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The explode command copies its input file to its output file, exploding one column (normally node2) into separate columns for each structured subfield.


kgtk implode is the inverse of kgtk explode.

Exploding a Multivalue (List) Cell

If a cell in the column being exploded contains a list, that record is optionally expanded into multiple records before explosion, with all other columns copied-as is.

Data Type Selection

By default, all KGTK data types are exploded. The --types option allows the user to specify the set of data types to explode. Each data type is exploded into one or more columns. Some columns, such as text, are shared between data types (e.g., string and language qualified string).

Field-level Control

In expert help mode, the --fields option is presented. It may be used to specify a list of fields to extract, including finer grained fields, such as individual fields for the year, month, and day of dates.


Either --types or --fields may be used, but not both.

KGTK Data Types and Fields

This table shows the fields (without the prefix value, normally node2;kgtk:) that are created for each KGTK data type.

Data Type Default Fields Additional Fields
boolean valid truth
date_and_times valid date_and_time precision date time year yearstr monthstr month daystr day hourstr hour minutesstr minutes secondsstr seconds zonestr precisionstr iso8601extended
empty valid
language_qualified_string valid text language language_suffix
list valid list_len
location_coordinates valid latitude longitude latitudestr longitudestr
number valid number numberstr
quantity valid number low_tolerance high_tolerance si_units units_node numberstr los_tolerancestr high_tolerancestr
string valid text
symbol valid symbol

KGTK Data Fields

Field Name Format Data Type Comments
data_type sym (all) This field identifies the KGTK data type of the item being exploded.
date str date_and_times The date (year/month/day) section of an ISO 8601 date and time item.
date_and_time str date_and_times The ISO 8601 date and time string, excluding the KGTK date-and-tmes sigil (^) and the optional precision suffix.
day int date_and_times The day of the month of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an integer. 1-31
daystr str date_and_times The day of the month of an ISO 8610 date and time item as a sting with a leading zero if needed.
high_tolerance num quantity The upper end of the tolerance range of a KGTK quantity, as a floating point number.
high_tolerancestr str quantity The upper end of the tolerance range of a KGTK quantity, as a string.
hour int date_and_times The hour of the dat of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an integer. 0-24
hourstr str date_and_times The hour of the dat of an ISO 8601 date and time item as a string with a leading zero if needed.
iso8601extended bool date_and_times A boolean indicating whether or not an ISO 8601 date and time item has internal field separators (- and :).
language sym date and times A language code from a KGTK date and times item, without the @ separator and without the optional language suffix. This is typically a 2- and 3-character ISO 639-3 or ISO 639-5 code, although other codes are possible.
language_suffix sym date_and_times A language code suffix, including the suffix separator (typically -).
latitude num location_coordinates A latitude, validly limited to the interval [-90 .. 90], as a floating point number.
latitudestr str location_coordinates A latitude, validly limited to the interval[-90 .. 90], as a string.
list_len int list The number of items in a multivalued (list, |) cell.
longitude num location_coordinates A longitude, validly limited to the interval [-180 .. 1800], as a floating point number.
longitudestr str location_coordinates A longitude, validly limited to the interval [-180 .. 1800], as a string.
low_tolerance num quantity The lower end of the tolerance range of a KGTK quantity, as a floating point number.
low_tolerancestr str quantity The lower end of the tolerance range of a KGTK quantity, as a string.
minutes int date_and_times The minutes of the hour of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an integer. 0-59
minutesstr str date_and_times The minutes of the hour of an ISO 8601 date and time item as a string.
month int date_and_times The month of the year of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an integer. 1-12
monthstr str date_and_times The month of the year of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an string.
number num number quantity The numeric part of a KGTK number or quantity data type, as a floating point number.
numberstr str number quantity The numeric part of a KGTK number or quantity data type, as a string.
precision int date_and_times A code indicating the precision of the value. Currently 0 to 19, without the / separator, as an integer.
precisionstr str date_and_times A code indicating the precision of the value. Currently 0 to 19, without the / separator, as a string.
seconds int date_and_times The seconds of the minute of an ISO 8601 date and time item as an integer. Fractional seconds are not supported.
secondsstr str date_and_times The seconds of the minute of an ISO 8601 date and time item as a string. Fractional seconds are not supported.
si_units sym quantity A dimensional pattern using SI units.
symbol sym symbol A named symbol.
text str language_qualified_string string The text contents of a string or language qualified string.
time str date_and_times The time (hour/minute/second) section of an ISO 8601 date and time item.
truth bool boolean The value of a boolean item.
units_node sym quantity A generalized Wikipedia node symbol, which may be used an alternative dimensional identifier.
valid bool (all) An indicator of whether the item is a valid KGTK value representation.
year int date_and_times The year of an ISO 8601 date and time string as an integer. May be negative.
yearstr str date_and_times The year of an ISO 8601 date and time string as a string. May be negative.
zonestr str date_and_times The time zone portion of an ISO 8601 date and time string. May start with + or -.


