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Query one or more KGTK files with the Kypher query language (a variant of Cypher) and return the results according to a return specification. This command is very flexible and can be used to perform a large number of data access, aggregation, computation, analysis and transformation operations.

Input files are assumed to be valid, multi-column KGTK files and can be piped in from stdin or named explicitly. Named input files can also be optionally compressed. Output goes to stdout or the specified output file which will be transparently compressed according to its file extension.


usage: kgtk query [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...]] [--as NAME]
                  [--comment COMMENT] [-a FILE [FILE ...]] [--query QUERY]
                  [--match PATTERN] [--where CLAUSE] [--opt PATTERN]
                  [--with CLAUSE] [--where: CLAUSE] [--return CLAUSE]
                  [--order-by CLAUSE] [--skip CLAUSE] [--limit CLAUSE]
                  [--multi N] [--para NAME=VAL] [--spara NAME=VAL]
                  [--lqpara NAME=VAL] [--no-header] [--force]
                  [--dont-optimize] [--index MODE [MODE ...]]
                  [--idx SPEC [SPEC ...]] [--explain [MODE]]
                  [--graph-cache DBFILE] [--show-cache]
                  [--aux-cache DBFILE [DBFILE ...]] [--read-only]
                  [--single-user] [--import MODULE_LIST] [-o OUTPUT]

Query one or more KGTK files with Kypher.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...], --input-files INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...]
                        One or more input files to query, maybe compressed
                        (May be omitted or '-' for stdin.)
  --as NAME             alias name to be used for preceding input
  --comment COMMENT     comment string to store for the preceding input
                        (displayed by --show-cache)
  -a FILE [FILE ...], --append FILE [FILE ...]
                        additional data file(s) to append to the specified
  --query QUERY         complete Kypher query combining all clauses, if
                        supplied, all other specialized clause arguments will
                        be ignored
  --match PATTERN       MATCH pattern of a Kypher query, defaults to universal
                        node pattern `()'
  --where CLAUSE        WHERE clause to a preceding --match, --opt or --with
  --opt PATTERN, --optional PATTERN
                        OPTIONAL MATCH pattern(s) of a Kypher query (zero or
  --with CLAUSE         WITH clause of a Kypher query (only 'WITH * ...' is
                        currently supported)
  --where: CLAUSE       final global WHERE clause, shorthand for 'WITH * WHERE
  --return CLAUSE       RETURN clause of a Kypher query (defaults to *)
  --order-by CLAUSE     ORDER BY clause of a Kypher query
  --skip CLAUSE         SKIP clause of a Kypher query
  --limit CLAUSE        LIMIT clause of a Kypher query
  --multi N             split each result into N separate edges or output rows
                        of equal number of columns
  --para NAME=VAL       zero or more named value parameters to be passed to
                        the query
  --spara NAME=VAL      zero or more named string parameters to be passed to
                        the query
  --lqpara NAME=VAL     zero or more named LQ-string parameters to be passed
                        to the query
  --no-header           do not generate a header row with column names
  --force               force problematic queries to run against advice
  --dont-optimize       disable query optimizer and process match clause joins
                        in the order listed
  --index MODE [MODE ...], --index-mode MODE [MODE ...]
                        default index creation MODE for all inputs (default:
                        auto); can be overridden with --idx for specific
  --idx SPEC [SPEC ...], --input-index SPEC [SPEC ...]
                        create index(es) according to SPEC for the preceding
                        input only
  --explain [MODE]      explain the query execution and indexing plan
                        according to MODE (plan, full, expert, default: plan).
                        This will not actually run or create anything.
  --graph-cache DBFILE, --gc DBFILE
                        database cache where graphs will be imported before
                        they are queried (defaults to per-user temporary file)
  --show-cache, --sc    describe the current content of the graph cache and
                        exit (does not actually run a query or import data)
  --aux-cache DBFILE [DBFILE ...], --ac DBFILE [DBFILE ...]
                        auxiliary read-only database file(s) to use for cross-
                        graph-cache queries
  --read-only, --ro     do not create or update the graph cache in any way,
                        only run queries against already imported and indexed
  --single-user         single-user mode blocks concurrent database access
                        from parallel processes for faster data import
  --import MODULE_LIST  Python modules needed to define user extensions to
                        built-in functions
  -o OUTPUT, --out OUTPUT
                        output file to write to, if `-' (the default) output
                        goes to stdout. Files with extensions .gz, .bz2 or .xz
                        will be appropriately compressed.

"Kypher" - a Cypher-inspired query language for KGTK files

Cypher is a declarative graph query language originally developed at Neo4j Inc. (see also its Wikipedia entry). openCypher is a corresponding open-source development effort for Cypher which in turn forms the basis of the new Graph Query Language (GCL) developed by ISO. Cypher uses a special ASCII-art pattern language for graph patterns, but is otherwise very similar to SQL. We adopted Cypher, since its pattern language seems to make it relatively easy even for novices to express complex "join" queries over graph data.

Kypher stands for KGTK Cypher. Kypher adopts Cypher's patterns and many other aspects of its query language, but has some important differences that warranted a different name. Most notably, KGTK and therefore Kypher does not use a property graph data model assumed by Cypher. Kypher only implements a subset of the Cypher commands (for example, no update commands) and has some minor differences in syntax, for example, to support naming and querying over multiple graphs.

To implement Kypher queries, we translate them into SQL and execute them on a very lightweight file-based SQL database such as SQLite. Kypher queries are designed to look and feel very similar to other file-based KGTK commands. They take tabular file data as input and produce tabular data as output. There are no servers and accounts to set up, and the user does not need to know that there is in fact a database used underneath to implement the queries. A cache mechanism makes multiple queries over the same KGTK files very efficient. Kypher has been successfully tested on Wikidata-scale graphs with 1.5B edges and larger where queries executing on a standard laptop run in milliseconds to minutes depending on selectivity and result sizes.


Selecting edges with the --match clause

At its core the KGTK query command either takes a full Kypher --query or individual Kypher clauses such as --match, --return, --limit, etc. which will be automatically assembled into the proper order. Using individual clauses via command options is generally a bit easier in a Unix shell environment.

Below we show a simple query on a single input graph with an anonymous edge pattern. For convenience, we first set up a shell variable $GRAPH to point to a small demo data file and then use that variable instead of the full file name. We use quotes around the match pattern to protect it from interpretation by the shell. The result of the queries are shown in tables to facilitate readability:


kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '()-[]->()'

id node1 label node2
e11 Hans loves Molly
e12 Otto loves Susi
e13 Joe friend Otto
e14 Joe loves Joe
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"

The match pattern starts with an anonymous node connecting via an anonymous relation to another anonymous node. It is matched against the four core columns specifying an edge in each line of the KGTK input file. The from-node is matched against node1, the relation is matched against id and label (more on that distinction below), and the to-node is matched against node2. For each KGTK line matching the pattern, output is generated according to the --return clause specification. The default for --return is * which means all columns of a matching line will be output (including extra columns if any). Therefore, the resulting output shows the full content of the file starting with its KGTK header line.

The following queries are equivalent to the above. The double arrows and the singular anonymous node pattern will be completed to a full edge by implicitly adding an anonymous relation (and to-node if necessary):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '()-->()'
kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '()<--()'
kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '()'

The last pattern is also the default for --match, so the following query is again equivalent to the above and produces the same as running cat on the file:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH

Especially on larger data, it is always a good idea to restrict a query to a small result set first to see if the returned result is the one expected. This can be done by using --limit N so that at most N result rows will be produced (not counting the header line):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --limit 3

id node1 label node2
e11 Hans loves Molly
e12 Otto loves Susi
e13 Joe friend Otto

Similarly, --skip N can be used to skip N result rows first before any of them are output which can then be further limited with --limit:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --skip 2 --limit 3

id node1 label node2
e13 Joe friend Otto
e14 Joe loves Joe
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de

The Unix head and tail commands can also be used for the same purpose but may cut off the header row, since they do not understand the KGTK file format:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH | tail +3 | head -3


e12 Otto loves Susi
e13 Joe friend Otto
e14 Joe loves Joe

More interesting patterns can be formed by restricting some of the elements of an edge. For example, here we filter for all edges that start with Hans using Kypher's colon-restriction syntax in the from-node of the pattern:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '(:Hans)-[]->()'

id node1 label node2
e11 Hans loves Molly
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de

Note that this shows one of the significant differences between Kypher and Cypher. In Cypher the restriction label Hans would be interpreted as a node type in a property graph. In KGTK, it is interpreted as the ID of a particular node which is what the values in the node1 and node2 columns really represent.

We can also filter on the relation of an edge. For example, here we select all edges with label name using the colon-restriction syntax on the relation part of the pattern:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '()-[:name]->()'

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"

For relations, the interpretation of restrictions on the label of an edge (as opposed to its id) is more in line with standard Cypher.

Node and relation restrictions can be combined. For example, here we select all name edges starting from node Otto:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '(:Otto)-[:name]->()'

id node1 label node2
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

Filtering with the --where clause

The --where clause is a possibly complex Boolean expression that gets evaluated as an additional filter for each edge selected by the --match clause. Only those edges for which it evaluates to true will be returned. The --where clause can be used as an alternative to some of the constructs in the --match clause, or to express more complex conditions and computations that cannot be stated in a match pattern.

In order to get access to values selected by the match pattern that can then be further restricted, we need match pattern variables. Variables are specified with a simple name in the node or relationship part of a pattern. For example, below we use p as the variable for the starting node of the edge pattern which then leads via a name relation to another node. In the --where clause we restrict which values are allowed for p. In fact, this query is equivalent to the one above where we restricted the starting node directly in the match pattern:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->()' \
     --where 'p = "Otto"'

id node1 label node2
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

The following query is equivalent but specifies the starting node restriction twice which is perfectly legal but redundant:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p:Otto)-[:name]->()' \
     --where 'p = "Otto"'

Note that constants such as Otto need to be quoted when used in the --where clause very similar to SQL. This needs to be handled carefully, since we have to make sure that the quotes will not be ignored by the Unix shell (see Quoting for more details).

Next is an example using a regular expression to filter on the names attached to nodes. The Kypher =~ operator matches a value against a regular expression. Note that Kypher regular expressions use Python regexp syntax, which is different from the Java regexps used in Cypher. In the query below we select all name edges that lead to a name that contains a double letter:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"'

id node1 label node2
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e24 Molly name "Molly"

We can also filter based on a list of values which is one way of specifying disjunction in Kypher. In this query, any edge where p is equal to one of the listed values will be returned as a result. Note that Kypher only allows lists of literals such as strings or numbers, but not variables or other expressions which is legal in Cypher:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'p IN ["Hans", "Susi"]'

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e25 Susi name "Susi"

Another way to filter edges is by using a comparison operator coupled with a computation using built-in functions. Note that all columns in a KGTK file are treated as text (even if they contain numbers), so the expression below filters for names that start with the letter J or later. Also note that the single and double quotes of KGTK string literals are part of their value and need to be appropriately accounted for. To achieve this we use the built-in function substr to extract the first letter of each name following the quote character. substr is one of SQLite3 built-in scalar functions, all of which can be used in --where and other Kypher clauses that accept expressions (see Built-in functions for more details):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where "substr(n,2,1) >= 'J'"

id node1 label node2
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"

Sorting results with the --order-by clause

We can use --order-by to sort results just like in Cypher and SQL. For example, the following query sorts by names in ascending order.

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where "upper(substr(n,2,1)) >= 'J'" \
     --order-by n

id node1 label node2
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

Note how the last row in the result is seemingly out of order. This is because the quote character of KGTK literals is part of their value, thus language-qualified strings starting with single quotes come after regular strings in double quotes. To avoid that we can again apply a computation expression, this time in the --order-by clause to only look at the first letter following the quote. In this example we also use the desc keyword to sort in descending order:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where "substr(n,2,1) >= 'J'" \
     --order-by "substr(n,2,1) desc"

id node1 label node2
e25 Susi name "Susi"
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e23 Joe name "Joe"

Controlling results with the --return clause

So far all examples simply output all columns of a matching edge in a KGTK input file. However, we often want to perform some kind of transformation on the data such as selecting or adding columns, changing their order, changing values, computing derived values, and so on. To do that we can use Kypher's --return clause. By default its value is *, which means all columns of a matching edge will be output (including extra columns if any).

In the following query, we select only the node1 and node2 columns by referencing their respective pattern variables p and n. Kypher maintains the association between where a particular pattern variable is used in a match pattern and the corresponding KGTK column names such as node1, node2, etc., and uses the relevant column names upon output. Note, that the result generated here is not valid KGTK, since it is missing the id and label columns:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"' \
     --return 'p, n'

node1 node2
Otto 'Otto'@de
Molly "Molly"

Next we are returning all columns, switching their order. There is one extra bit of complexity with respect to the relation variable r of the match pattern. Due to the difference between the property graph data model of Cypher and the data model used by KGTK, relation variables get bound to edge IDs in KGTK's id column, since those represent the unique identities of edges. All other elements of an edge such as its node1, node2, label and extra columns can then be referenced using Kypher's property syntax. For example, r.label references an edge's label, r.node1 its starting node, or r.time an extra column named time. See Edges and properties for more details. Below is the query which now does produce valid KGTK as output (the order of columns does not matter):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"' \
     --return 'p, n, r, r.label'

node1 node2 id label
Otto 'Otto'@de e22 name
Molly "Molly" e24 name

Sometimes we want to summarize the data in some way. For example, we might want to know all the different relationship labels used. We can do this with the following query where we use the distinct keyword in the --return clause to eliminate any duplicates:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r]->(n)' \
     --return 'distinct r.label' \
     --order-by r.label


One of the most powerful features of Kypher is that we can transform values into new ones building modified or completely new edges. Many useful transformations can be performed by applying built-in functions to the columns specified in a --return clause. For example, below we change the names of the selected edges by converting them to lowercase using another one of SQLite3's built-in functions:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"' \
     --return 'p, r.label, lower(n), r'

node1 label lower(graph_2_c1."node2") id
Otto name 'otto'@de e22
Molly name "molly" e24

In the result above, Kypher did not know which KGTK column to associate the computed value with and simply used the column header produced by the underlying SQL engine. However, we can provide explicit return aliases to map a result column onto whichever KGTK column name we want. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"' \
     --return 'p, r.label, lower(n) as node2, r'

node1 label node2 id
Otto name 'otto'@de e22
Molly name "molly" e24

Here is another more complex example that uses the built-in function kgtk_unstringify to convert KGTK string literals to regular symbols, and kgtk_stringify to convert regular symbols into strings. KGTK-specific built-in functions all start with a kgtk_ prefix and are documented in more detail here: Built-in functions. Note below how the language-qualified string 'Otto'@de stays unchanged, since kgtk_unstringify only modifies values that are in fact string literals. Again we use aliases to produce valid KGTK column names:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n =~ ".*(.)\\1.*"' \
     --return 'kgtk_stringify(p) as node1, r.label, kgtk_unstringify(n) as node2, r'

node1 label node2 id
"Otto" name 'Otto'@de e22
"Molly" name Molly e24

Since subcomponents of structured literals such as the language field in a language-qualified string can be interpreted as virtual properties of a value, we also allow the property syntax to be used to access these fields (in addition to regular function calls). For example, in this query we first select edges with language-qualified names and then use n.kgtk_lqstring_lang to retrieve the language field into a separate column named as node2;lang in the return (which is a path column name that needs to be quoted with backticks in Kypher - see Quoting for more details).

