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kgtk unreify-rdf-statements simplifies data while copying a KGTK file from input to output, by removing extra nodes caused by RDF statement reification.

For example, consider the edges in the following table that result from importing an AIDA TA1 ntriples file:

Input Table:

node1 label node2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1:
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:object gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:predicate nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:subject gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:type rdf:Statement

The output of kgtk unreify-rdf-statements is below. The unified table is easier to understand as it clearly signals that we have an event and we know the place where the attack occured. The secondary edges qualify the main edge, giving us context.

Output Table:

id node1 label node2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72 nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-1 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-2 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-3 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1:


Input File

The input file is a KGTK file containing reified RDF data (among other records), such as might have been imported from an ntriples file (see kgtk import-ntriples).

node1 label node2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:type rdf:Statement
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:object gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:predicate nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:subject gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1:

Output File

The output file contains the KGTK data from the input file, with reified RDF statements and associated edges replaced with an unreified RDF edge and secondary edges.

node1 label node2 id
gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72 nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-1
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1: XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-3

An id column is added to the output file if it is not present in the input file. This is used to link secondary edges to the newly reconstituted unreified edge.

At the present time, kgtk unreify-rdf-statements does not generate id values for other edges in the file. This feature may be added in the future.

The edges in the output file are not likely to be in the same order as they appeared in the input file. If you wish to compare the input to the output files, read the section below on Difference Comparison.

Reified File

This optional file will receive a copy of just the input data records that matched the reified RDF statement pattern. The records are the same as they were in the input file, e.g., an id column might not be present.

Unreified File

This optional file will receive a copy of just the output records that were generated by by unreifying RDF statements in the input file. The records in this file will be in the output file's format, e.g., an id column will be present.

Uninvolved File

This optional file will receive a copy of the input data records that did not match the reified RDF statement pattern. The records are the same as they were in the input file, e.g., an id column might not be present.

Pattern Match Parameters

kgtk unreify-rdf-statements has a built-in set of pattern match parameters that will not change for normal operation. All pattern matches reference the usual node1, label, and node2 columns or their aliases; there are no options to override the column names.

The Difference Comparison section, below, describes one use case in which overriding the pattern match parameters can be beneficial.

  --trigger-label TRIGGER_LABEL_VALUE
                        A value that identifies the trigger label. (default=rdf:type).
  --trigger-node2 TRIGGER_NODE2_VALUE
                        A value that identifies the trigger node2. (default=rdf:Statement).
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2 value that will
                        serve in the node1 role. (default=rdf:subject).
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2 value that will
                        serve in the label role. (default=rdf:predicate).
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2 value that will
                        serve in the node2 role. (default=rdf:object).

Cartesian Crossproduct

kgtk unreify-rdf-statements processes multiple subject, predicates, and/or objects in the reified input edges by generating one set of unreified edges (both the unreified data edge and any secondary edges) for each combination of (subject, predicate, object). This processing may be disabled by options to disallow multiple subjects, multiple predicates, and multiple objects.

When processing of multiple subjects, predicates, or objects has been disabled, and multiple subjects, predicates, or objects are encountered in the input stream, a warning message will be issued (if --verbose output is enabled) and the group of input data will not be unreified.

  --allow-multiple-subjects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS]
                        When true, allow multiple subjects, resulting in a cartesian
                        product. (default=True).
  --allow-multiple-predicates [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PREDICATES]
                        When true, allow multiple predicates, resulting in a cartesian
                        product. (default=True).
  --allow-multiple-objects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS]
                        When true, allow multiple objects, resulting in a cartesian product.

Broken Edges

Unless a Cartesian Crossproduct is being generated, kgtk unreify-rdf-statements uses the node1 value of an input reified RDF statement ("XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3") as the edge id of the output unreified RDF edge record, and as the node1 value of the secondary edges. If for some reason there are other edges that refer to this symbol ("XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3") in the label or node2 columns, or in extra columns, they will retain linkage to the unreified edges.

If a Cartesian Crossproduct is being generated, then the node1 value of the input reified RDF statement as the base for the id and node1 values used in the generated edges:


The width of the suffix is adjusted for the number of crossproduct edges being generated, i.e. if more than 9 edges were being generated, they would use these id and node1 values:


These generated edge and node1 values are designed to keep the generated reified edges and secondary edges in proximity when sorted by id, whether Cartesian Crossproducts are being generated or not. However, when Cartesian Crossproducts are being generated, then the new id and node1 values cannot be as easily linked to esternal nodes referencing them.

Difference Comparison

kgtk unreify-rdf-statements sorts its input data as part of detecting reified RDF statements. Thus, attempting to look for changes between the input file and the output file using an ordinary difference utility is not likely to be fruitful. Instead, employ the following strategy:

  • add an ID column to the input data if it does not already have one, using kgtk add-id
  • Perhaps without generating ID values, to remove clutter.
  • kgtk add-id --id-style=empty
  • sort the resulting data using kgtk unreify-rdf-statements with a disabled pattern match parameter.
  • kgtk unreify-rdf-statements --trigger-label=XXX -o output1.tsv
  • Apply kgtk unreify-rdf-statements a second time without disabling the pattern match.
  • kgtk unreify-rdf-statements -o output2.tsv
  • Compare the two output files.