usage: kgtk explode [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                    [--column COLUMN_NAME]
                    [--types [{empty,list,number,quantity,string,language_qualified_string,location_coordinates,date_and_times,extension,boolean,symbol} ...]]
                    [--prefix PREFIX] [--overwrite [True|False]]
                    [--expand [True|False]] [--show-data-types [True|False]]
                    [--show-field-names [True|False]]
                    [--show-field-formats [True|False]]
                    [--output-format {csv,html,html-compact,json,json-map,json-map-compact,jsonl,jsonl-map,jsonl-map-compact,kgtk,md,table,tsv,tsv-csvlike,tsv-unquoted,tsv-unquoted-ep}]
                    [-v [optional True|False]]

Copy a KGTK file, exploding one column (usually node2) into seperate columns for each subfield. If a cell in the column being exploded contains a list, that record is optionally expanded into multiple records before explosion, with all other columns copied-as is.

Additional options are shown in expert help.
kgtk --expert explode --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --column COLUMN_NAME  The name of the column to explode. (default=node2).
  --types [{empty,list,number,quantity,string,language_qualified_string,location_coordinates,date_and_times,extension,boolean,symbol} ...]
                        The KGTK data types for which fields should be
                        exploded. (default=['empty', 'list', 'number',
                        'quantity', 'string', 'language_qualified_string',
                        'location_coordinates', 'date_and_times', 'extension',
                        'boolean', 'symbol']).
  --prefix PREFIX       The prefix for exploded column names.
  --overwrite [True|False]
                        Indicate that it is OK to overwrite existing columns.
  --expand [True|False]
                        When True, expand source cells that contain a lists,
                        else fail if a source cell contains a list.
  --show-data-types [True|False]
                        Print the list of data types and exit.
  --show-field-names [True|False]
                        Print the list of field names and exit.
  --show-field-formats [True|False]
                        Print the list of field names and formats, then exit.
  --output-format {csv,html,html-compact,json,json-map,json-map-compact,jsonl,jsonl-map,jsonl-map-compact,kgtk,md,table,tsv,tsv-csvlike,tsv-unquoted,tsv-unquoted-ep}
                        The file format (default=kgtk)

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).