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring(n)' \
     --return 'r, p, r.label, lower(n) as node2, n.kgtk_lqstring_lang as `node2;lang`'

id node1 label node2 node2;lang
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de de

Querying connected edges through graph patterns

So far we have only selected single edges and then filtered them in a number of different ways. In Knowledge Graphs, however, we will often want to combine multiple edges into a query such going from a person to their employer to the employer's location, for example. In database parlance, such an operation is generally called a join, since information from multiple tables is combined along a common join element. In Kypher we can express such queries very elegantly by using Cypher's graph patterns. For example, in the query below we start from a person node a connected via a loves edge r to another node b, and for each of nodes a and b we are following a name edge to their respective names. We express this query here using a single path following arrows in both directions, but other formulations are possible:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(na)<-[:name]-(a)-[r:loves]->(b)-[:name]->(nb)' \
     --return 'r, na as node1, r.label, nb as node2'

id node1 label node2
e14 "Joe" loves "Joe"
e11 'Hans'@de loves "Molly"
e12 'Otto'@de loves "Susi"

Here is a variant of the above that looks for circular edges so we can find all people (in this dataset) who are in love with themselves:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(na)<-[:name]-(a)-[r:loves]->(a)-[:name]->(nb)' \
     --return 'r, na as node1, r.label, nb as node2'

id node1 label node2
e14 "Joe" loves "Joe"

Of course, these path patterns can be combined with --where expression for more elaborate filtering that cannot be described in the graph pattern directly. For example, here we only select starting edges where at least one of the nodes has a German name:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(na)<-[:name]-(a)-[r:loves]->(b)-[:name]->(nb)' \
     --where 'na.kgtk_lqstring_lang = "de" OR nb.kgtk_lqstring_lang = "de"' \
     --return 'r, na as node1, r.label, nb as node2'

id node1 label node2
e11 'Hans'@de loves "Molly"
e12 'Otto'@de loves "Susi"

It is generally a good practice to only name pattern variables that are actually referenced somewhere else and leave all others anonymous. Rewriting the above query this way we get the following:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(na)<-[:name]-()-[r:loves]->()-[:name]->(nb)' \
     --where 'na.kgtk_lqstring_lang = "de" OR nb.kgtk_lqstring_lang = "de"' \
     --return 'r, na as node1, r.label, nb as node2'

id node1 label node2
e11 'Hans'@de loves "Molly"
e12 'Otto'@de loves "Susi"

Querying with disjunctions

There is limited support available for querying with disjunctions as already used in some of the examples above. For now these are limited to OR and IN expressions in the --where clause of a query. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(:Joe)-[r]->()' \
     --where 'r.label="friend" OR r.label="loves"'

id node1 label node2
e13 Joe friend Otto
e14 Joe loves Joe

The same query could be formulated with an IN clause:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(:Joe)-[r]->()' \
     --where 'r.label IN ["friend", "loves"]'

id node1 label node2
e13 Joe friend Otto
e14 Joe loves Joe

Cypher also supports the following idiom which is not yet available in Kypher:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --match '(:Joe)-[:friend|loves]->()'
Multiple relationship labels are not (yet) allowed

More comprehensive union processing to combine the results of multiple queries might become available in future versions. Some kind of that can already be achieved through pipelines of KGTK commands combining query and cat, for example. Certain cases can also be handled by introducing additional graphs such as the $PROPS graph used in this example.

Querying connected edges across multiple graphs

Perhaps the most powerful feature of Kypher is that we can combine information from different graphs represented in separate KGTK files. This allows us to mix and match information from different graphs and combine it into new graphs, or simply represent certain aspects of a graph in a separate file for ease of manipulation or reuse.

To demonstrate this functionality we use a second example file of employment data for the people we have seen in the queries so far. This data also has some extra columns such as a salary for each node1 and a graph qualifier naming a graph each edge belongs to:


kgtk query -i $WORKS --match '()-[]->()'

id node1 label node2 node1;salary graph
w11 Hans works ACME 10000 employ
w12 Otto works Kaiser 8000 employ
w13 Joe works Kaiser 20000 employ
w14 Molly works Renal 11000 employ
w15 Susi works Cakes 9900 employ
w21 Hans department R&D employ
w22 Otto department Pharm employ
w23 Joe department Medic employ
w24 Molly department Sales employ
w25 Susi department Sales employ

Let us start with a query that retrieves people and the companies their love interests work for. To query across multiple graphs we need two things: (1) we need to specify multiple KGTK input files via multiple -i options. (2) we need to be able to associate edges in a match pattern with a particular input graph.

Cypher does not address multi-graph queries, every query is always assumed to query a single graph. To allow this in Kypher we extended the pattern syntax in the following way: a graph name followed by a colon preceding a match pattern clause indicates that the clause and all following clauses are associated with the named graph, either until the end of the pattern is reached, or until a different graph variable is introduced. For example, the pattern:

g: (x)-[:loves]->(y)
means that the edge should be matched against edges from graph g.

Another connection we need is to link such a graph name to one of the provided input files. Kypher does this by greedily looking for these graph names in the file names and paths of the input files specified in order. Once a match is found that file is removed from the match pool and any remaining graph variables are matched against the remaining files. See Input and output specifications on more details of this process. A simple way of referring to files as graphs is by the initial character of their file name (as long as they differ), which is what we do here. g matches the graphs.tsv file and w matches works.tsv.

Finally we can run the query. Note that multiple edges in the match pattern are represented by separate pattern elements that are conjoined by commas. The variable y is what joins the edges across graphs. So, naturally, this query will only work if bindings found for y in graph g also exist as node1s in graph w:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r:loves]->(y), w: (y)-[:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, c as `node2;employer`'

id node1 label node2 node2;employer
e14 Joe loves Joe Kaiser
e11 Hans loves Molly Renal
e12 Otto loves Susi Cakes

If no initial graph is specified in the match clause, it will be assigned to the default graph which corresponds to the one defined by the first input file, so the order in which input files are specified is important:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match '(x)-[r:loves]->(y), w: (y)-[:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, c as `node2;employer`'

id node1 label node2 node2;employer
e14 Joe loves Joe Kaiser
e11 Hans loves Molly Renal
e12 Otto loves Susi Cakes

As before the --where clause can be used to restrict matches further, and it may of course restrict variables from any graph. Let us query for employees with a certain minimum salary. To access the salary of a person which is represented in an extra column labeled node1;salary in the WORKS data, we need to employ node properties. Recall that edge properties such as r.label could be used to access any qualifier about an edge r. Similarly, for nodes where an additional edge is specified through a path expression in the header such as node1;salary, the value in the column can be accessed through a node property. One way to make this connection in the match pattern is through the following syntax (which follows Cypher properties but deviates from their semantics):

(y {salary: s})

This accesses the salary property of y (node1 in graph w) which leads to the values in the node1;salary column which in turn get bound to the newly introduced pattern variable s. We can then use s in subsequent match clauses as well as in where and return specifications to access and restrict those values.

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r:loves]->(y), w: (y {salary: s})-[:works]->(c)' \
     --where 's >= 10000' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y as node2, c as `node2;work`, s as `node2;salary`'

id node1 label node2 node2;work node2;salary
e14 Joe loves Joe Kaiser 20000
e11 Hans loves Molly Renal 11000
e12 Otto loves Susi Cakes 9900

From the last result row above it looks as if the restriction didn't really work correctly, since that salary is less than 10000. The reason for this is that KGTK values can be type heterogeneous and do not have a specific data type defined for them, and are therefore all interpreted as text by the underlying database. So the comparison operator restricted lexical order of strings instead of numeric values. In order for the comparison to work as intended, we have to explicitly convert the salary value to a numeric type. One way to do this is with the SQLite built-in cast:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r:loves]->(y), w: (y {salary: s})-[:works]->(c)' \
     --where 'cast(s, integer) >= 10000' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y as node2, c as `node2;work`, s as `node2;salary`'

id node1 label node2 node2;work node2;salary
e14 Joe loves Joe Kaiser 20000
e11 Hans loves Molly Renal 11000

Another possibility is to use one of the built-in KGTK literal accessors which in this case accesses the numeric value of a quantity literal as a number:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r:loves]->(y), w: (y {salary: s})-[:works]->(c)' \
     --where 's.kgtk_quantity_number >= 10000' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y as node2, c as `node2;work`, s as `node2;salary`'

id node1 label node2 node2;work node2;salary
e14 Joe loves Joe Kaiser 20000
e11 Hans loves Molly Renal 11000


Similar to SQL and Cypher, Kypher supports aggregation functions such as count, min, max, avg, etc. (see Built-in functions). The simplest aggregation operation involves counting rows or values via the count function. For example, we might want to know how many edges have Joe as the starting node:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(:Joe)-[r]->()' \
     --return 'count(r) as N'


The count function counts all rows that would have been output without the use of count which we can see when we remove it from the query:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(:Joe)-[r]->()' \
     --return r


This would also include any duplicate values. To exclude duplicates we can add the distinct keyword as the first argument to count (in fact, all aggregation functions take an optional distinct argument). For example, here we count all distinct labels used in the data:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(:Joe)-[r]->()' \
     --return 'count(distinct r.label) as N'


Different than SQL, however, Kypher does not have an explicit group by clause and infers proper grouping from clause type and order in the return statement. Grouping refers to the process of sorting result rows into groups before an aggregation operation is applied to each group. In the count queries above, there was only a single group containing the full result set. In the next query we are grouping by relationship label and then select the maximum node2 value for each label group (here max is interpreted lexicographically).

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --return 'r.label, max(y) as node2, x, r'

label node2 node1 id
friend Otto Joe e13
loves Susi Otto e12
name 'Otto'@de Otto e22

In this query the max function was applied to groups of result rows where r.label had the same value. But for this to do what we intended, we had to move the relation ID variable r to the end, otherwise it would have served as the grouping criterion which is not what we want.

Looking at our employment data again, let us find the person with the biggest salary (remember the use of cast to convert a textual salary value to a number). Since we are aggregating over all employees, the aggregation function needs to be the first in the --return clause:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (y {salary: s})-[r:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'max(cast(s, int)) as `node1;salary`, y, "works" as label, c, r'

node1;salary node1 label node2 id
20000 Joe works Kaiser w13

Finally, let us compute an average company salary. Here we use count as well so we can see that only one employer has a non-trivial average in this data:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match '(x)-[:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'c as company, count(c) as n_empl, avg(cast(x.salary, int)) as avg_salary'

company n_empl avg_salary
ACME 1 10000.0
Cakes 1 9900.0
Kaiser 2 14000.0
Renal 1 11000.0

EXISTS conditions

The pattern in a --match clause generates all matches that can be found for it in the data. The EXISTS operator tests for the existence of a single match of a pattern. This is useful if we only need to know that such a pattern exists, but we don't care about the specific values in the data that make the pattern true. It is also much more efficient for cases where a pattern has many matches, and it avoids the cross-product blowup we would get if we tested for this pattern directly in a --match clause.

EXISTS conditions are Boolean expressions that can occur anywhere in a query where an expression is legal (such as in a --where clause, --return clause, etc.). They come in three separate forms (note that the case of keywords such as EXISTS or WHERE is insignificant):

  • Explicit exists: EXISTS {<pattern>+ [WHERE <condition>]}
  • Exists function: EXISTS(<pattern>)
  • Implicit exists: <pattern>

The <pattern> in the above expressions can be graph-qualified if necessary (see Input naming). Just as with strict and optional match clauses, however, each exists condition expression starts from scratch and does not inherit the last active graph from any prior or enclosing expressions.

Explicit exists conditions are the most general and powerful. They specify a bona fide subquery that returns true as soon as one solution to it was generated. Explicit exists conditions can introduce new variables that do not exist outside of the subquery (and reference to them will raise an error). Most commonly, exists conditions will reference variables from outside their scope and then execute for each set of bindings generated by the outer query. Explicit conditions allow the same pattern language and comma operators as can be used in a --match clause. This is more general than the corresponding semantics in Cypher.

The EXISTS function and implicit exists conditions are more concise but also more restrictive. They only allow the use of a single connected pattern that can be expressed without any commas, and they also do not allow the introduction of any new named variables (anonymous nodes or edges are OK). These restrictions are following the semantics in Cypher. A pattern can be viewed as denoting the list of edges or paths it generates. If this list is non-empty, the pattern evaluates to true, otherwise its value in a condition is false. The EXISTS function is really only syntactic sugar to emphasize the use of a pattern expression as an exists condition, otherwise its behavior is identical.

The rationale behind the more restrictive semantics for implicit exists conditions is that they should be testable with a simple pattern match on the graph instead of a full subquery. However, in our Kypher implementation both implicit and explicit exists are translated into the same kinds of SQL subqueries.

