopping. logging
  -sid [True|False], --use-id [True|False]
                        if set to yes, the id in the edge will be used as
                        statement id when creating statement or truthy
  -log LOG_PATH, --log-path LOG_PATH
                        set the path of the log file
  -prefix PREFIX_PATH, --prefix-path PREFIX_PATH
                        set the path of the prefix kgtk file that provides
                        customized uri prefix binding
  --error-action ERROR_ACTION
                        Defines the command behavior in case there are errors
                        in execution, [log|raise]. 'log': log the errors to a
                        log file and continue, 'raise': raise exception and
                        quit. Default: 'log'
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output triples file path. (May be omitted or '-' for

cat input.tsv | kgtk generate-wikidata-triples OPTIONS > output.ttl
kgtk generate_wikidata_triples OPTIONS < input.tsv > output.ttl


kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -i input.tsv > output.ttl

Quick effect overview

The following tsv file is a minimal sample input.tsv file.

node1 label node2 id
Q2140726727_mag_author P6366 2140726727 id1
Q2140726727_mag_author label Zunyou Wu@en id2
Q2140726727_mag_author P1416 Q184490438_mag_affiliation id3
Q184490438_mag_affiliation label Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention@en id4

The generated triple file (without prefix) is below. The built-in prefix can be found here.

rdfs:label "Zunyou Wu"@en ;
schema:name "Zunyou Wu"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Zunyou Wu"@en ;
p:P1416 wds:Q2140726727_mag_author-abcdefg ;
p:P6366 wds:Q2140726727_mag_author-abcdefg ;
wdt:P1416 wd:Q184490438_mag_affiliation ;
wdt:P6366 "2140726727"^^xsd:string .

generate-wikidata-triples currently supports qualifiers. Reuse the id of an edge as next edge's node1, then this next edge will be treated as a qualifier for previous edge. For example, the following sample input is legitmate.

node1 label node2 id
Q1 P1 Q2 id1
id1 P2 Q3 id3
id1 P3 Q4 id4
Q2 P5 "string"@en id5

However, the following sample input is not legal and will be converted to incorrect triples..

node1 label node2 id
Q1 P1 Q2 id1
id1 P2 Q3 id2
Q2 P5 "string"@en id3
id1 P3 Q4 id4

generate_wikidata_triples is memoryless, the qualifers has to follow the statement immediately. In the example above, the id1 (in column node1) in 5th line will be treated as a new subject rather than an id of previous statement. Users should sort the kgtk file in a way such that qualifiers follow corresponding statement immediately. This can be done by creating meaningful ids.


  • --pf --property-types {str}: path to the property file which contains the property datatype mapping in kgtk format. Default to NONE
  • -lp --label-property {str}: property identifiers which will create labels, separated by comma','. Default to label.
  • -ap --alias-property {str}: alias identifiers which will create labels, separated by comma','. Default to aliase.
  • -dp --description-property {str}: description identifiers which will create labels, separated by comma','. Default to description.
  • -gt --generate-truthy {bool}: the default is to not generate truthy triples. Specify this option to generate truthy triples. Default to yes.
  • -w --warning {bool}: if set to yes, warn various kinds of exceptions and mistakes and log them to a log file with line number in input file. Default to no.
  • -n --output-n-lines {number}: output triples approximately every {n} lines of reading stdin. Default to 1000.
  • -gz --use-gz {bool}: if set to yes, read from compressed gz file. Default to no.
  • -sid --use-id {bool}: if set to yes, the id in the edge will be used as statement id when creating statement or truthy statement. Default to no.
  • -log --log-path {str}: set the path of the log file. Default to warning.log.
  • -pd --property-declaration-in-file {bool}: wehther read properties in the kgtk file. If set to yes, use cat input.tsv input.tsv to pipe the input file twice. Default to no.
  • -i --input-file {str}: if this argument is set, kgtk will read from the input file rather than default standard input. If pd is also set to yes, the file will be loopped twice.
  • -prefix --prefix-file {path} a path to the prefix kgtk file that contains the mapping information.

Shared Options

  • --debug run the command in debug mode.