Expert Usage

usage: kgtk explode [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                    [--column COLUMN_NAME]
                    [--types [{empty,list,number,quantity,string,language_qualified_string,location_coordinates,date_and_times,extension,boolean,symbol} ...]
                    | --fields
                    [{list_len,data_type,valid,text,decoded_text,language,language_suffix,numberstr,number,low_tolerancestr,low_tolerance,high_tolerancestr,high_tolerance,si_units,units_node,latitudestr,latitude,longitudestr,longitude,date,time,date_and_time,yearstr,year,monthstr,month,daystr,day,hourstr,hour,minutesstr,minutes,secondsstr,seconds,zonestr,precisionstr,precision,iso8601extended,truth,symbol} ...]]
                    [--prefix PREFIX] [--overwrite [True|False]]
                    [--expand [True|False]] [--show-data-types [True|False]]
                    [--show-field-names [True|False]]
                    [--show-field-formats [True|False]]
                    [--output-format {csv,html,html-compact,json,json-map,json-map-compact,jsonl,jsonl-map,jsonl-map-compact,kgtk,md,table,tsv,tsv-csvlike,tsv-unquoted,tsv-unquoted-ep}]
                    [--errors-to-stdout [optional True|False] |
                    --errors-to-stderr [optional True|False]]
                    [--show-options [optional True|False]]
                    [-v [optional True|False]]
                    [--very-verbose [optional True|False]]
                    [--column-separator COLUMN_SEPARATOR]
                    [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT]
                    [--compression-type COMPRESSION_TYPE]
                    [--error-limit ERROR_LIMIT]
                    [--use-mgzip [optional True|False]]
                    [--mgzip-threads MGZIP_THREADS]
                    [--gzip-in-parallel [optional True|False]]
                    [--gzip-queue-size GZIP_QUEUE_SIZE]
                    [--implied-label IMPLIED_LABEL]
                    [--use-graph-cache-envar [optional True|False]]
                    [--ignore-stale-graph-cache [optional True|False]]
                    [--graph-cache GRAPH_CACHE]
                    [--graph-cache-fetchmany-size GRAPH_CACHE_FETCHMANY_SIZE]
                    [--graph-cache-filter-batch-size GRAPH_CACHE_FILTER_BATCH_SIZE]
                    [--mode {NONE,EDGE,NODE,AUTO}]
                    [--input-column-names FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES [FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES ...]]
                    [--no-input-header [optional True|False]]
                    [--supply-missing-column-names [optional True|False]]
                    [--number-of-columns COUNT]
                    [--require-column-names REQUIRE_COLUMN_NAMES [REQUIRE_COLUMN_NAMES ...]]
                    [--no-additional-columns [optional True|False]]
                    [--unquote-csv-column-names [optional True|False]]
                    [--header-error-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--unsafe-column-name-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--prohibit-whitespace-in-column-names [optional True|False]]
                    [--initial-skip-count INITIAL_SKIP_COUNT]
                    [--every-nth-record EVERY_NTH_RECORD]
                    [--record-limit RECORD_LIMIT] [--tail-count TAIL_COUNT]
                    [--repair-and-validate-lines [optional True|False]]
                    [--repair-and-validate-values [optional True|False]]
                    [--blank-required-field-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--comment-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--empty-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--fill-short-lines [optional True|False]]
                    [--invalid-value-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--long-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--prohibited-list-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--short-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--truncate-long-lines [TRUNCATE_LONG_LINES]]
                    [--whitespace-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}]
                    [--additional-language-codes [ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGE_CODES ...]]
                    [--allow-lax-qnodes [ALLOW_LAX_QNODES]]
                    [--allow-language-suffixes [ALLOW_LANGUAGE_SUFFIXES]]
                    [--allow-lax-strings [ALLOW_LAX_STRINGS]]
                    [--allow-lax-lq-strings [ALLOW_LAX_LQ_STRINGS]]
                    [--allow-wikidata-lq-strings [ALLOW_WIKIDATA_LQ_STRINGS]]
                    [--require-iso8601-extended [REQUIRE_ISO8601_EXTENDED]]
                    [--force-iso8601-extended [FORCE_ISO8601_EXTENDED]]
                    [--allow-month-or-day-zero [ALLOW_MONTH_OR_DAY_ZERO]]
                    [--repair-month-or-day-zero [REPAIR_MONTH_OR_DAY_ZERO]]
                    [--allow-end-of-day [ALLOW_END_OF_DAY]]
                    [--minimum-valid-year MINIMUM_VALID_YEAR]
                    [--clamp-minimum-year [CLAMP_MINIMUM_YEAR]]
                    [--ignore-minimum-year [IGNORE_MINIMUM_YEAR]]
                    [--maximum-valid-year MAXIMUM_VALID_YEAR]
                    [--clamp-maximum-year [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_YEAR]]
                    [--ignore-maximum-year [IGNORE_MAXIMUM_YEAR]]
                    [--validate-fromisoformat [VALIDATE_FROMISOFORMAT]]
                    [--allow-lax-coordinates [ALLOW_LAX_COORDINATES]]
                    [--repair-lax-coordinates [REPAIR_LAX_COORDINATES]]
                    [--allow-out-of-range-coordinates [ALLOW_OUT_OF_RANGE_COORDINATES]]
                    [--minimum-valid-lat MINIMUM_VALID_LAT]
                    [--clamp-minimum-lat [CLAMP_MINIMUM_LAT]]
                    [--maximum-valid-lat MAXIMUM_VALID_LAT]
                    [--clamp-maximum-lat [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_LAT]]
                    [--minimum-valid-lon MINIMUM_VALID_LON]
                    [--clamp-minimum-lon [CLAMP_MINIMUM_LON]]
                    [--maximum-valid-lon MAXIMUM_VALID_LON]
                    [--clamp-maximum-lon [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_LON]]
                    [--modulo-repair-lon [MODULO_REPAIR_LON]]
                    [--escape-list-separators [ESCAPE_LIST_SEPARATORS]]

Copy a KGTK file, exploding one column (usually node2) into seperate columns for each subfield. If a cell in the column being exploded contains a list, that record is optionally expanded into multiple records before explosion, with all other columns copied-as is.