Let us illustrate these cases with some examples. We start by retrieving "people who are loved" by enumerating people and their names in the --match clause and then for each of them test for the existence of a loves edge leading to them using an explicit exists condition:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'EXISTS {()-[:loves]->(x)}' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"
Molly "Molly"
Susi "Susi"

The previous query did not really exercise the full power of an explicit exists condition. So let us retrieve "people who are loved and rich" which requires more machinery. We enumerate people in GRAPH as before, check for the existence of a loves edge as before, but now we additionally look for a salary specified in the WORKS graph using a comma and second pattern qualified with the other graph. Finally we use the WHERE clause of the exists condition to test for a minimum salary:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'EXISTS {()-[:loves]->(x), w: (x {salary: s})-[:works]->() \
                      WHERE cast(s, int) >= 10000}' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"
Molly "Molly"

The first example above can be rephrased with an EXISTS function expression giving the same result:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'EXISTS(()-[:loves]->(x))' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"
Molly "Molly"
Susi "Susi"

Or it can be rephrased even more concisely as a simple pattern expression:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where '()-[:loves]->(x)' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"
Molly "Molly"
Susi "Susi"

Exists condition can occur anywhere an expression is legal. For example, here we combine two implicit exists conditions in a --return clause:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --return 'x, n, ()-[:loves]->(x) or ()-[:friend]->(x) as happy'

node1 node2 happy
Hans 'Hans'@de 0
Otto 'Otto'@de 1
Joe "Joe" 1
Molly "Molly" 1
Susi "Susi" 1

Implicit exists conditions and the EXISTS function can take more complex patterns as arguments, as long as they can be expressed with a single chain. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where '()-[:loves]->(x)-[:friend]->()' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"

Adding a new variable, however, will trigger an error:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where '()-[:loves]->(x)-[:friend]->(f)' \
     --return 'x, n'
Need explicit 'EXISTS' subquery to introduce new pattern variables

Finally, since exists conditions are expressions, they can be nested around other explicit or implicit exists conditions. For example, here we again look for people that are loved, but that are missing certain end date qualifiers on their works edges:


kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match '(x)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'EXISTS {()-[:loves]->(x), \
                      w: (x)-[wr:works]->() \
                      WHERE NOT EXISTS {q: (wr)-[:ends]->(e) \
                                        WHERE e < "^2000"}}' \
     --return 'x, n'

node1 node2
Joe "Joe"
Molly "Molly"
Susi "Susi"

Optional match

Kypher also supports Cypher's optional match patterns which are useful to retrieve sparse or incomplete edges and attributes that are common in real-world knowledge graphs. Optional patterns are allowed to fail which will generate NULL values for their respective pattern variables in such cases instead of making the whole pattern fail. Optional patterns are similar to SQL's left joins.

Each Kypher query must have exactly one strict --match clause and can have zero or more optional match clauses introduced by --opt. This is somewhat more restrictive than Cypher which can have any number of strict and/or optional patterns in any order, but that should generally not matter in practice. Each strict and optional match clause can have its own --where clause, so the query command associates each --where clause with the (closest) match clause preceding it. For optional match clauses the order matters, since there can be optionals on optionals, which is an important concept to keep in mind. The required strict match clause is always interpreted as the first match clause in the query, regardless of where it is specified on the command line. Let us illustrate these concepts with some examples.

In some of the examples below we use the following edge qualifier data, which adds start and end times to some of the edges in the $WORKS graph:


kgtk query -i $QUALS

id node1 label node2 graph
m11 w11 starts ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11 quals
m12 w12 ends ^1987-11-08T04:56:34Z/10 quals
m13 w13 starts ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09 quals
m14 w14 ends ^2001-04-09T06:16:27Z/08 quals
m15 w15 starts ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07 quals

To illustrate the usefulness of optional patters, let us start with a strict query first that retrieves company employees, their names and start dates:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match  'w: (p)-[r:works]->(c), g: (p)-[:name]->(n), q: (r)-[:starts]->(s)' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, n as name, s as start'

company employee name start
ACME Hans 'Hans'@de ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
Kaiser Joe "Joe" ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09
Cakes Susi "Susi" ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07

The result only lists some of the companies, since not all employment edges have an associated start date in the edge qualifiers data. This means the start date edges are incomplete which in turn makes us miss some potentially useful employment edges. If we want to be sure to retrieve all employment edges and associate them with start dates where available, we can use the following query that makes start date qualifier edges optional:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match  'w: (p)-[r:works]->(c), g: (p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --opt    'q: (r)-[:starts]->(s)' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, n as name, s as start'

company employee name start
ACME Hans 'Hans'@de ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
Kaiser Otto 'Otto'@de
Kaiser Joe "Joe" ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09
Renal Molly "Molly"
Cakes Susi "Susi" ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07

Now we get all employment edges, and missing start dates will simply be empty (or NULL).

An optional match pattern is either fully satisfied for a particular set of variable bindings established by previous match clauses (the variable r in the example above), or it is considered to have failed for that set of bindings, so optionals do not generate partial solutions. In fact, optional patterns are by themselves run in strict match mode against the data, it is only in their connection or intersection with matches from previous clauses where the optional (or "left join") semantics comes into play. If for a particular set of bindings from previous clauses the edge set retrieved by an optional clause does not have a relevant entry, the variables generated by the optional clause are considered to be NULL for that case.

In the next example, we use multiple independent optional clauses to retrieve both start and/or end dates where they are available. The optional clauses are independent of each other, but both are dependent on the r variable of the strict match clause. In general, optional clauses should always depend on one or more variables of a previous match clause, otherwise they will generate potentially very large cross products that are likely unintended:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match  'w: (p)-[r:works]->(c), g: (p)-[:name]->(n)' \
     --opt    'q: (r)-[:starts]->(s)' \
     --opt    'q: (r)-[:ends]->(e)' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, n as name, s as start, e as end'

company employee name start end
ACME Hans 'Hans'@de ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
Kaiser Otto 'Otto'@de ^1987-11-08T04:56:34Z/10
Kaiser Joe "Joe" ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09
Renal Molly "Molly" ^2001-04-09T06:16:27Z/08
Cakes Susi "Susi" ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07

Optional match patterns have the exact same syntax and expressive power as strict match patterns, so they can have multiple clauses, reference different graphs, use node and label restrictions, node and edge properties, etc. They do not inherit the last graph used by any preceding match clause, so they start again with the default graph.

For example, in the next query we use a more complex optional pattern that joins multiple edges and restricts matches with an additional --where clause. Note that we could have omitted the g specification, since optionals do not inherit the current graph of the previous match clause. kgtk_lqstring_lang is undefined for values that aren't language-qualified strings. For that reason we wrap it with kgtk_null_to_empty, otherwise the condition will always be false if one of its arguments is NULL (see Null values for more details):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (p)-[r:works]->(c)' \
     --opt   'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where 'r2.label != "name" and kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de"' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
ACME Hans loves Molly "Molly"
Kaiser Otto loves Susi "Susi"
Kaiser Joe loves Joe "Joe"
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

In the previous query the optional clause was quite restrictive and only selected edge pairs where the name edge led to a string not qualified with de. For this reason we do not get Otto as an affiliate. In the next query we relax this by moving the name edge pattern into its own optional with associated --where clause, and now we do get Otto as an affiliate but without a name:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (p)-[r:works]->(c)' \
     --opt   'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)' \
     --where 'r2.label != "name"' \
     --opt   'g: (l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where 'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de"' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
ACME Hans loves Molly "Molly"
Kaiser Otto loves Susi "Susi"
Kaiser Joe friend Otto
Kaiser Joe loves Joe "Joe"
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

For completeness, here is another variant of this query that uses a --where clause for each individual match clause (aka "Where Mania"), but semantically the query is the same as before:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (p)-[r]->(c)' \
     --where 'r.label = "works"' \
     --opt   'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)' \
     --where 'r2.label != "name"' \
     --opt   'g: (l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where 'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de"' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
ACME Hans loves Molly "Molly"
Kaiser Otto loves Susi "Susi"
Kaiser Joe friend Otto
Kaiser Joe loves Joe "Joe"
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

Each optional match clause is run in strict match mode against the data, so we cannot test whether any of the variables bound by it are in fact NULL. Remember that these NULL values are not coming from the match clause itself, but from its intersection or joining with the bindings generated by previous strict or optional matches. However, we can test whether a variable from a prior optional clause is NULL.

For example, in the following query we again retrieve an optional employment start date, but with the second optional clause, we retrieve a default date for cases where the start date s is undefined. Here we simply use the date of the first edge w11 as the default value. coalesce is an SQLite built-in function that returns the first non-NULL argument as its value:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match '(p)-[:name]->(n), works: (p)-[r:works]->(c)' \
     --opt   'quals: (r)-[:starts]->(s)' \
     --opt   'quals: (:w11)-[:starts]->(d)' \
     --where 's is NULL' \
     --return 'r as id, p, n as name, c as company, s as start, coalesce(s, d) as defstart'

id node1 name company start defstart
w11 Hans 'Hans'@de ACME ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11 ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
w12 Otto 'Otto'@de Kaiser ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
w13 Joe "Joe" Kaiser ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09 ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09
w14 Molly "Molly" Renal ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
w15 Susi "Susi" Cakes ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07 ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07

But what if we want to test whether a value generated by the last optional match clause is NULL? For this purpose Kypher has a special global --where: clause that scopes over all match clauses after they have been joined (the colon is a mnemonic for "final"). For example, in the next query we look for all employees and optional affiliates that do not have a qualifying names. This query basically emulates a "not exists" on the pattern defined by the last optional clause:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match  'w: (p)-[r]->(c)' \
     --where  'r.label = "works"' \
     --opt    'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)' \
     --where  'r2.label != "name"' \
     --opt    'g: (l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where  'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de"' \
     --where: 'ln is null' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
Kaiser Joe friend Otto
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

Cypher has a WITH ... WHERE ... clause for such and other purposes, and --where: is simply a shorthand for --with * --where... in Kypher. For example, the next query uses the --with syntax for the same result:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (p)-[r]->(c)' \
     --where 'r.label = "works"' \
     --opt   'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)' \
     --where 'r2.label != "name"' \
     --opt   'g: (l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where 'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de"' \
     --with  '*' \
     --where 'ln is null' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
Kaiser Joe friend Otto
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

For now --with * ... is all that is supported by Kypher. A more comprehensive implementation of the --with clause is planned as a future extension.

For comparison, here is an incorrect version of this "not exists" query pattern. As described above, we cannot really test for NULL inside the optional clause that generates the tested value, and therefore now that clause always fails and all retrieved names are NULL:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (p)-[r]->(c)' \
     --where 'r.label = "works"' \
     --opt   'g: (p)-[r2]->(l)' \
     --where 'r2.label != "name"' \
     --opt   'g: (l)-[:name]->(ln)' \
     --where 'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_lang(ln)) != "de" and ln is null' \
     --return 'c as company, p as employee, r2.label as affrel, l as affiliate, ln as name'

company employee affrel affiliate name
ACME Hans loves Molly
Kaiser Otto loves Susi
Kaiser Joe friend Otto
Kaiser Joe loves Joe
Renal Molly
Cakes Susi

Finally, here is an example query that marks symmetric edges in the data if they exist:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'r.label != "name"' \
     --opt   'g: (y)-[r2]->(x)' \
     --where 'r.label = r2.label' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, r2 is not null as symmetric'

node1 label node2 symmetric
Hans loves Molly 0
Otto loves Susi 0
Joe friend Otto 0
Joe loves Joe 1

Returning multiple edges with --multi

It is sometimes useful to output query results as a set of separate edges for each match instead of returning every match as a single row. For example, we might want to collect separate facets of information about each node of interest and then output those facets as separate rows or edges. The --multi N option can be used for this purpose which simply splits each result row into N separate rows of equal size. For example, in this query we collect a person's love interest and place of work and then output those as two separate edges per node x using --multi 2. Note that the formatting of the return clause used here is simply for readability:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS --multi 2 \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r1:loves]->(y), \
              w: (x)-[r2:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'x, r1.label, y, \
               x, r2.label, c'

node1 label node2
Hans loves Molly
Hans works ACME
Otto loves Susi
Otto works Kaiser
Joe loves Joe
Joe works Kaiser

The column headers of the return values constituting the first result row are used as the headers for all output rows. Any column headers of other return values are simply ignored.

We might also want to add optional information, for example, a person's friend. In this case --multi filters output rows that contain NULL values leaving only rows with fully defined columns:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS --multi 3 \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r1:loves]->(y), \
              w: (x)-[r2:works]->(c)' \
     --opt   'g: (x)-[r3:friend]->(f)' \
     --return 'x, r1.label, y, \
               x, r2.label, c, \
               x, r3.label, f'

node1 label node2
Hans loves Molly
Hans works ACME
Otto loves Susi
Otto works Kaiser
Joe loves Joe
Joe works Kaiser
Joe friend Otto

Note that --multi is simply an output formatting directive. All other processing of return values such as generation of distinct values, ordering, aggregation, limit, etc., is unaffected and proceeds as usual applying to the full set of values of the return clause. This also means one needs to be careful when including multi-valued edges in a --multi result, since the inherent combination of values that occurs (e.g., a person's love interest combined with all their friends) might lead to a lot of duplicated edges which then have to be filtered by subsequent processing. Since the familiar --return distinct... applies to the whole return clause and not individual sub-edges or rows, deduplication of --multi output rows cannot be achieved in this way.

In the following example we use a --limit clause to limit the number of return values, but since that limit applies to the set of full return values, we in fact get twice as many multi-output rows in this case:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS --multi 2 \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r1:loves]->(y), \
              w: (x)-[r2:works]->(c)' \
     --return 'x, r1.label, y, \
               x, r2.label, c' \
     --limit 2

node1 label node2
Hans loves Molly
Hans works ACME
Otto loves Susi
Otto works Kaiser

Query pipelines

KGTK has a powerful pipelining feature that allows commands to be chained into pipelines where the output of one command becomes the input of the next. This is also possible for queries which allows us to chain queries into complex query pipelines. There are a number of reason why we might want to do this:

  • to intersperse KGTK commands to augment the data, for example, use add-id to add edge IDs
  • to work around certain limitations of the query command, e.g., to emulate subqueries
  • for performance reasons, e.g., to reuse an intermediate but otherwise temporary result in multiple queries

Here is an example use case. Suppose we wanted to filter GRAPH to only output low-frequency edges. Here we define "low-frequency" as an edge that has a label that occurs less than 5 times in the data. To do this we have to first use aggregation to count edge labels and then restrict based on those counts. However, we cannot currently do that in Kypher, since we do not have subqueries (yet). Aggregation is done in the return clause, and there is no way for us to express an upper or lower bound based on the computed counts.