Explanation of Options


If set to true, read proprty data_type information from the property file following the format below. It is also a kgtk file. Here is an example file example_prop.tsv

node1 label node2
P493 property_type external-identifier
P494 property_type external-identifier
P495 property_type item
P496 property_type external-identifier
P497 property_type external-identifier
P498 property_type external-identifier
P500 property_type item
P501 property_type item
P502 property_type string

The header line is necessary. If property P493 is used in the input kgtk file, then the edge P493 data_value external-identifier must exists in the example_prop.tsv to tell triple generator that the object of P493 is an external-identifier. On another hand If p495 is used in the input kgtk file, then the object of P495 will be treated as an entity.

Currently the following datatypes are supported. The complete list of possible data types can be found here.

  1. Item
  2. Quantity
  3. Globe-coordinate
  4. Time
  5. Monolingualtext
  6. Url
  7. External identifier
  8. String
  9. Property

In ETK, the possible property types are defined here.


If -gt --generate-truthy set to True, the statement will be truthy. Truthy statements will have an additional spo with propert prefix wdt.


If set to yes, triple generation errors according to specific line will be written to the warning.log file or specified path by -log.


n controls after how many lines of reading the standard input, To achieve optimal performance, you can set n larger to reduce overhead of creating knowledge graph object and frequent serialization. However, large n also requires larger memory.


Use compressed file as input.


If --use-id is set to true, the id column of the kgtk file will be used as the statement id if the corresponding edge is a statement edge. It is the user's responsiblity to make sure there is no duplicated statement id across the whole knowledge graph then.


If using -log, the warning -w must be set to true.


If set to yes, besides reading properties from property file, the generator will read from the input stream to find new properties. The user MUST use cat input.tsv input.tsv | kgtk generate-wikidata-triples.


If set to a path to a file, kgtk will not read from standard input but open the given file and read from it.


prefix allows one to specific a prefix file which contains the desired mapping from prefix to exapanded prefix. For example, prefix.tsv is such a file as below where p is rebounded.

node1 bound node2
p bound_to
pr bound_to
wd bound_to

To use it:

cat input.tsv | kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -prefix prefix.tsv -pf prop_file.tsv -w yes --debug -n 1000

How triple generator handles different types of edges

label, aliases and descriptions

-lp, -ap, -dp defines properties that triple generator should identify as label, description or aliases creation. There can be multiple choices separated by ,.

For example, if you have -ap aliases,alias, then when the following edge is met, both Alice and Alicia will be treated as aliases to the node Q2020.

node1 label node2 id
Q2020 aliases Alice@en id1
Q2020 alias Alicia@sp id2

Another example for label:

node1 label node2 id
Q123 label ‘Hello’@en id1

The triple will be:

wd:Q123 rdfs:label "Hello"@en . 
wd:Q123 skos:prefLabel "Hello"@en . 
wd:Q123 schema:name "Hello"@en .

label should be unique for the same language.

Property declaration in input kgtk file

User can also define properties in the input kgtk file with the following syntax. The data_type syntax indicates a new property is defined. Note that any usage of P20200101 must appear after the definition in the kgtk file or P20200101 will be incorrectly treated as item.

node1 label node2
P20200101 data_type string

Regular Edges

Regular edges will be generated according to the data type of the property defined in the property file.


Standard Usage

  1. If properties are only defined in example_prop.tsv

kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -pf example_prop.tsv -w yes < input_file.tsv > output_file.ttl
1. If properties are only defined in input_file.tsv

cat input_file.tsv | kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -w yes -pd yes > output_file.ttl
1. If properties are defined in both files.
cat input_file.tsv | kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -pf example_prop.tsv -w yes -pd yes > output_file.ttl

Parallel Usage

You can split the input files into several smaller pieces and run the command simultaneuously.

Let's say you are in a directory which contains the tsv files. The following command will generate the ttl files with the same file name.

ls *tsv | parallel -j+0 --eta 'kgtk generate_wikidata_triples -pf example_props.tsv -n 1000 --debug -gt yes < {} > {.}.ttl'

Splitting a large tsv file into small tsv files directly may make qualifier edges statementless and cause serious mistake. Do make sure the splited files start with an statement edge rather than qualifier edge. The header node1 label node2 id needs to be inserted back at the beginning of splited files as well.