Additional options are shown in expert help.
kgtk --expert explode --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --column COLUMN_NAME  The name of the column to explode. (default=node2).
  --types [{empty,list,number,quantity,string,language_qualified_string,location_coordinates,date_and_times,extension,boolean,symbol} ...]
                        The KGTK data types for which fields should be
                        exploded. (default=['empty', 'list', 'number',
                        'quantity', 'string', 'language_qualified_string',
                        'location_coordinates', 'date_and_times', 'extension',
                        'boolean', 'symbol']).
  --fields [{list_len,data_type,valid,text,decoded_text,language,language_suffix,numberstr,number,low_tolerancestr,low_tolerance,high_tolerancestr,high_tolerance,si_units,units_node,latitudestr,latitude,longitudestr,longitude,date,time,date_and_time,yearstr,year,monthstr,month,daystr,day,hourstr,hour,minutesstr,minutes,secondsstr,seconds,zonestr,precisionstr,precision,iso8601extended,truth,symbol} ...]
                        The names of the fields to extract (overrides
                        --types). (default=None).
  --prefix PREFIX       The prefix for exploded column names.
  --overwrite [True|False]
                        Indicate that it is OK to overwrite existing columns.
  --expand [True|False]
                        When True, expand source cells that contain a lists,
                        else fail if a source cell contains a list.
  --show-data-types [True|False]
                        Print the list of data types and exit.
  --show-field-names [True|False]
                        Print the list of field names and exit.
  --show-field-formats [True|False]
                        Print the list of field names and formats, then exit.
  --output-format {csv,html,html-compact,json,json-map,json-map-compact,jsonl,jsonl-map,jsonl-map-compact,kgtk,md,table,tsv,tsv-csvlike,tsv-unquoted,tsv-unquoted-ep}
                        The file format (default=kgtk)

Error and feedback messages:
  Send error messages and feedback to stderr or stdout, control the amount of feedback and debugging messages.

  --errors-to-stdout [optional True|False]
                        Send errors to stdout instead of stderr.
  --errors-to-stderr [optional True|False]
                        Send errors to stderr instead of stdout.
  --show-options [optional True|False]
                        Print the options selected (default=False).
  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).
  --very-verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).

File options:
  Options affecting processing.

  --column-separator COLUMN_SEPARATOR
                        Column separator (default=<TAB>).
  --input-format INPUT_FORMAT
                        Specify the input format (default=None).
  --compression-type COMPRESSION_TYPE
                        Specify the compression type (default=None).
  --error-limit ERROR_LIMIT
                        The maximum number of errors to report before failing
  --use-mgzip [optional True|False]
                        Execute multithreaded gzip. (default=False).
  --mgzip-threads MGZIP_THREADS
                        Multithreaded gzip thread count. (default=3).
  --gzip-in-parallel [optional True|False]
                        Execute gzip in parallel. (default=False).
  --gzip-queue-size GZIP_QUEUE_SIZE
                        Queue size for parallel gzip. (default=1000).
  --implied-label IMPLIED_LABEL
                        When specified, imply a label colum with the specified
                        value (default=None).
  --use-graph-cache-envar [optional True|False]
                        use KGTK_GRAPH_CACHE if --graph-cache is not
                        specified. (default=True).
  --ignore-stale-graph-cache [optional True|False]
                        Ignore the graph cache if the file exists with a
                        differen size or modificatin time. (default=True).
  --graph-cache GRAPH_CACHE
                        When specified, look for input files in a graph cache.
  --graph-cache-fetchmany-size GRAPH_CACHE_FETCHMANY_SIZE
                        Graph cache transfer buffer size. (default=1000).
  --graph-cache-filter-batch-size GRAPH_CACHE_FILTER_BATCH_SIZE
                        Graph cache filter batch size. (default=1000).
                        Determine the KGTK file mode

Header parsing:
  Options affecting header parsing.