So let us compute what we want with a query pipeline instead. The first query in the command below computes the counts on edge labels as we've seen before. Since the resulting count rows will become the input to a second query, it is important that they are in valid KGTK format, which is the reason that we express them as PROP count N triples with the appropriate node1, label and node2 column headers. We then pipe the output of this query into add-id which simply adds an id column. Next we use the output of add-id as the input of the second query with -i -. The dash indicates that this input comes from standard input of the query command (the output of add-id). Within the match clause we can refer to this input as stdin (or we could have simply omitted a name, since it is the first input in the list). We then select edges from GRAPH that have one of the properties in the list where the count matches the where-constraint:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --return 'r.label as node1, "count" as label, count(r.label) as node2' \
   / add-id \
   / query -i - -i $GRAPH \
     --match 'stdin:  (prop)-[]->(count), \
              graph:  (x)-[r {label: prop}]->(y)' \
     --where 'cast(count, int) < 5' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, r'

node1 label node2 id
Joe friend Otto e13
Hans loves Molly e11
Otto loves Susi e12
Joe loves Joe e14

Here is a minor variant that names the counts input with an alias (see Input and output specifications) which can make queries more readable:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --return 'r.label as node1, "count" as label, count(r.label) as node2' \
   / add-id \
   / query -i - --as counts -i $GRAPH \
     --match 'counts: (prop)-[]->(count), \
              graph:  (x)-[r {label: prop}]->(y)' \
     --where 'cast(count, int) < 5' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, r'

Any number of queries can be chained into complex pipelines. If intermediate data such as the counts above are not explicitly named and preserved, it will simply be replaced by the input imported by the next query in the chain. This is generally the expected behavior and avoids accumulation of useless intermediate results.

Query pipelines are powerful, but also can have a lot of complexity. There are many places where command or query errors may occur. For that reason they should be developed and debugged step-by-step instead of trying to make things work all at once. Also note that options or defaults from one query do not carry over to the next one, they all are processed as if they were independently launched queries in the shell, the only thing connecting them is the dataflow from stdout of one query to stdin of the next.

Input and output specifications

Kypher can query one or more input graphs specified in KGTK file format and will generally produce an output graph also in KGTK format. The output format is very flexible, however, and can really be any tab-separated format with or without a header row, not just legal KGTK. The following command options provide control over query inputs and outputs:

  -i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...], --input-files INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...]
                        One or more input files to query (maybe compressed).
                        (Required, use '-' for stdin.)
  --as NAME             alias name to be used for preceding input
  --no-header           do not generate a header row with column names
  -o OUTPUT, --out OUTPUT
                        output file to write to, if `-' (the default) output
                        goes to stdout. Files with extensions .gz, .bz2 or .xz
                        will be appropriately compressed.

Input files can be in plain text or compressed via gzip, bzip2 or xz. Compression type must be indicated with an appropriate file name extension such as .gz, .bz2 or .xz. Input can also come from standard input which needs to be specified via -, even if only a single input is used.


Input files are assumed to be in valid KGTK format with standard id, node1, label and node2 headers for the core columns. Additional columns are also allowed. The query command will not perform any validation and may fail when given invalid KGTK files.


Important restriction: if an input is specified to be coming from standard input none of the commands feeding the query must themselves be query commands due to database locking considerations. Future versions will relax this restriction.

Input naming

The file names and directory paths of input files serve the following purposes:

  1. to identify the KGTK data that needs to be queried
  2. to control caching, for example, a file that has previously been queried and imported into the cache does not need to be imported again, unless it has changed
  3. to name the input graphs so that they can be selectively referenced in match clauses which is the focus of this section

If there is only a single input, all match clauses will be matched against that input only. If there is more than one, however, we need to be able to specify which match clause is matched against which input. There are two things necessary to make this association. First we need a way to link a match pattern to the graph it should be applied to. Standard Cypher does not support querying across multiple graphs, so we extended the Kypher match pattern syntax with the following idiom:

        name: pattern
This means that pattern should only be applied to the graph named name. For example, the following pattern looks for employer edges in the graph named w:
        w: (x)-[:works]->(c)
We call w a graph variable or handle which follows the same syntactic conventions as pattern variables for nodes and relations.

The second thing we need is to link these graph handles to the provided input(s). Since file names will often be long and unwieldy and contain special characters, we do not require them to be repeated literally in match clauses. Instead we make this association with a simple greedy match process:

  1. graph handles are processed in the order listed in the match pattern.
  2. when a graph handle is being matched, it is matched against available inputs in the order listed in the query command
  3. a handle matches an available input if
    • it matches the full input path name exactly as listed, or
    • it is contained as a substring in the base name (non-directory) portion of the input file name, or
    • it has a numeric suffix (e.g., g42) and its non-numeric prefix is contained as a substring in the base name of the input file
  4. if no match can be found for a particular handle, an error will be raised
  5. once a handle is matched, its matching input is removed from the pool of available inputs and the next handle (if any) is matched against the remaining ones
  6. if the first pattern clause does not have a graph handle, its handle implicitly becomes the default graph, which gets matched to the first input file (this also consumes that input and makes it unavailable for any explicit handle matching, which means that in any other optional match clauses or exists conditions, this graph can only be accessed implicitly!)

Pattern clauses that are not directly preceded by a graph handle inherit theirs from the previous clause, so only changes from one graph to another need to be explicitly marked in a match pattern. However, this inheritance is only within the scope of a single match pattern. Other match patterns, for example in --opt clauses or exists conditions, are processed independently.

If one of the inputs is standard input, its internally associated file name is (or ends with) /dev/stdin which can be used to refer to it with a graph handle (e.g., via s or stdin).

Here are some examples with inputs and graph handles referring to them. We start with a simple case with two graph handles based on the first letter of the corresponding input file (base name):

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r]->(y), w: (y)-[]->(z)' ...

The next example illustrates the greedy matching strategy. The r handle is ambiguous, since it could be matched to either file, but it will in fact be matched to the first listed input that matches:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 'r: (x)-[r]->(y), w: (y)-[]->(z)' ...

Next handles are matched in a different order than in which the inputs are listed:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 'w: (y)-[]->(z), g: (x)-[r]->(y)' ...

Using longer, more descriptive handles:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 'works: (y)-[]->(z), graph: (x)-[r]->(y)' ...

Next we use a full file name as a handle which requires backtick quoting to guard the special characters:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match '`data/works.tsv`: (y)-[]->(z), g: (x)-[r]->(y)' ...

The next example shows how handles are inherited from previous clauses. For example, here the second match clause inherits the handle g from the previous clause:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 'g: (x)-[r]->(y), (y)-[]->(z), w: (z)-[]->(s)' ...

The next example shows how numeric suffixes in handles can be used to match to similar file names in order. For example, after an initial match attempt for graph1 fails, its prefix graph will be tried in a second round. Note that the numeric suffix does not need to occur in any input file:

kgtk query -i data/graph-a.tsv -i data/graph-b.tsv \
     --match 'graph1: (x)-[r]->(y), graph2: (y)-[]->(z)' ...

Example with an input coming from standard input which is implicitly given a filename using stdin as its basename (mapped to the graph handle s here):

kgtk cat -i file1.tsv -i file2.tsv / query -i - -i data/works.tsv \
     --match 's: (x)-[r]->(y), w: (y)-[]->(z)' ...

In the final example, the first match clause is associated with a default handle based on the first listed input file. This happens before any explicit handles are matched with input files. For that reason, the second handle r which is ambiguous gets assigned to the second input file, since the first input is already linked (by default) to the first clause:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv -i data/works.tsv \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y), r: (y)-[]->(z)' ...

Renaming inputs

The query command expands each input file name into an absolute, unambiguous file name that dereferences any symbolic links before it stores it in its internal bookkeeping tables. When an input is processed for data import, data reuse or cache update, that expanded file name defines the identity or name of the data.

It is sometimes useful to have a different name for an input, for example, to eliminate the specific details of a file name, to name inputs more logically, or to prevent the specifics of a file system location to be exposed when a cache database is moved or exported to a different computer.

For this purpose inputs can be renamed with the --as NAME option where the provided name can be any string, even another absolute or relative file name. After an input has been renamed, the new name will be the internally stored name for the data, which will replace the original file or input name (so this is not an alias that can be used in addition to the original name). The new name will then be used for graph handle matching as well as to identify any previously cached inputs.

For example, here we first run two simple queries to import and name two separate graphs, and then run a query over those two graphs using their newly assigned names. All of this could be done in a single command but we split it up here to demonstrate reuse of renamed inputs:

kgtk query -i data/graph.tsv --as graph --limit 1
id node1 label node2
e11 Hans loves Molly
kgtk query -i data/works.tsv --as works --limit 1
id node1 label node2 node1;salary graph
w11 Hans works ACME 10000 employ

kgtk query -i graph -i works \
     --match 'g: (x)-[]->(y), w: (y)-[r]->(z)' \
     --return 'r, y, r.label, z' --limit 2

id node1 label node2
w12 Otto works Kaiser
w13 Joe works Kaiser

Previously renamed inputs can also be renamed again, for example:

kgtk query -i graph -i works --as employer \
     --match 'g: (x)-[]->(y), e: (y)-[r]->(z)' \
     --return 'r, y, r.label, z' --limit 2

id node1 label node2
w12 Otto works Kaiser
w13 Joe works Kaiser

Appending data

Use the -a or --append option to incrementally append additional data file(s) to a specified input. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -a more-graph-edges.tsv --limit 5

The -a option applies to the previously specified input (GRAPH in this case), and there can be one or more append files specified. The appended files must have the same columns as the graph data they are appended to, but their order can differ (import will be faster if the column order is also the same). The main file can also be specified and imported in the same command.

There are no other checks on the appended data beyond the necessary columns, the data is treated just as if it had been part of the original data file, there are no duplicate checks, ID management, etc., that is all left up to the user.

Any indexes already defined on the original data will be updated automatically for the appended data. This is a bit slower than building the index from scratch for all of the data, but should not matter for small incremental updates.

After an append there is more than one file pointing to a particular graph table, and any of them can be used in the -i option to identify that graph. As with regular inputs, if the data has already been imported and has not changed, specifying a file is a no-op, however, one cannot replace an appended file only with new data, in this case one has to replace the whole graph.

One can also use this mechanism instead of the KGTK cat command if the input data has all the appropriate columns, for example:

kgtk query -i file1.tsv -a file2.tsv -a file3.tsv --limit 5


Appending data is not supported for vector tables processed by Kypher-V, since ANNS indexing and other processing needs to be done collectively for the whole table, and can (currently) not be updated incrementally.

Output specification

Query output is handled similar to most other commands. By default, output is sent to standard output where it can be redirected to a file or piped to other commands. The -o FILE option can be used to send output to the specified file (a name of - means standard output). If the file name ends with one of .gz, .bz2 or .xz it will automatically be compressed by the corresponding compression command. For example:

kgtk query -i graph -i works \
     --match 'g: (x)-[]->(y), w: (y)-[r]->(z)' \
     --return 'r, y, r.label, z' \
     -o /tmp/example-query.tsv.gz

The --no-header option can be used to suppress output of the column header row.

Graph cache

When one or more input files are queried, their content is first imported and stored as a number of database tables before they are queried by the database engine. This import is generally very fast but can take a significant amount of time for large datasets. For example, the initial import of a Wikidata edge file with 1 billion edges (~16 GB compressed) takes about 20 minutes on a standard laptop.

To allow us to amortize this import time over multiple queries, the resulting database is cached into what we call a graph cache. If another query references an input file that was previously imported, the query can execute right away without having to import anything. Any indexes built by the system to speed up queries are also cached in the graph cache.

The location of the cache file can be controlled with the --graph-cache FILE option. If that is not explicitly specified, the environment variable KGTK_GRAPH_CACHE will be checked. If that is not found, the system will create or reuse a cache file in the computer's temp directory which will look like this (where UID is replaced by the current user name):


It is safe to remove these cache files as long as the underlying KGTK data files still exist. The cache will simply be rebuilt during subsequent queries.

When a file is queried, the following rules guide its import or reuse from the cache:

  • the data file exists but does not exist in the cache: the file will be imported into the cache and its full dereferenced path name, size and modification time will be recorded.
  • the data file exists in the cache with the same size and modification time as the file on disk: we have a cache hit and the previously imported data will be reused.
  • the data file exists in the cache but with different size and/or modification time than the file on disk: we assume that the data is different or has changed, the previously imported data will be deleted and the file will be imported again with its current data and properties
  • the data file exists in the cache but does not exist on disk: this is also viewed as a cache hit and the previously imported data will be reused; this is a special case to allow the deletion of large data files without losing the ability to query them, and it also allows renaming via the --as option to names that do not correspond to files on disk
  • the data file does not exist in the cache or on disk: this raises an error

Auxiliary graph caches

For very large and complex datasets it can become useful to organize them into separate graph cache files. For example, we might want to keep large stable Wikidata files in one graph cache, embedding vector data in one or more others, and use yet another for dynamic data such as query inputs, scenario data, etc. One advantage for organizing things this way is that we can easily throw a dynamic more volatile graph cache away without affecting other more stable ones that took a long time to import and index. Another is that we can keep graph cache file sizes more managable by splitting things up over multiple cache files. All this is of course only really useful if we can ask queries across all these data files, despite their separation into different cache files. That's what the --aux-cache or --ac options are for.

For example, let us start by creating a very small input dataset in its separate cache. We first collect all distinct qualifier properties into a small set set1, use the KGTK add-id command to add an ID column to each row, and then pipe the results to a separate query but giving that a distinct new graph cache file /tmp/props.db. Since we are importing from standard input in that query, we also use an alias props so we can easily refer to that later:

kgtk query -i $QUALS \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --return 'distinct r.label as node1, "member" as label, "set1" as node2' \
     / add-id \
     / query -i - --as props --gc /tmp/props.db

node1 label node2 id
starts member set1 E1
ends member set1 E2

Next we query for all edges in the WORKS graph that are qualified by one or more edges in the QUALS graph with a qualifier edge label from props. To do this we add /tmp/props.db as an auxiliary cache in addition to the default main graph cache file. There always has to be exactly one main graph cache and zero or more auxiliary caches:

kgtk query --ac /tmp/props.db -i $WORKS -i $QUALS -i props \
     --match 'props: (p)-[]->(), \
              quals: (wr)-[qr {label: p}]->(), \
              works: (x)-[wr {label: wl}]->(y)' \
     --return 'wr as id, x, wl, y'

id node1 label node2
w11 Hans works ACME
w12 Otto works Kaiser
w13 Joe works Kaiser
w14 Molly works Renal
w15 Susi works Cakes


Important: when one or more auxiliary caches are used in a query all graph caches are queries in read-only mode (see below). This means graph caches need to be fully constructed and indexed before they can be used in such a query (this restriction might be relaxed in the future).