usage: kgtk unreify-rdf-statements [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                                   [--reified-file REIFIED_FILE]
                                   [--unreified-file UNREIFIED_FILE]
                                   [--uninvolved-file UNINVOLVED_FILE]
                                   [--trigger-label TRIGGER_LABEL_VALUE]
                                   [--trigger-node2 TRIGGER_NODE2_VALUE]
                                   [--node1-role RDF_SUBJECT_LABEL_VALUE]
                                   [--label-role RDF_PREDICATE_LABEL_VALUE]
                                   [--node2-role RDF_OBJECT_LABEL_VALUE]
                                   [--allow-multiple-subjects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS]]
                                   [--allow-multiple-predicates [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PREDICATES]]
                                   [--allow-multiple-objects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS]]
                                   [-v [optional True|False]]

Read a KGTK file, such as might have been created by importing an ntriples file.  Search for reified RFD statements and transform them into an unreified form.

An ID column will be added to the output file if not present in the input file.  

--reified-file PATH, if specified, will get a copy of the input records that were identified as reified RDF statements. 

--uninvolved-file PATH, if specified, will get a copy of the input records that were  identified as not being reified RDF statements. 

--unreified-file PATH, if specified, will get a copy of the unreified output records, which  will still be written to the main output file.

Additional options are shown in expert help.
kgtk --expert unreify-rdb-statements --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file with the reified data. (May be
                        omitted or '-' for stdin.)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --reified-file REIFIED_FILE
                        A KGTK output file that will contain only the reified
                        RDF statements. (Optional, use '-' for stdout.)
  --unreified-file UNREIFIED_FILE
                        A KGTK output file that will contain only the
                        unreified RDF statements. (Optional, use '-' for
  --uninvolved-file UNINVOLVED_FILE
                        A KGTK output file that will contain only the
                        uninvolved input. (Optional, use '-' for stdout.)
  --trigger-label TRIGGER_LABEL_VALUE
                        A value that identifies the trigger label.
  --trigger-node2 TRIGGER_NODE2_VALUE
                        A value that identifies the trigger node2.
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2
                        value that will serve in the node1 role.
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2
                        value that will serve in the label role.
                        The label that identifies the edge with the node2
                        value that will serve in the node2 role.
  --allow-multiple-subjects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS]
                        When true, allow multiple subjects, resulting in a
                        cartesian product. (default=True).
  --allow-multiple-predicates [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PREDICATES]
                        When true, allow multiple predicates, resulting in a
                        cartesian product. (default=True).
  --allow-multiple-objects [ALLOW_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS]
                        When true, allow multiple objects, resulting in a
                        cartesian product. (default=True).

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).


Example 1

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/unreify-rdf-statements-file1.tsv
node1 label node2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1:
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:object gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:predicate nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:subject gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 rdf:type rdf:Statement
kgtk unreify-rdf-statements -i examples/docs/unreify-rdf-statements-file1.tsv
node1 label node2 id
gaia:relations/d3e1e4df-6c8c-4fd1-8b93-ee49ef238f72 nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-3:Physical.LocatedNear_Place gaia:entities/d1dcefce-badf-4948-bfcf-5d33116fa12c XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:confidence XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g4 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-1
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:justifiedBy XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g5 XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-2
XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3 ont:system nJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY-1: XJAABmv8vGfJZZasjV6DAXY:g3-3

Example 2

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/unreify-rdf-statements-file2.tsv
node1 label node2
_:g2301 ont:confidence _:g2302
_:g2301 ont:justifiedBy _:g2303
_:g2301 ont:system rpi1:
_:g2301 rdf:object entity:c6f32b90-6038-40c0-97e4-6d3f7fd76c03
_:g2301 rdf:predicate ldc:Movement.TransportPerson.SelfMotion_Transporter
_:g2301 rdf:subject event:03a41b2b-e0ef-42f9-a192-433e0abc3a70
_:g2301 rdf:type rdf:Statement
_:g3910 ont:confidence _:g3911
_:g3910 ont:justifiedBy _:g3912
_:g3910 ont:system rpi1:
_:g3910 rdf:object entity:fcb78e77-4962-4fca-977b-aea84bfa3ddd
_:g3910 rdf:predicate ldc:Movement.TransportPerson.SelfMotion_Destination
_:g3910 rdf:subject event:03a41b2b-e0ef-42f9-a192-433e0abc3a70
_:g3910 rdf:type rdf:Statement
kgtk unreify-rdf-statements -i examples/docs/unreify-rdf-statements-file2.tsv
node1 label node2 id
event:03a41b2b-e0ef-42f9-a192-433e0abc3a70 ldc:Movement.TransportPerson.SelfMotion_Transporter entity:c6f32b90-6038-40c0-97e4-6d3f7fd76c03 _:g2301
_:g2301 ont:confidence _:g2302 _:g2301-1
_:g2301 ont:justifiedBy _:g2303 _:g2301-2
_:g2301 ont:system rpi1: _:g2301-3
event:03a41b2b-e0ef-42f9-a192-433e0abc3a70 ldc:Movement.TransportPerson.SelfMotion_Destination entity:fcb78e77-4962-4fca-977b-aea84bfa3ddd _:g3910
_:g3910 ont:confidence _:g3911 _:g3910-1
_:g3910 ont:justifiedBy _:g3912 _:g3910-2
_:g3910 ont:system rpi1: _:g3910-3