  --input-column-names FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES [FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES ...], --force-column-names FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES [FORCE_COLUMN_NAMES ...]
                        Supply input column names when the input file does not
                        have a header record (--no-input-header=True), or
                        forcibly override the column names when a header row
                        exists (--no-input-header=False) (default=None).
  --no-input-header [optional True|False]
                        When the input file does not have a header record,
                        specify --no-input-header=True and --input-column-
                        names. When the input file does have a header record
                        that you want to forcibly override, specify --input-
                        column-names and --no-input-header=False. --no-input-
                        header has no effect when --input-column-names has not
                        been specified. (default=False).
  --supply-missing-column-names [optional True|False]
                        Supply column names that are missing. (default=False).
  --number-of-columns COUNT
                        The expected number of columns in the header.
  --require-column-names REQUIRE_COLUMN_NAMES [REQUIRE_COLUMN_NAMES ...]
                        The list of column names required in the input file.
  --no-additional-columns [optional True|False]
                        When True, do not allow any column names other than
                        the required column names. When --require-column-names
                        is not specified, then disallow columns other than
                        [node1, label, node2, id] (or aliases) for an edge
                        file, and [id] for a node file. (default=False).
  --unquote-csv-column-names [optional True|False]
                        Remove double quotes from the outside of column names.
                        The action to take when a header error is detected.
                        Only ERROR or EXIT are supported
  --unsafe-column-name-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}
                        The action to take when a column name is unsafe
  --prohibit-whitespace-in-column-names [optional True|False]
                        Prohibit whitespace in column names. (default=False).

Pre-validation sampling:
  Options affecting pre-validation data line sampling.

  --initial-skip-count INITIAL_SKIP_COUNT
                        The number of data records to skip initially
                        (default=do not skip).
  --every-nth-record EVERY_NTH_RECORD
                        Pass every nth record (default=pass all records).
  --record-limit RECORD_LIMIT
                        Limit the number of records read (default=no limit).
  --tail-count TAIL_COUNT
                        Pass this number of records (default=no tail

Line parsing:
  Options affecting data line parsing.

  --repair-and-validate-lines [optional True|False]
                        Repair and validate lines (default=False).
  --repair-and-validate-values [optional True|False]
                        Repair and validate values (default=False).
  --blank-required-field-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}
                        The action to take when a line with a blank node1,
                        node2, or id field (per mode) is detected
                        The action to take when a comment line is detected
                        The action to take when an empty line is detected
  --fill-short-lines [optional True|False]
                        Fill missing trailing columns in short lines with
                        empty values (default=False).
                        The action to take when a data cell value is invalid
                        The action to take when a long line is detected
  --prohibited-list-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}
                        The action to take when a data cell contains a
                        prohibited list (default=ValidationAction.COMPLAIN).
                        The action to take when a short line is detected
  --truncate-long-lines [TRUNCATE_LONG_LINES]
                        Remove excess trailing columns in long lines
  --whitespace-line-action {PASS,REPORT,EXCLUDE,COMPLAIN,ERROR,EXIT}
                        The action to take when a whitespace line is detected

Data value parsing:
  Options controlling the parsing and processing of KGTK data values.