It is possible to have a graph with the same name defined in more than one graph cache. In this case it will be dereferenced to the graph cache in which it appears first, starting with the main graph cache and then continuing with auxiliary caches in the order they are listed on the command line.

At most 10 graph caches (1 main, 9 auxiliary) can be used simultaneously in a query. This is a restriction from a default SQLite configuration value which can only be changed through recompilation.

Read-only processing

Sometimes it is useful to protect the graph cache from any unintended updates such as data imports or index creation. For example, one might want to debug certain queries without risking any unintended index creation based on incorrect queries. For this purpose, the graph cache can be opened in read-only mode by supplying the --read-only or --ro option. In read-only mode it is assumed that the graph cache exists, and that all data necessary to run the query has been previously imported and indexed.

Note that even if the query systems determines that a certain index is necessary to run the query efficiently, this index will not actually be built when executing read-only, which in turn could lead to very long execution times. For that reason it is useful to run queries with small result limits first. Moreover, if the query requires import of data that is not yet available in the cache, an error will be raised. In general, read-only processing can lead to query errors if data or indexes required to run a query is not available or cannot be built (for example, full-text indexes). However, such errors are harmless, since they cannot lead to any corruption of the graph cache.

Read-only processing can also be used to safely run multiple queries in parallel over the same graph cache. Note, however, that disk access contention from parallel queries might lead to performance degredation that could completely eliminate any gains from parallel processing.

Single-user mode, locking and transactions

By default the database runs in multi-user mode, allowing (at most) one process to update a graph cache database and any number of other concurrent processes to simultaneously read it. This is implemented by using SQLite's write-ahead-logging mode (or WAL mode). While this is generally a preferable configuration option, it can slow down import of large data files by a factor of 1.5 to 2.

In single-user mode (activated with the --single-user option), the database does not allow any concurrent readers while updates are being processed. This is useful to speed up importing and indexing of very large data files, but can lead to "database is locked" errors with query pipelines or other parallel invocations, so should be used with care when it is clear that only one process needs to access a graph cache. This distinction between single-user and multi-user mode only exists if one process is currently modifying the database. If there are no updates, e.g., if all queries use the --read-only option, both modes behave identically and multiple parallel queries over the same graph cache are possible.

If a graph cache database is currently being updated (because data is being imported or an index created), any attempt by a second process to concurrently modify the graph cache database will fail with a "database is locked" error after a short timeout period. Once the first update operation is complete, the second one can be relaunched.

All update operations such as data import, index creation and update of the kypher_master info table are protected by atomic database transactions. If an error or user interrupt occurs during such a transaction, any changes are rolled back to the last consistent state. It is possible that a rollback journal file persists after a user interrupt, however, the next query on the same graph cache DB will make the database consistent based on the journal file before any further processing occurs. The journal file will then be automatically deleted.

Managing very large datasets

Graph cache files can become quite large when large or a large number of different data files are being queried over time. Cache size is generally around 1-2.5 times the uncompressed size of all imported KGTK files depending on indexing requirements. For large datasets it is often useful to specify dedicated graph caches via the --graph-cache option to keep file sizes manageable. It is also possible to spread data files over several graph caches and then attach them via the --aux-cache directive (see Auxiliary Graph Caches for more details). Note that all graphs queried in a single query must reside in either the main graph cache or one of the auxiliary caches.

For best performance, cache files should reside on a local, internal SSD drive and not be accessed via a USB connection or network share such as NFS or Samba. Using a multi-SSD-disk array in RAID-0 configuration can further improve disk access times and cache performance. When internal disk space cannot be used or easily extended, using an external SSD drive with a fast USB-C connection is also an option, for example, to add budget disk space to an otherwise constrained laptop. This will not be as fast as an internal disk but has worked quite well for some of our KGTK team members. Finally, the database itself does not require much RAM, but having plenty of RAM available (say 30 GB or more) allows the OS to cache more data pages in memory, which makes repeat accesses faster and can greatly improve query performance.

When data gets deleted and reimported, freed up space in the cache file is reused, but unused data pages are not automatically returned to the file system and the size of the cache file does not shrink. To actually free and return any unused space in the cache file to the file system, one can use the SQLite vacuum command (which might take a significant time to run depending on the size of the cache). For example:

sqlite3 /tmp/my-graph-cache.sqlite3.db vacuum

When the database imports and indexes files, it creates temporary files in a temp directory, so changes can be rolled back in case something goes wrong. The default location of that temporary directory (see SQLite manual) is usually one of the standard temp file locations such as /var/tmp, /usr/tmp or /tmp) which is often in a separate root partition and might not have the same amount of disk space available as the location selected for the graph cache. For that reason, the query command sets the temp file location to be the same directory as the graph cache under the assumption that that's where most space will be available. That behavior can be overridden if necessary by explicitly setting the environment variable SQLITE_TMPDIR to a different storage area where there is room (e.g., if the graph cache location is getting close to capacity). For example:

export SQLITE_TMPDIR=/data/tmp

Note that temporary files created by the database are not (easily) visible so it might seem strange to see a "database or disk is full" error even though there is room available before and after a query operation that, for example, tried to create new indexes. If that happens SQLITE_TMPDIR can be used to point to a different location to allow such an indexing operation to succeed even if there is not enough room on the disk the graph cache is on.

Distributing the graph cache

The graph cache file is an SQLite database file which has a very stable format across database versions and can be compressed and shipped to others for quick and easy reuse. In that case it is advised to first replace any absolute input file names with logical names using the --as option.

The --show-cache option can be used to describe the current location and content of the cache along with any comments specified for inputs with the --comment option. For example:

kgtk query --show-cache


Graph Cache:
DB file: /tmp/kgtk-graph-cache-XXX.sqlite3.db
  size:  64.00 KB       free:  0 Bytes      modified:  2021-07-16 16:06:45

KGTK File Information:
  size:  211 Bytes      modified:  2021-02-08 13:46:39      graph:  graph_2
  size:  253 Bytes      modified:  2021-02-08 13:46:39      graph:  graph_3
  size:  377 Bytes      modified:  2021-02-08 13:46:39      graph:  graph_1
  comment:  Company data

Graph Table Information:
  size:  16.00 KB       created:  2021-07-16 16:02:33
  header:  ['id', 'node1', 'label', 'node2', 'node1;salary', 'graph']
  size:  12.00 KB       created:  2021-07-16 16:02:33
  header:  ['id', 'node1', 'label', 'node2']
  size:  16.00 KB       created:  2021-07-16 16:02:33
  header:  ['id', 'node1', 'label', 'node2', 'graph']

This command will ignore all other query-related options and not actually import any data or run a query. The only other useful option is --graph-cache to point to a specific graph cache to be described.

Kypher language features

Kypher is a complex language and the description in this document will necessarily be somewhat incomplete. For a more complete description of the Cypher language it is based on please refer to Cypher and openCypher, but keep in mind the important differences described here. Also both Cypher and the implementation of Kypher are closely related to SQL which is always another good query language reference to consider. Finally, while Kypher has a fairly comprehensive parser of the Cypher language, it will simply raise an exception when an unsupported feature is requested. So if in doubt, there is nothing wrong with experimenting.

Node and edge properties

Due to the differences between the property graph data model of Cypher and the hyper-relational data model used by KGTK, relation variables in Kypher get bound to edge IDs from KGTK's id column, since those represent the unique identities of edges. All other elements of an edge such as its node1, node2, label and extra columns can then be referenced using Kypher's property syntax. For example, if we have an edge or relation variable r, r.label references the edge's label, r.node1 its starting node, or r.graph an extra column named graph.

The property syntax is also available for the nodes of an edge using KGTK's path column syntax. For example, a file column named node1;salary expresses a salary property on the node1 of an edge (which can be viewed as a shorthand notation for a salary edge that just occupies one extra column in the data file).

Let us illustrate these concepts with a number of examples. We start by retrieving a set of works edges using our familiar Kypher syntax for this task:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: (x)-[r:works]->(y)' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y' \
     --limit 3

id node1 label node2
w11 Hans works ACME
w12 Otto works Kaiser
w13 Joe works Kaiser

Next we retrieve the exact same information, but now we eliminate all but the relation variable r in the match clause. We then use property syntax to access the remaining parts of the edge plus an extra graph column that is also part of the WORKS data in the return clause:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: ()-[r:works]->()' \
     --return 'r, r.node1, r.label, r.node2, r.graph' \
     --limit 3

id node1 label node2 graph
w11 Hans works ACME employ
w12 Otto works Kaiser employ
w13 Joe works Kaiser employ

Note that using property syntax does not incur any query run time overhead, since all the necessary mapping is handled at query translation time.

Next we use Kypher's property syntax to bind relation properties to variables. The property part of a relation or node pattern uses a dictionary notation where keys are property names and values can be variables or constants or really any expression. We then can use these variables in the return statement, similar to our original query, but now we also have a graph variable g for the graph column which we couldn't have achieved with our standard Kypher edge pattern syntax:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: ()-[r {node1: x, label: "works", node2: y, graph: g}]->()' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, g' \
     --limit 3

id node1 label node2 graph
w11 Hans works ACME employ
w12 Otto works Kaiser employ
w13 Joe works Kaiser employ

Here is a minor variant that uses a function call expression to compute the restriction on the edge label. Note that these property value expressions all simply become conditions in an implicit where clause such as --where r.label = lower("WORKS"):

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: ()-[r {node1: x, label: lower("WORKS"), node2: y, graph: g}]->()' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, g' \
     --limit 3

id node1 label node2 graph
w11 Hans works ACME employ
w12 Otto works Kaiser employ
w13 Joe works Kaiser employ

Next we show how we can access the salary property of node1 which is stored in the node1;salary column of the KGTK file:

kgtk query -i $WORKS \
     --match 'w: ({salary: s})-[r {node1: x, label: "works", node2: y, graph: g}]->()' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, s as salary, g' \
     --limit 3

id node1 label node2 salary graph
w11 Hans works ACME 10000 employ
w12 Otto works Kaiser 8000 employ
w13 Joe works Kaiser 20000 employ

Finally, properties can also be used to join clauses. For example, here we constrain the node1 property of r to be identical to x of the name edge:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH -i $WORKS \
     --match 'g: (x)-[:name]->(n), \
              w: ({salary: s})-[r {node1: x, label: "works", node2: y, graph: g}]->()' \
     --where 'cast(s, int) > 10000' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y, s as salary, g'

id node1 label node2 salary graph
w13 Joe works Kaiser 20000 employ
w14 Molly works Renal 11000 employ

Property syntax is primarily needed to access the values of additional columns such as the node1;salary and graph columns in the examples above. Properties are also a convenient way to supply parameters to virtual graphs such as kgtk_values or the similarity search operators provided by Kypher-V.

There is one additional situation where they are sometimes needed, which is to disambiguate to which edge a property should apply. For example, in the query below we use a variable r as the node1 of the first match clause, but as the relation variable of the second. When we try to run this query we get a (somewhat cryptic) error message:

kgtk query -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match 'quals: (r)-[q]->(time), \
              works: (x)-[r]->(y)'  \
     --where 'time.kgtk_date_year <= 2000' \
     --return 'r as id, x, r.label, y, q.label as trel, time as time'
no such column: graph_5_c1.node1;label

The reason is that when we specify r.label in the return clause, it is ambiguous whether that should apply to the first or second edge in the match pattern. To resolve the ambiguity, we can use a property expression to introduce the rl variable to access the label of the second edge which then allows us to successfully run the query:

kgtk query -i $WORKS -i $QUALS \
     --match 'quals: (r)-[q]->(time), \
              works: (x)-[r {label: rl}]->(y)'  \
     --where 'time.kgtk_date_year <= 2000' \
     --return 'r as id, x, rl, y, q.label as trel, time as time'

id node1 label node2 trel time
w11 Hans works ACME starts ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
w12 Otto works Kaiser ends ^1987-11-08T04:56:34Z/10
w13 Joe works Kaiser starts ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09


Quoting of literals

Using string literals in queries can be very tricky since for KGTK's plain and language-qualified string literals quotes are part of their value. To properly communicate these quotes to Kypher, we have to carefully navigate three interacting levels of quote processing:

  1. the constituent quotes of KGTK literals such as "Otto" or 'Deutsch'@de which are part of their values
  2. quoting of Kypher literal restrictions in the query language where literals must be enclosed in single or double quotes to be recognized as literals
  3. quote processing by the command shell which affects how quotes are passed through to the query engine

For example, what we would like to say is something like this:

        --where name='"Otto"'

but that becomes challenging in a command shell environment which interprets those quotes. Here are two example incantations that would work in bash or tcsh but that require various complex backslash escaping or quote nesting:

        --where "name = '\"Otto\"'"        # bash
        --where 'name = '"'"'"Otto"'"'"    # tcsh

A better mechanism for passing complex literal strings to Kypher is to use parameters which are dollar variables inside the query string which are then replaced with values passed in via one of the --para, --spara or --lqpara options. This allows us to write a restriction like this:

        --where "x = $VAR" --para VAR=FooBar

This defines the value of VAR as FooBar which is then substituted appropriately for $VAR in the restriction. --para uses the provided value as is, --spara additionally KGTK-string-quotes it and --lqpara KGTK-lq-string-quotes it before passing it on. This mechanism might still require command shell quoting (e.g., for spaces, etc.), but we only have to deal with at most one level of quoting this time.

For example, in the query below we pass in a language-qualified string once with explicit quoting using --para and once without quoting using --lqpara where the command will handle quoting for us, as well as a regular string parameter via --spara:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '()-[:name]->(n)' \
     --where ' n = $name OR n = $name2 OR n = $name3 ' \
     --para name="'Hans'@de" --spara name2=Susi --lqpara name3=Otto@de

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e25 Susi name "Susi"

Note that since the $-character is also interpreted by the Unix shell, query strings containing parameters need to be in single quotes, or the dollar sign needs to be appropriately escaped.

Quoting of variables and symbolic names

Kypher syntax follows Cypher and is quite restrictive in the allowed syntax for symbolic names such as node and edge variables, graph variables, output columns, restrictions in match patterns, and so on. Identifiers are only allowed to contain alphanumeric characters and underscores and must start with a letter. Backtick quoting can be used to escape symbolic names and include arbitrary characters. To include a backtick itself, simply double it. For example, to use a space in an output column in a return clause, one could do the following:

kgtk query ... --return 'c as company, avg(s) as `average salary`' ...

