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kgtk tee copies its input file (standard input by default) to its primary output file (stdout by default) and to a secondary output file (specified by --into-file).

This command defaults to --mode=NONE since it doesn't attach special meaning to particular columns.

Debugging Pipes

The primary use envisioned for this command is as a tap in complex pipes, recording intermediary files that werld normally not be written to a persistent file system.

The option --enable=FALSE may be used to disable writing to the secondary output file. This may be used in a pipe or script to disable the secondary files when not needed, potentially loading to a significant performance improvement.

kgtk tee might be used in place of kgtk cat at the head of a pipe when the input to the pipe is a single file and the intent is to make a copy of that file for debugging or to record the inputs to a particular invocation of the pipeline or script.

Copying Files

kgtk tee may also be useful to copy an input KGTK file to two output KGTK files, equivalent to running kgtk cat twice. However, this is not its primary intended purpose.


usage: kgtk tee [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] --into-file INTO_FILE
                [--enable [ENABLE]] [-v [optional True|False]]

Copy the primary input to the primary output, making a copy to a specified file. This can be used to make a copy of a pipe's data.

This command defaults to --mode=NONE so it will work with TSV files that do not follow KGTK column naming conventions.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK input file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK output file. (May be omitted or '-' for
  --into-file INTO_FILE
                        The tee output file (Required)
  --enable [ENABLE]     When True, enable copying the data stream to the
                        --into-file. (default=True).

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).


Sample Data

Suppose that file1.tsv contains the following table in KGTK format:

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/tee-file1.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin

Tee in a Pipe

kgtk cat -i examples/docs/tee-file1.tsv \
   / tee --into-file tee-out.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin
kgtk cat -i tee-out.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin

Tee Starting a Pipe

kgtk tee -i examples/docs/tee-file1.tsv \
         --into-file tee-out.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin
kgtk cat -i tee-out.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin

Tee Making Two Copies

kgtk tee -i examples/docs/tee-file1.tsv \
         -o tee-out1.tsv \
         --into-file tee-out2.tsv
kgtk cat -i tee-out1.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin
kgtk cat -i tee-out2.tsv
node1 label node2 location years
john zipcode 12345 home 10
john zipcode 12346
peter zipcode 12040 home
peter zipcode 12040 cabin
peter zipcode 12040 work 5
peter zipcode 12040 6
steve zipcode 45601 3
steve zipcode 45601 4
steve zipcode 45601 5
steve zipcode 45601 home 1
steve zipcode 45601 work 2
steve zipcode 45601 cabin