  --additional-language-codes [ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGE_CODES ...]
                        Additional language codes. (default=use internal
  --allow-lax-qnodes [ALLOW_LAX_QNODES]
                        Allow qnode suffixes in quantities to include alphas
                        and dash as well as digits. (default=False).
  --allow-language-suffixes [ALLOW_LANGUAGE_SUFFIXES]
                        Allow language identifier suffixes starting with a
                        dash. (default=False).
  --allow-lax-strings [ALLOW_LAX_STRINGS]
                        Do not check if double quotes are backslashed inside
                        strings. (default=False).
  --allow-lax-lq-strings [ALLOW_LAX_LQ_STRINGS]
                        Do not check if single quotes are backslashed inside
                        language qualified strings. (default=False).
  --allow-wikidata-lq-strings [ALLOW_WIKIDATA_LQ_STRINGS]
                        Allow Wikidata language qualifiers. (default=False).
  --require-iso8601-extended [REQUIRE_ISO8601_EXTENDED]
                        Require colon(:) and hyphen(-) in dates and times.
  --force-iso8601-extended [FORCE_ISO8601_EXTENDED]
                        Force colon (:) and hyphen(-) in dates and times.
  --allow-month-or-day-zero [ALLOW_MONTH_OR_DAY_ZERO]
                        Allow month or day zero in dates. (default=False).
  --repair-month-or-day-zero [REPAIR_MONTH_OR_DAY_ZERO]
                        Repair month or day zero in dates. (default=False).
  --allow-end-of-day [ALLOW_END_OF_DAY]
                        Allow 24:00:00 to represent the end of the day.
  --minimum-valid-year MINIMUM_VALID_YEAR
                        The minimum valid year in dates. (default=1583).
  --clamp-minimum-year [CLAMP_MINIMUM_YEAR]
                        Clamp years at the minimum value. (default=False).
  --ignore-minimum-year [IGNORE_MINIMUM_YEAR]
                        Ignore the minimum year constraint. (default=False).
  --maximum-valid-year MAXIMUM_VALID_YEAR
                        The maximum valid year in dates. (default=2100).
  --clamp-maximum-year [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_YEAR]
                        Clamp years at the maximum value. (default=False).
  --ignore-maximum-year [IGNORE_MAXIMUM_YEAR]
                        Ignore the maximum year constraint. (default=False).
  --validate-fromisoformat [VALIDATE_FROMISOFORMAT]
                        Validate that datetime.fromisoformat(...) can parse
                        this date and time. This checks that the
                        year/month/day combination is valid. The year must be
                        in the range 1..9999, inclusive. (default=False).
  --allow-lax-coordinates [ALLOW_LAX_COORDINATES]
                        Allow coordinates using scientific notation.
  --repair-lax-coordinates [REPAIR_LAX_COORDINATES]
                        Allow coordinates using scientific notation.
  --allow-out-of-range-coordinates [ALLOW_OUT_OF_RANGE_COORDINATES]
                        Allow coordinates that don't make sense.
  --minimum-valid-lat MINIMUM_VALID_LAT
                        The minimum valid latitude. (default=-90.000000).
  --clamp-minimum-lat [CLAMP_MINIMUM_LAT]
                        Clamp latitudes at the minimum value. (default=False).
  --maximum-valid-lat MAXIMUM_VALID_LAT
                        The maximum valid latitude. (default=90.000000).
  --clamp-maximum-lat [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_LAT]
                        Clamp latitudes at the maximum value. (default=False).
  --minimum-valid-lon MINIMUM_VALID_LON
                        The minimum valid longitude. (default=-180.000000).
  --clamp-minimum-lon [CLAMP_MINIMUM_LON]
                        Clamp longitudes at the minimum value.
  --maximum-valid-lon MAXIMUM_VALID_LON
                        The maximum valid longitude. (default=180.000000).
  --clamp-maximum-lon [CLAMP_MAXIMUM_LON]
                        Clamp longitudes at the maximum value.
  --modulo-repair-lon [MODULO_REPAIR_LON]
                        Wrap longitude to (-180.0,180.0]. (default=False).
  --escape-list-separators [ESCAPE_LIST_SEPARATORS]
                        Escape all list separators instead of splitting on
                        them. (default=False).


Sample Data

Suppose that file1.tsv contains the following table in KGTK format:

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv
node1 label node2
john string "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en
john integer 12345
john number 186.2
john number 186.2e04
john number -186.2
john number +186.2e-6
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6
john location @60.2/134.3
john boolean True
john symbol quadrature
john list home|work

Default Explode Operation

Explode the default column (node2) using the default settings.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:list_len node2;kgtk:number node2;kgtk:low_tolerance node2;kgtk:high_tolerance node2;kgtk:si_units node2;kgtk:units_node node2;kgtk:text node2;kgtk:language node2;kgtk:language_suffix node2;kgtk:latitude node2;kgtk:longitude node2;kgtk:date_and_time node2;kgtk:precision node2;kgtk:truth node2;kgtk:symbol
john string "John" string True 0 "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True 0 "John" en
john integer 12345 number True 0 12345
john number 186.2 number True 0 186.2
john number 186.2e04 number True 0 1862000.0
john number -186.2 number True 0 -186.2
john number +186.2e-6 number True 0 0.0001862
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True 0 84.3 84.0 85.0 kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True 0 "1960-11-05T00:00"
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "1980-11-05T00:00Z" 6
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "1990-12-07T13:45Z" 6
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "2005-03-22T13:40:15Z" 6
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True 0 60.2 134.3
john boolean True boolean True 0 True
john symbol quadrature symbol True 0 quadrature
john list home|work list True 2