Backticks are meaningful to the Unix shell, so it is important that they are escaped or inside a quoted string to prevent their interpretation by the shell. Here is an example query that makes excessive use of backtick quoting just to illustrate where and how that can be used:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '`graph.tsv`: (`?1`)-[`?2`:`name`]->(`?3`)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring(`?3`)' \
     --return '`?2`, `?1`, `?2`.label, `lower`(`?3`) as `no``de2`, `?3`.kgtk_lqstring_lang as `node2;lang`'

id node1 label no`de2 node2;lang
e21 Hans name 'hans'@de de
e22 Otto name 'otto'@de de

Strings, numbers and literals

TO DO, see also the section on KGTK literal functions.

Null values

The KGTK file format cannot distinguish empty and NULL values, so when empty fields get imported by the query command they are represented as empty strings which is different from NULL. Built-in functions on the other hand do return NULL for undefined values, errors, etc., and our KGTK built-in functions behave the same way. Similarly, once supported, optional queries will also generate NULL values that one might want to test for.

To handle these cases Kypher supports the IS [NOT] NULL operator similar to Cypher and SQL. For example, in the queries below we separate language-qualified name strings from other literals by testing whether the value of an accessor function is defined or not:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring_text(y) IS NULL'

id node1 label node2
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring_text(y) IS NOT NULL'

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

It is sometimes convenient to handle NULL values and empty strings uniformly. The two built-in functions kgtk_null_to_empty and kgtk_empty_to_null can be used for that purpose. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_null_to_empty(kgtk_lqstring_text(y)) != ""'

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

Regular expressions matching

Kypher supports a number of different ways to match nodes, edge labels and literals via regular expression patterns. The central operator to do this kind of matching is =~, which matches a value against a regular expression. Note that Kypher regular expressions use Python regexp syntax, which is different from the Java regexps used by Cypher.

In the query below we select all name edges whose node1 ends in s, o or y. A regular expression has to match the whole string which is why we use .* to match the initial portion:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'x =~".*[soy]"'

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de
e24 Molly name "Molly"

Note that KGTK literals such as strings and language-qualified strings contain quotes and language suffixes as part of their content, so regular expressions have to account for those extra characters or remove them first. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_string(y) and kgtk_unstringify(y) =~ ".*[iy]"' \
     --return 'r, x, r.label, y'

id node1 label node2
e24 Molly name "Molly"
e25 Susi name "Susi"

Kypher additionally supports the following built-in functions to handle different kinds of pattern matching operations:

Function Description
glob(x, y) Match y via an SQL GLOB pattern x (full doc).
like(x, y, [z]) Match y via an SQL LIKE pattern x (escaped by z) (full doc).
kgtk_regex(x, regex) Regex matcher that implements the Cypher =~ semantics which must match the whole string (Python regex syntax)
kgtk_regex_replace(x, regex, repl) Regex replacer that replaces all occurrences of regex in x with repl ([Python regex syntax](

In this example we first select edges based on a regular expression and then edit an output column using a regex replace:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'x =~".*[soy]"' \
     --return 'r, kgtk_regex_replace(x, "(.)(.*)", "\\2\\1") as node1, r.label, y'

id node1 label node2
e21 ansH name 'Hans'@de
e22 ttoO name 'Otto'@de
e24 ollyM name "Molly"

The like function implements SQL LIKE pattern matching which is case-insensitive and only supports the % and _ wildcard characters:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'like("j%", x)'

id node1 label node2
e23 Joe name "Joe"

The glob function is case-sensitive and implements Unix-style glob pattern matching:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'glob("[JM]*", x)'

id node1 label node2
e23 Joe name "Joe"
e24 Molly name "Molly"

Note that both like and glob are implemented by SQLite directly and might be somewhat faster than the Python-based regex matching used by the =~ operator.

Built-in functions

Kypher supports a number of built-in functions that can be used in conditions, return clauses and any other Kypher clause that accepts expressions. The Kypher set of built-ins is different from those of Cypher. Kypher accepts all of SQLite3's built-ins plus a set of KGTK-specific functions described in more detail below.

Functions are generally very robust to incorrect inputs and will return 0 (False) or NULL for those cases. However, it is possible to trigger exceptions in some situations. If in doubt, use the typeof function or appropriate KGTK type test to guard the call.

SQLite built-in functions

All of SQLite3's built-in scalar functions can be used. For a comprehensive list of those functions please follow the link. Here we list a small subset of functions particularly important for Kypher with a short description and a link to their full documentation.

Function Description
cast(x, type) Convert x into an expression of type.
concat(x, ...) Cocatenate printed representations of the given arguments into a string.
glob(x, y) Match y via an SQL GLOB pattern x (full doc).
instr(x, sub) Find the first occurrence of sub in string x (full doc).
length(x) Number of characters in a string x (full doc).
like(x, y, [z]) Match y via an SQL LIKE pattern x (escaped by z) (full doc).
lower(x) Convert x to lower case (full doc).
printf(format, ...) Build a formatted string from some arguments (full doc).
replace(x, from, to) Replace from with to in x (full doc).
rowid(x) Implements rowid lookup for Kypher query variable x, which is the 1-based row ID in the graph table from which the current value of x is retrieved. If x is a join variable, the table is ambiguous and the result will be arbitrary, so an unjoined relation variable is generally a good choice.
substr(x, start, length) Substring of x of length starting at start (full doc).
substr(x, start) Substring of x starting at start to the end (full doc).
typeof(x) Return the type of expression x (full doc).
upper(x) Convert x to upper case (full doc).

SQLite built-in math functions

All of SQLite3's built-in math functions can be used. The implementation is either native (once available with version 3.35.0 or later), or through equivalent Python functions. For a comprehensive list of those functions please follow the link. The only difference is that SQLite's two-argument version of the general logarithm log(B, X) has been renamed into logb(B, X), since the function registration API cannot support optional arguments.


Some of the built-in math functions use slightly different naming or argument order than standard SQL or the Python math module, so be sure to carefully follow the documentation.

SQLite built-in aggregation functions

All of SQLite3's built-in aggregate functions can be used.

General KGTK functions

Function Description
kgtk_literal(x) Return True if x is any KGTK literal. This assumes valid literals and only tests the first character (except for booleans).
kgtk_symbol(x) Return True if x is a KGTK symbol. This assumes valid literals and only tests the first character (except for booleans).
kgtk_type(x) Return a type for the KGTK literal or symbol x, which will be one of string, lq_string, date_time, quantity, geo_coord, boolean, typed_literal or symbol. This assumes valid literals and only tests the first character (except for booleans).
kgtk_regex(x, regex) Regex matcher that implements the Cypher =~ semantics which must match the whole string (Python regex syntax)
kgtk_regex_replace(x, regex, repl) Regex replacer that replaces all occurrences of regex in x with repl (Python regex syntax, see Python's re.sub)
kgtk_null_to_empty(x) If x is NULL map it onto the empty string, otherwise return x unmodified.
kgtk_empty_to_null(x) If x is the empty string, map it onto NULL, otherwise return x unmodified.

Below we list all functions on the various KGTK literal types. Note that all of those can also be invoked via a property syntax, since we view them as virtual properties on the underlying literal. For example, x.kgtk_lqstring_text instead of kgtk_lqstring_text(x).

Functions on KGTK strings

Function Description
kgtk_string(x) Return True if x is a KGTK plain string literal.
kgtk_stringify(x) If x is not already surrounded by double quotes, add them.
kgtk_unstringify(x) If x is surrounded by double quotes, remove them.

Functions on KGTK language-qualified strings

Function Description
kgtk_lqstring(x) Return True if x is a KGTK language-qualified string literal.
kgtk_lqstring_text(x) Return the text component of a KGTK language-qualified string literal.
kgtk_lqstring_text_string(x) Return the text component of a KGTK language-qualified string literal as a KGTK string literal.
kgtk_lqstring_lang(x) Return the language component of a KGTK language-qualified string literal. This is the first part not including suffixes such as en in en-us.
kgtk_lqstring_lang_suffix(x) Return the language+suffix components of a KGTK language-qualified string literal.
kgtk_lqstring_suffix(x) Return the suffix component of a KGTK language-qualified string literal. This is the second part if it exists such as us in en-us, empty otherwise.

Functions on KGTK dates

Function Description
kgtk_date(x) Return True if x is a KGTK date literal.
kgtk_date_date(x) Return the date component of a KGTK date literal as a KGTK date.
kgtk_date_time(x) Return the time component of a KGTK date literal as a KGTK date.
kgtk_date_and_time(x) Return the date+time components of a KGTK date literal as a KGTK date.
kgtk_date_year(x) Return the year component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_month(x) Return the month component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_day(x) Return the day component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_hour(x) Return the hour component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_minutes(x) Return the minutes component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_seconds(x) Return the seconds component of a KGTK date literal as an int.
kgtk_date_zone(x) Return the timezone component of a KGTK date literal.
kgtk_date_zone_string(x) Return the time zone component (if any) as a KGTK string. Zones might look like +10:30, for example, which would be illegal KGTK numbers.
kgtk_date_precision(x) Return the precision component of a KGTK date literal as an int.

Functions on KGTK numbers and quantities

Function Description
kgtk_number(x) Return True if x is a dimensionless KGTK number literal.
kgtk_quantity(x) Return True if x is a dimensioned KGTK quantity literal.
kgtk_quantity_numeral(x) Return the numeral component of a KGTK quantity literal.
kgtk_quantity_numeral_string(x) Return the numeral component of a KGTK quantity literal as a KGTK string.
kgtk_quantity_number(x) Return the number value of a KGTK quantity literal as an int or float.
kgtk_quantity_number_int(x) Return the number value of a KGTK quantity literal as an int.
kgtk_quantity_number_float(x) Return the number value component of a KGTK quantity literal as a float.
kgtk_quantity_si_units(x) Return the SI-units component of a KGTK quantity literal.
kgtk_quantity_wd_units(x) Return the Wikidata unit node component of a KGTK quantity literal.
kgtk_quantity_tolerance(x) Return the full tolerance component of a KGTK quantity literal.
kgtk_quantity_tolerance_string(x) Return the full tolerance component of a KGTK quantity literal as a KGTK string.
kgtk_quantity_low_tolerance(x) Return the low tolerance component of a KGTK quantity literal as a float.
kgtk_quantity_high_tolerance(x) Return the high tolerance component of a KGTK quantity literal as a float.


Functions that return numeric values are restricted to 8-byte integers and 8-byte IEEE floats. Values that fall outside those ranges will be mapped onto floats when allowed or clamped to the respective data type boundary values.

Functions on KGTK geo coordinates

Function Description
kgtk_geo_coords(x) Return True if x is a KGTK geo coordinates literal.
kgtk_geo_coords_lat(x) Return the latitude component of a KGTK geo coordinates literal as a float.
kgtk_geo_coords_long(x) Return the longitude component of a KGTK geo coordinates literal as a float.

Full-text search functions

The following functions support efficient full-text search and matching based on text indexes. Full-text search is based on SQLite's FTS5 module whose implementation, options and match syntax is described in more detail here. In the functions below, x must be a match variable that can be uniquely linked to a specific unnamed or named text index. If no or multiple indexes are applicable, an error will be raised. Text indexes can be built with a text: index spec, for example, --idx text:node2.

Function Description
textmatch(x, pat) Return True if x matches the full-text MATCH pattern pat.
textlike(x, pat) Return True if x matches the LIKE pattern pat.
textglobl(x, pat) Return True if x matches the GLOB pattern pat.
matchscore(x) Return the BM25 match score for the text match on x (scores are negative, smaller are better).
bm25(x) Synonym for matchscore.

For example, here we define a text index on the node2 column of GRAPH and then use textmatch to match against the values of that column. For now text indexes need to be explicitly defined before they can be used. We also give the index a name using the //name=myidx option which is optional but will allow us to demonstrate access to named indexes.

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node2//name=myidx \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textmatch(y, "ott")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(y) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -1.3605330992115003
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8144321029967752

Note how all the scores are negative with the best being the smallest (most negative) which allows the use of default ascending ordering to get the best matches first.

textmatch patterns use a phrase-based language that allows multi-word phrases, Boolean expressions, multi-column expressions, suffix patterns, etc. See here for a full exposition. What is handled exactly and efficiently depends on the options used when the text index was defined (which are unfortunately somewhat complex). By default, the trigram tokenizer is used here which supports a large number of different operations efficiently.

Here is an example of a Boolean expression:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node2//name=myidx \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textmatch(y, "ott OR hans")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(y) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -1.3605330992115003
Hans name 'Hans'@de -1.2859084137069412
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8144321029967752

The trigram tokenizer also supports case-insensitive SQL LIKE patterns and case-sensitive GLOB patterns. In general, with a trigram index, a pattern must contain at least one trigram for a MATCH pattern to be successful or for the LIKE and GLOB patterns to work efficiently. Here are some more examples:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node2//name=myidx \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textlike(y, "%ott%")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(y) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -1.3605330992115003
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8144321029967752

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node2//name=myidx \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textglob(y, "*Ott*")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(y) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -1.3605330992115003
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8144321029967752

It is possible to define more than one text index for a particular graph or column, e.g., to allow differently optimized indexes to coexist for certain types of fuzzy matching. In such cases the optional name of an index can be used to indicate which index should be used. Such names must be used as the first element of the match variable. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node2//name=myidx \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textmatch(myidx.y, "ott")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(myidx.y) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -1.3605330992115003
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8144321029967752

Finally, a text index may index more than one column in which case the match expression can use column-specific filters which can be combined in arbitrary Boolean expressions. For multi-column matching, the relation variable must be used as the variable to be matched on (r in the examples below):

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node1,node2//name=multi \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textmatch(multi.r, "node1: joe AND node2 : ott")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(multi.r) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Joe friend Otto -2.1158081150971633

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx auto text:node1,node2//name=multi \
     --match '(x)-[r]->(y)' \
     --where 'textmatch(multi.r, "node2: ott NOT node1 : joe")' \
     --return 'x, r.label, y, matchscore(multi.r) as score' \
     --order 'score'

node1 label node2 score
Otto name 'Otto'@de -0.8763404768201021

Finally, full-text indexing is really only necessary on reasonably large data (e.g., the text labels of Wikidata), on small data like the example GRAPH used here, everything could have been done just as efficiently with standard regular expression matching.

TO DO: full documentation of all text index definition options

Defining and using custom functions

When the built-in functions provided by SQLite and Kypher are not enough, the functions below can be used to execute arbitrary Python code as part of a Kypher query. To allow users to execute their own special-purpose code in such circumstances, the --import argument can be used to import any required library or user modules before the query is exectuted.

Function Description
pyeval(expression...) Python-eval expression and return the result (coerce value to string if necessary). Multiple expression arguments will be concatenated first.
pycall(fun, arg...) Python-call fun(arg...) and return the result (coerce value to string if necessary). fun must name a function and may be qualified with a module imported by --import.

Here is an example that uses both of these facilities. First we are importing the uuid and math modules (the latter with an alias), so we can refer to them in the pycall expressions. The --import argument takes anything that would be a legal argument to a single Python import statement. Here we used some standard Python modules, but any user-defined module(s) could be used as long as they are findable in the current PYTHONPATH. pyeval parses and evaluates an arbitrary Python expression which here we assemble via a printf function call. pycall is slightly more efficient, since it only has to look up the function object based on the provided (qualified) name:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --import 'uuid, math as m' \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring(y)' \
     --return 'y as name, \
               pyeval(printf($FMT, y)) as swapname, \
               pycall("m.fmod", length(y), 2) as isodd, \
               pycall("uuid.uuid4") as uuid' \
     --para FMT='"%s".swapcase()'

name swapname isodd uuid
'Hans'@de 'hANS'@DE 1.0 5742f943-9bbe-4c5c-a4ac-98ffda145642
'Otto'@de 'oTTO'@DE 1.0 a3d720e8-c331-4a9a-b5db-ab188ccb3e53

The values returned by pyeval and pycall must be simple literals such as numbers, strings or booleans. Anything else would cause a database error and is therefore converted to a string first (e.g., the UUID objects returned by uuid.uuid4).

Here is an alternative invocation of pyeval that uses multiple arguments which will be implicitly string-concatenated before evaluation. The char(34) term produces a double quote to avoid shell quoting issues:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring(y)' \
     --return 'y as name, \
               pyeval(char(34), y, char(34), ".swapcase()") as swapname'

name swapname
'Hans'@de 'hANS'@DE
'Otto'@de 'oTTO'@DE


Functions will often be executed in the inner loop of a database query and are therefore expected to be simple and fast. Long-running functions might lead to very long query times.

Users may also implement their own built-ins directly which will generally be more efficient than going through the pyeval mechanisms. For example, suppose the file has the following content and is visible in the current PYTHONPATH (note that num_params can also be -1 to allow functions with a variable number of arguments):

from kgtk.kypher.sqlstore import SqliteStore

def swapcase(x):
    return str(x).swapcase()

SqliteStore.register_user_function(name='swapcase', num_params=1, func=swapcase)

Then we can import it in a query and call the defined function just as any other Kypher built-in:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --import 'mybuiltins' \
     --match '(x)-[r:name]->(y)' \
     --where 'kgtk_lqstring(y)' \
     --return 'y as name, swapcase(y) as swapname'

name swapname
'Hans'@de 'hANS'@DE
'Otto'@de 'oTTO'@DE

Virtual graph functions

Virtual graph functions are similar to standard KGTK functions with the one difference that they can produce more than one result value. We think of them as computations that generate virtual edges, one edge for each result generated by a set of inputs. For this reason they need to be used in a strict or optional match clause with the node1 of the edge (usually) being the first input, the label being the name of the function, node2 (usually) being the main output, and any additional inputs and outputs associated via edge properties.

Function Description
kgtk_values Dynamically generate values from a list literal or Python expression. If the 'format' property is 'auto' (the default) a value ending in any type of parenthesis is considered to be a Python expression which will be evaluated in module 'module' (defaults to 'builtins'). The result is assumed to be a Python collection whose values will be returned in order as the value of node2. Otherwise, the values literal will be split along a number of standard separators. If 'format' is 'python' an evaluation in Python will be forced. Any other value of 'format' is assumed to be a separator string to split the values literal. This virtual graph will disable query optimization in any match clause it is used in to make sure values are generated at the desired point in the query.

Here are some examples for the potential use of kgtk_values. Note that these queries specify an input graph (since that is required), but the graph is not really used by the queries:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x:`a b c`)-[:kgtk_values]->(v)' \
     --return 'v'


kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(x:`range(3)`)-[:kgtk_values]->(v)' \
     --return 'v'


kgtk query -i $GRAPH \
    --match '(x)-[:kgtk_values {format: "%%"}]->(v)' \
    --where 'x=$VALUES' \
    --return 'v' \
    --para VALUES='a%%b%%c'


Important differences to Cypher

  • Kypher does not use a property graph data model
  • supports querying across multiple graphs
  • no graph update commands
  • single strict match clause only
  • no relationship isomorphism
  • no dynamic properties such as x[fn(y)]
  • lists can only contain literals
  • Python regexps instead of Java regexps
  • different set of built-in functions

Features that are currently missing but might become available in future versions:

  • transitive path range patterns
  • full call subqueries
    • if needed can be emulated via query pipelines
  • with clause variable bindings
  • union queries
  • patterns with undirected edges
  • return patterns
    • Example: --retpat '(x)-[r1:works]->(y), (x)-[r2:salary]->(s)'

Tips and tricks

Adding a column

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --return '*, "^20200202" as date'

Reusing cache space

kgtk query -i file1 --as data --return '*, "^20200202" as date'
kgtk query -i file2 --as data --return '*, "^20200202" as date'

Advanced topics

Indexing and query performance

Proper indexing of KGTK graph file columns is important for good query performance on large files. Appropriate indexes are created automatically as needed before a query is run. However, sometimes more fine-grained control of index generation is needed which can be achieved with the --index [MODE ...] and --idx [SPEC ...] options (experts only).

--index describes one or more default indexing modes or actions that should be applied to all inputs of the current query (the default is mode:auto or auto for short). --idx or its long form --input-index describe one or more indexing modes/specs that should be applied for the preceding input only which will override any defaults coming from --index for that particular input.

The following pre-defined indexing modes are currently supported:

Macro Modes Description
mode:none do not create any new indexes
mode:auto automatically create indexes needed for good performance (the default)
mode:autotext automatically create text search indexes as needed (not yet implemented)
mode:clear delete all currently defined indexes
mode:cleartext delete all currently defined text search indexes
mode:expert use SQLite's expert mode to determine which indexes to build (deprecated)
Graph modes
mode:graph build covering indexes on node1 and node2, single column index on label (for general graphs)
mode:monograph build covering indexes on node1 and node2 (for mono-relational graphs)
mode:valuegraph build a single-column index on node1 (for mono-relational attribute-value graphs)
mode:textgraph build a single-column index on node1, default unnamed text index on node2 (for mono-relational attribute-value graphs with text values)
Legacy modes
mode:node1+label build single-column indexes on node1 and label
mode:triple build single-column indexes on node1, label and node2
mode:quad build single-column indexes on node1, label, node2 and id

All of the modes listed above except for mode:clear and mode:cleartext can be supplied without the mode: prefix. Clearing modes need to be explicitly qualified to reduce the chance of accidental deletion of indexes. Note that these modes will be applied only locally to the listed input most closely preceding an --idx option, or globally to all listed query inputs if the --index option is used. If a local indexing option is given for an input, none of the global default options will be applied to it.

Multiple index options can be supplied locally and globally. For example, here we first clear any pre-existing indexes on the qualifiers graph and then create a single-column index on node1 using the valuegraph mode:

kgtk query -i $QUALS --idx mode:clear valuegraph

Indexing modes can safely be resupplied over multiple queries. Indexes will only be built if they are not yet available. If an index implied by a mode has already been constructed, it will simply be reused.

Besides high-level modes, a concise more fine-grained language of index specs is also available to allow highly custom-tailored specification of graph indexes. This is particularly useful for text search indexing which provides a number of different indexing options (see Full text search functions for more details).

Index specs are indicated with the index: prefix for graph indexes and the text: prefix for text search indexes. For example, a two-column unique index starting from node2 that ignores the label column can be specified like this:


Options can be supplied with the slash syntax. Double slashes indicate global options that apply to the whole index, single slashes indicate column-local options. unique is the only option currently supported for graph indexes, it indicates and enforces that the listed columns form a unique key, that is, there are no two rows in the graph that have the same values for those columns.

Columns containing special characters can be quoted using backtick syntax. For example, to index on an extra column do this (but note the extra quotes necessary to prevent the shell from interpreting those backticks):

--idx 'index:node1,`node1;region`'

index: is the default prefix implied for specs without a prefix. For example, node1 can be used instead of index:node1. For cases where a column name matches one of the modes listed above, an explicit qualification is needed, for example, to index a column named cleartext use index:cleartext.

Multiple modes and specs can be specified locally and globally and will be interpreted in sequence. For example:

kgtk query -i $GRAPH --idx mode:clear node1,node2 node2,node1 -i $WORKS --index none ...

Sorting the data before querying

Knowledge graphs encoded in KGTK files are schema-free tables with often highly skewed data statistics that violate many assumptions commonly made by relational database systems such as SQLite. This can become a problem with certain types of queries over large Wikidata-style datasets with O(1B) edges. In such datasets certain types of edges might have O(1M) occurrences (e.g., the P31 instance-of relation), while others only occur a few times.

If a dataset is sorted by node1, such high-frequency edges will be spread out throughout the corresponding data table, making a query for all such edges scan a large number of the underlying data pages, even if a label index is available. The reason is that each page will generally only hold a few of the edges sought, while a lot of other data is read purely because data is read from disk in large blocks. Sorting a dataset appropriately before importing, for example by the label column, can vastly improve locality and query performance in such cases. For example, the following command would sort a Wikidata claims file (we use some extra Unix-sort options to facilitate sorting of very large files):

kgtk sort -i claims.tsv.gz -c label \
     -X "-T /data/tmp/ --parallel 8 --buffer-size 60%" \
     -o claims.sorted.tsv.gz

Of course, sorting by one column will damage locality of another such as node1. In a Wikidata-style dataset, however, node1 skew is generally much less than label skew, so node1 queries will be less affected by this resorting. In the end what is the best strategy is an experimental question that will vary from dataset to dataset and use case. Note also the next section on covering indexes which can help with implicit sorting along multiple directions.

Another thing to consider for very large datasets is to split them into separate files with different sets of edge labels. This will keep data tables smaller, improve locality, but for the cost of some extra query complexity due to the multiple data files.

Covering indexes

Several of the indexing modes listed above will generate covering indexes for graphs. A covering index is an index where the database can retrieve all the required values in a join directly from the index as opposed to first looking up a table row from the index and then accessing that table row to get a relevant value which requires additional disk accesses and will often break access locality.

For example a node2 covering index such as index:node2,label,node1 will allow the database to join on node2 and label which is useful for highly ambiguous labels (e.g., Wikidata's P31) and then be able to get node1 directly from the index entry instead of having to go back to the data table to look it up. Such an index also implicitly sorts the data which greatly improves locality, even if the data is not sorted in the data table. Such covering indexes can therefore greatly speed up complex queries on large graphs. The price for the performance gain is the extra disk space needed for such indexes which might be significant.

Disabling query optimization

The --dont-optimize option can be used to force the SQLite query optimizer to not optimize the table order in which a join is processed. Normally the query optimizer will try to guess the table with the smallest number of matches given what it knows about table sizes, indexes and selectional restrictions in the query, generate all rows for that table according to the given restrictions and then join other tables for each match using appropriate indexes (this is just the high-level gist of a complex query planning process). However, the determined order might not always be optimal or even be bad and lead to much longer query run times in certain cases. One of the reasons is that the graph tables used by Kypher violate many of the assumptions that normally hold for standard relational database tables.

If this might be an explanation for overly long query run times, the --dont-optimize can be tried which will execute graph table joins in the order they appear in strict and optional match clauses. Be very careful using this, this is an experts only option.


Before a query is executed the database will produce an optimized query plan based on available indexes and known statistics of the data. Before running potentially expensive queries on large datasets, or when query times are unexpectedly long, it can be useful to look at these query plans to see if they behave as expected and have and use all the appropriate indexes.

To see the query plan the option --explain [MODE] can be used, which accepts one of plan (the default), full or expert as its mode argument. If --explain is used, the query is actually not run and only the requested explanation will be printed.


Similar to other KGTK commands, query accepts the --debug and --expert options. --debug can be particularly useful to see the actual SQL query that gets generated as well as to get log and timing information about data import and index creation.

For example, here we can see how built-in functions are called directly in the generated SQL:

kgtk --debug query -i $GRAPH \
     --match '(p)-[r:name]->(n)' \
     --where 'n.kgtk_lqstring_lang = "de"'
[2020-10-16 13:37:16 query]: SQL Translation:
     FROM graph_2 AS graph_2_c1
     WHERE graph_2_c1."label"=?
     AND (kgtk_lqstring_lang(graph_2_c1."node2") = ?)
  PARAS: ['name', 'de']

id node1 label node2
e21 Hans name 'Hans'@de
e22 Otto name 'Otto'@de

Querying based on edge qualifiers

Here we present a slightly more complex query example we call the "Wikidata time machine use case" which was one of the initial motivating examples for our work on Kypher. The time machine use case tries to select a subset of Wikidata statements that only include those that contain information known up to a particular time cutoff, say the year 2000. For example, it shouldn't include any people that were born after that time, or that took on a role (say become president of a country) after that time, etc. This is generally a difficult problem, since temporal qualification in Wikidata is very incomplete, but we won't concern ourselves with all these issues here.