Explode a Specific Column

Explode a specific column (node1, in this case) using the default settings.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --column node1

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:list_len node2;kgtk:number node2;kgtk:low_tolerance node2;kgtk:high_tolerance node2;kgtk:si_units node2;kgtk:units_node node2;kgtk:text node2;kgtk:language node2;kgtk:language_suffix node2;kgtk:latitude node2;kgtk:longitude node2;kgtk:date_and_time node2;kgtk:precision node2;kgtk:truth node2;kgtk:symbol
john string "John" symbol True 0 john
john lqstring 'John'@en symbol True 0 john
john integer 12345 symbol True 0 john
john number 186.2 symbol True 0 john
john number 186.2e04 symbol True 0 john
john number -186.2 symbol True 0 john
john number +186.2e-6 symbol True 0 john
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg symbol True 0 john
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 symbol True 0 john
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 symbol True 0 john
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 symbol True 0 john
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 symbol True 0 john
john location @60.2/134.3 symbol True 0 john
john boolean True symbol True 0 john
john symbol quadrature symbol True 0 john
john list home|work symbol True 0 john

Explode Only Strings

Explode the default column (node) and only the string KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type string

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:text
john string "John" string True "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True "John"
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Language-Qualified Strings

Explode the default column (node) and only the language_qualified_string KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type language_qualified_string

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:text node2;kgtk:language node2;kgtk:language_suffix
john string "John" string True "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True "John" en
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Both Strings and Language-Qualified Strings

Explode the default column (node) and both the string and language_qualified_string KGTK datatypes.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type string language_qualified_string

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:text node2;kgtk:language node2;kgtk:language_suffix
john string "John" string True "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True "John" en
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Numbers

Explode the default column (node) and only the number KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type number

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:number
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True 12345
john number 186.2 number True 186.2
john number 186.2e04 number True 1862000.0
john number -186.2 number True -186.2
john number +186.2e-6 number True 0.0001862
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True 84.3
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Quantities

Explode the default column (node) and only the quantity KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type quantity

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:number node2;kgtk:low_tolerance node2;kgtk:high_tolerance node2;kgtk:si_units node2;kgtk:units_node
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True 12345
john number 186.2 number True 186.2
john number 186.2e04 number True 1862000.0
john number -186.2 number True -186.2
john number +186.2e-6 number True 0.0001862
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True 84.3 84.0 85.0 kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Both Numbers and Quantities

Explode the default column (node) and both the number and quantity KGTK datatypes.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type number quantity

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:number node2;kgtk:low_tolerance node2;kgtk:high_tolerance node2;kgtk:si_units node2;kgtk:units_node
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True 12345
john number 186.2 number True 186.2
john number 186.2e04 number True 1862000.0
john number -186.2 number True -186.2
john number +186.2e-6 number True 0.0001862
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True 84.3 84.0 85.0 kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Dates and Times

Explode the default column (node) and only the date_and_times KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type date_and_times

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:date_and_time node2;kgtk:precision
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True "1960-11-05T00:00"
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True "1980-11-05T00:00Z" 6
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True "1990-12-07T13:45Z" 6
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True "2005-03-22T13:40:15Z" 6
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Location Coordinates

Explode the default column (node) and only the location_coordinates KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type location_coordinates

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:latitude node2;kgtk:longitude
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True 60.2 134.3
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Booleans

Explode the default column (node) and only the boolean KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type boolean

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:truth
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True True
john symbol quadrature symbol True
john list home|work list True

Explode Only Symbols

Explode the default column (node) and only the symbol KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --type symbol

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:symbol
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True quadrature
john list home|work list True

Expand a List and Explode

Explode the default column (node) and only the symbol KGTK datatype.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --expand \
             --type symbol

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type node2;kgtk:valid node2;kgtk:symbol
john string "John" string True
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True
john integer 12345 number True
john number 186.2 number True
john number 186.2e04 number True
john number -186.2 number True
john number +186.2e-6 number True
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True
john boolean True boolean True
john symbol quadrature symbol True quadrature
john list home|work symbol True home
john list home|work symbol True work

Explode Without a Prefix

Explode the default column (node2) using the default settings, except without a prefix in the new column names.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 data_type valid list_len number low_tolerance high_tolerance si_units units_node text language language_suffix latitude longitude date_and_time precision truth symbol
john string "John" string True 0 "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string True 0 "John" en
john integer 12345 number True 0 12345
john number 186.2 number True 0 186.2
john number 186.2e04 number True 0 1862000.0
john number -186.2 number True 0 -186.2
john number +186.2e-6 number True 0 0.0001862
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity True 0 84.3 84.0 85.0 kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times True 0 "1960-11-05T00:00"
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "1980-11-05T00:00Z" 6
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "1990-12-07T13:45Z" 6
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times True 0 "2005-03-22T13:40:15Z" 6
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates True 0 60.2 134.3
john boolean True boolean True 0 True
john symbol quadrature symbol True 0 quadrature
john list home|work list True 2

Explode to Get Just the KGTK Data Type

Explode the default column (node2), extracting just the data_type field.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type
john string "John" string
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string
john integer 12345 number
john number 186.2 number
john number 186.2e04 number
john number -186.2 number
john number +186.2e-6 number
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 date_and_times
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 date_and_times
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates
john boolean True boolean
john symbol quadrature symbol
john list home|work list

Error: Explode with Overwriting Not Enabled

Explode the default column (node2), extracting just the data_type field, using an input file that already has a node2;kgtk:data_type1 field, without enabling --overwrite.

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/explode-file2.tsv
node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type
john string "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en
john integer 12345
john number 186.2
john number 186.2e04
john number -186.2
john number +186.2e-6
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6
john location @60.2/134.3
john boolean True
john symbol quadrature
john list home|work
kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file2.tsv \

The output will be the following error messages on standatd output

Exploded column 'node2;kgtk:data_type' already exists and not allowed to overwrite

Explode with Overwriting Enabled

Explode the default column (node2), extracting just the data_type field, using an input file that already has a node2;kgtk:data_type1 field, with --overwrite enabled.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file2.tsv \
             --field=data_type \

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 node2;kgtk:data_type
john string "John" string
john lqstring 'John'@en language_qualified_string
john integer 12345 number
john number 186.2 number
john number 186.2e04 number
john number -186.2 number
john number +186.2e-6 number
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg quantity
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 date_and_times
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 date_and_times
john location @60.2/134.3 location_coordinates
john boolean True boolean
john symbol quadrature symbol
john list home|work list

Exploding Dates into Year Month Day Hour Minutes Seconds

Explode the default column (node2), extracting certain date_and_times fields. Don't prefix the extracted field names.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --fields year month day hour minutes seconds \

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 year month day hour minutes seconds
john string "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en
john integer 12345
john number 186.2
john number 186.2e04
john number -186.2
john number +186.2e-6
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 1960 11 5 0 0
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 1980 11 5 0 0
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 1990 12 7 13 45
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 2005 3 22 13 40 15
john location @60.2/134.3
john boolean True
john symbol quadrature
john list home|work

Exploding Dates into Year and Yearstr, Month and Monthstr, Day and Daystr

Explode the default column (node2), extracting certain date_and_times fields. Don't prefix the extracted field names.

The fields without str at the end of the name (year, month, day) appear as KGTK numbers. The fields with str at the end of the name (yearstr, monthstr, daystr) appear as KGTK strings.

kgtk explode -i examples/docs/explode-file1.tsv \
             --fields year yearstr month monthstr day  daystr \

The output will be the following table in KGTK format:

node1 label node2 year yearstr month monthstr day daystr
john string "John"
john lqstring 'John'@en
john integer 12345
john number 186.2
john number 186.2e04
john number -186.2
john number +186.2e-6
john quantity 84.3[84,85]kg
john date_and_time ^1960-11-05T00:00 1960 "1960" 11 "11" 5 "05"
john date_and_time ^1980-11-05T00:00Z/6 1980 "1980" 11 "11" 5 "05"
john date_and_time ^1990-12-07T13:45Z/6 1990 "1990" 12 "12" 7 "07"
john date_and_time ^2005-03-22T13:40:15Z/6 2005 "2005" 3 "03" 22 "22"
john location @60.2/134.3
john boolean True
john symbol quadrature
john list home|work