Our basic approach is that we use the data in the $WORKS graph we encountered before, and that we add an additional $QUALS graph with start and end time qualifiers for the statements in $WORKS. In addition, we have a third graph $PROPS that defines the set of qualifier properties we are interested in. In this simple example, they are just starts and ends. With that in mind, the query proceeds in the following steps:

  1. look for base edges in the $WORKS graph
  2. link to qualifiers in the $QUALS graph via edge id r
  3. restrict the qualifiers based on edge labels ql that are listed in the $PROPS graph
  4. restrict to edges that have a start or end time with year of at most 2000
  5. output the qualifying base edges with their temporal annotations

First let us list the qualifier data and temporal properties used below:


kgtk query -i $QUALS

id node1 label node2 graph
m11 w11 starts ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11 quals
m12 w12 ends ^1987-11-08T04:56:34Z/10 quals
m13 w13 starts ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09 quals
m14 w14 ends ^2001-04-09T06:16:27Z/08 quals
m15 w15 starts ^2008-10-01T12:49:18Z/07 quals


kgtk query -i $PROPS

id node1 label node2 graph
p11 starts member set1 props
p12 ends member set1 props

Finally, here is the time machine query. Note that kgtk_date_year returns an integer value, so there is no need to cast the value to an integer first for proper comparison. The crucial bit here is how we use the id of the base edge r as the node1 of the qualifier edge q whose label ql has to be one of the properties listed in $PROPS:

kgtk query -i $WORKS -i $QUALS -i $PROPS  \
     --match "work: (x)-[r {label: rl}]->(y),  \
              qual: (r)-[q {label: ql}]->(time), \
              prop: (ql)-[:member]->(:set1)" \
     --where "time.kgtk_date_year <= 2000" \
     --return "r as id, x, rl, y, ql as trel, time as time"

id node1 label node2 trel time
w11 Hans works ACME starts ^1984-12-17T00:03:12Z/11
w13 Joe works Kaiser starts ^1996-02-23T08:02:56Z/09
w12 Otto works Kaiser ends ^1987-11-08T04:56:34Z/10

Kypher-V - querying vector data

Kypher-V supports import and queries over vector data. Kypher-V extends Kypher to allow work with unstructured data such as text, images, and so on, represented by embedding vectors. Kypher-V provides efficient storage, indexing and querying of large-scale vector data on a laptop. It is fully integrated into Kypher to enable expressive hybrid queries over Wikidata-size structured and unstructured data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first system providing such a functionality in a query language for knowledge graphs.

Vector tables are regular KGTK files

Kypher-V represents vectors as special kinds of literals that are linked to KG objects via edges in KGTK format. For example, the following KGTK edge with ID e4925 associates Wikidata node Q40 (or Austria) with a text embedding vector stored as the node2 of the edge. The format below is something we commonly use where a node1 points to a vector literal in node2 via an emb edge, but there is nothing special about this particular representation pattern or edge label, any scheme can be used that associates a node or edge ID with a vector:

id node1 label node2
e4925 Q40 emb "[0.1642,-0.5445,-0.3673,...,0.3203,0.6090]"

When vector data is queried, it is imported and cached if necessary just like any other KGTK data processed by Kypher. The main difference is that for faster query processing vector literals get translated into binary format first before they are stored in the Kypher graph cache based on an indexing directive. Various up-front transformations such as data type conversions, normalization, storage type, etc. can also be controlled here. Finally, vector files are treated as large contiguous and homogeneous arrays, so that vectors can be referenced and accessed efficiently by vector table row ID instead of having to use an index.

Vector literal formats

Kypher-V supports a number of different vector literal formats listed in the table below. Not all of them are valid KGTK according to the current KGTK data model. The canonical representation we will use in the documentation here is the "vector as string" format listed in the first row of the table. Future versions of KGTK might support a bonafide vector literal type as shown in row 4. Also note that any number of different separator characters from the set ,;:| and space can be used in any of the text formats, an example of which is shown in row 5. Any extra whitespace is legal and will be ignored. Finally, Base64 encoding of binary vector data is also supported shown in the last two rows:

vector literal description valid KGTK
"[0.1642,-0.5445,-0.3673,...,0.3203,0.6090]" vector as string yes
"0.1642,-0.5445,-0.3673,...,0.3203,0.6090" list as string yes
0.1642,-0.5445,-0.3673,...,0.3203,0.6090 list no
[0.1642,-0.5445,-0.3673,...,0.3203,0.6090] vector not yet
0.1642 -0.5445 -0.3673 ... 0.3203 0.6090 space-sep. list no
"1yO6PYj7Gb8KX2i9Pqc+vt...T63OGG92B3cPg==" base64 as string yes
1yO6PYj7Gb8KX2i9Pqc+vt...T63OGG92B3cPg== base64 no

Binary representation is purely a contiguous set of bytes representing an array of floating point numbers. It does not have any meta-information or header describing number of dimensions or element type. For that reason, conversion into an actual vector object will always require an explit or implict element data type specification (NumPy's dtype) which can come from a number of different sources.

Vector import

Once we have a KGTK file with vector literals, we can import it just like any other KGTK file with the query command. In the following we will use this example dataset of embedding vectors called EMBED which associates a small subset of Wikidata nodes with 100-dimensional ComplEx embedding vectors:


zcat $EMBED | head -3

id node1 label node2
e-3bc7d18e Q100428034 emb "[-0.10816555,...,0.44566953]"
e-ecf67b59 Q10061 emb "[-0.10639298,...,0.59102327]"


Important: A vector file needs to be homogenous, which means that each row has to contain a vector, each vector has to have the same element type and number of dimensions, and each vector literal uses the same format and separator. Vector tables are treated as large homogenous arrays, which means each row has to have the same size and element type.

Next we import the data using a query command. The important option here is --idx which tells the system that this input data contains a vector column. We accept the default values for most of the possible options and only tell Kypher-V that it should use a vector index here (indicated by the vector index type) and that the vector data resides in the node2 column. We also create a standard index on the node1 column using the mode:valuegraph directive, so we can quickly look up the embedding vector for a given node:

kgtk query -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2 mode:valuegraph --limit 2

id node1 label node2
e-3bc7d18e Q100428034 emb b'\xe6\x85\xdd....\xcc.\xe4>'
e-ecf67b59 Q10061 emb b'\x90\xe4\xd9....\x8e=MM\x17?'

The returned values look identical to the input file except for the vector column. Vectors where transformed into byte arrays stored as SQLite BLOB values, displayed here in a Python byte string format.


Important: The byte strings shown here are not a valid KGTK vector format, they are usually not output and only used internally. One of the vector output functions described below needs to be used to convert them into valid KGTK vector literals.

Here is a minimal vector import command variant that also leaves out the column specification, since node2 is the default value. IMPORTANT: the colon at the end of vector: is mandatory here to designate this as a vector index type prefix, without it, the system would interpret it as the name of a column to index with a standard table index:

kgtk query -i $EMBED --idx vector: mode:valuegraph --limit 2

Vector storage options

Kypher-V implements scalable and efficient disk-based vector storage that allows fast vector lookup, indexing and processing without requiring large amounts of RAM. After vectors are imported and indexed, vector queries can be run efficiently from scratch without having to load large amounts of data into memory.

Kypher-V supports a number of different ways to store vectors in the database. They could be stored inline as BLOB values in a KGTK graph table, they could be in memory-mapped NumPy disk files, and an HD5-based disk format is also available. At the moment only inline storage is fully supported, and the NumPy and HD5 storage options are considered experimental and in flux.

When vectors are brought into memory to be processed in some form by a query, they are first converted to Python's NumPy format. Vectors are stored on disk in a binary byte format that mirrors the data in a NumPy vector, so creating vector objects is a very fast copy operation. The Faiss nearest neighbor indexing package uses its own internal vector format which also can be created very efficiently from NumPy vectors.

The vector index directive takes a number of options to control storage, preprocessing and indexing of vectors. These are specified as column options on the vector column of a vector table. The first set of options are storage options which control how vectors are imported, converted, normalized and stored in the database, they are described below:

Storage option Description
fmt Format of the data in the vector column, must be one of text, base64 or auto (the default). text is for any text list of numbers separated by one of ,;:| or space that can be parsed by NumPy's fromstring (extra whitespace will be ignored), base64 is a Base64 encoding of a NumPy vector, auto tries to guess the format based on the first vector
dtype NumPy element data type to use for the imported vectors, one of float16, float32 (the default) or float64
norm whether vectors will be normalized before they are stored and how, one of true, false (the default) or l2 (only normalization currently supported). The norm will be stored as well so it can be used to unnormalize a vector if needed.
store controls how imported vectors should be stored, one of inline (the default), numpy or hd5, but only inline is fully supported for now and hd5 will likely go away
ext an external file to use for a NumPy store - experimental, see store, experts only

dtype can be used to control the precision of the stored vectors as well as the required storage space. However, if nearest neighbor indexing is used it should generally be left at the default value, since 32-bit float values are used throughout the Faiss indexing package. A different dtype will be converted dynamically to 32-bit whenever vectors are loaded from the database.

In this example we specify a number of these options explicitly with their default values:

kgtk query -i $EMBED \
     --idx vector:node2/fmt=auto/dtype=float32/store=inline/norm=False mode:valuegraph \
     --limit 2

id node1 label node2
e-3bc7d18e Q100428034 emb b'\xe6\x85\xdd....\xcc.\xe4>'
e-ecf67b59 Q10061 emb b'\x90\xe4\xd9....\x8e=MM\x17?'

It is possible to have more than one vector column in a vector table. In that case a separate vector index option needs to be supplied for each column, for example:

kgtk query ... --idx vector:node2 --idx 'vector:`node1;emb2`/dtype=float16' ...

Unless for special circumstances, however, this should be avoided. Nearest neighbor indexing will sort tables for optimal data locality which generally can only produce good results for a single vector column (unless the different vector columns cluster very similarly).

Vector functions

Vector functions take one or more vectors accessed in a query and compute a function based on those vectors. The following example shows one of the similarity functions available in Kypher-V. It accesses embedding vectors for two given Wikidata QNodes Q868 and Q913 in our small EMBED dataset, computes cosine similarity between them and then displays the result with their labels (imported from the associated LABELS graph):


kgtk query -i $EMBED -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:    (x:Q868)-[]->(xv), \
                      (y:Q913)-[]->(yv), \
              labels: (x)-[]->(xl), \
                      (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --return 'xl as xlabel, yl as ylabel, kvec_cos_sim(xv, yv) as sim'

xlabel ylabel sim
'Aristotle'@en 'Socrates'@en 0.6926078796386719

The following vector functions are available:

Function Description
kvec_plus(x,y) Compute elementwise addition x + y between two vectors and/or numbers (numpy.add). If at least one argument is a vector, the result will also be a vector.
kvec_minus(x,y) Compute elementwise subtraction x - y between two vectors and/or numbers (numpy.subtract). If at least one argument is a vector, the result will also be a vector.
kvec_times(x,y) Compute elementwise multiplication x * y between two vectors and/or numbers (numpy.multiply). If at least one argument is a vector, the result will also be a vector.
kvec_divide(x,y) Compute elementwise division x / y between two vectors and/or numbers (numpy.divide). If at least one argument is a vector, the result will also be a vector.
kvec_l0_norm(x) Compute the L0-Norm of vector x, counts the number of non-zero elements (see numpy.linalg.norm(x, ord=0))
kvec_l1_norm(x) Compute the L1-Norm of a vector, computes the sum of elements in x, aka Manhattan distance (see numpy.linalg.norm(x, ord=1))
kvec_l2_norm(x) Compute the L2-Norm or Euclidean norm or Euclidean length of vector x (see numpy.linalg.norm(x, ord=2))
kvec_dot(x,y) Compute the dot product between vectors x and y.
kvec_cos_sim(x,y) Compute cosine similarity between vectors x and y. If vectors are known to be L2-normalized, this will automatically substitute kvec_dot.
kvec_euclid_dist(x,y) Compute the Euclidean distance between vectors x and y.
kvec_stringify(x) Convert a vector x into text format as a KGTK string. Calls kgtk_stringify for non-vectors.
kvec_unstringify(x) Convert a vector x from text format to vector bytes. Return x for non-vector strings.
kvec_to_base64(x,[dtype]) Convert a vector x into base64 format wrapped as a KGTK string. Returns null for non-vectors. The optional dtype argument specifies the target element dtype before base64 conversion (defaults to float32).
kvec_from_base64(x,[dtype]) Convert a vector x from base64 format into vector bytes. Returns null for non-vectors. The optional dtype argument specifies the element dtype of the source vector x (defaults to float32).

Vector function notes

  • vector inputs must be in internal byte format either coming from an imported vector table or from a vector generating function such as kvec_unstringify
  • functions that take more than one vector as inputs (e.g., kvec_cos_sim) assume all vectors to have the same dimensions
  • functions that produce vectors as their output will use float32 as the element type of the vectors they are producing; it is currently not possible to customize this except for import and output via kvec_to/from_base64
  • input and output functions such as kvec_unstringify should only be used in one-off/ one-time situations, for example, to produce a new dataset, since they are much less efficient than using the binary vectors created during a vector table import; importing and exporting bytes via base64 encoding functions is many times faster than using their text-based analogs which have to parse and print floating point values

For example, here is a query that produces a 100-D unit vector on the fly to compute a similarity value:

kgtk query -i $EMBED -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:    (x:Q868)-[]->(xv), \
              labels: (x)-[]->(xl)' \
     --return 'xl as xlabel, kvec_cos_sim(xv, kvec_unstringify(pyeval("[1] * 100"))) as sim'

xlabel sim
'Aristotle'@en 0.003323602257296443

Here we compute a cosine-similarity through combination of vector normalization and dot-product:

kgtk query -i $EMBED -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:    (x:Q868)-[]->(xv), \
                      (y:Q913)-[]->(yv), \
              labels: (x)-[]->(xl), \
                      (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --return 'xl as xlabel, yl as ylabel, kvec_dot(kvec_divide(xv, kvec_l2_norm(xv)), kvec_divide(yv, kvec_l2_norm(yv))) as sim'

xlabel ylabel sim
'Aristotle'@en 'Socrates'@en 0.6926079392433167

A core functionality provided by Kypher-V is similarity search, which allows us to find the top-k similar nodes for one or more nodes generated by a query based on embedding vectors linked to those nodes. Most importantly, these searches can be closely integrated with structured restriction as in the following high-level example queries:

  • Find castle ruins similar to Beaumaris Castle that are located in Austria
  • Find dresses similar to this [image] with price <= $50 and free 2-day shipping

For example, we can use one of the Kypher-V similarity functions to compute the top-k similar nodes for a given node in a brute-force way. To do that we simply enumerate all embedding vectors in this data and compare each of them to the one for Socrates (Q913), then we sort and report the top-5 results:

kgtk query -i $EMBED -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:     (x:Q913)-[:emb]->(xv), \
                       (y)-[:emb]->(yv), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, kvec_cos_sim(xv, yv) as sim' \
     --order  'sim desc' \
     --limit 5

x xlabel y ylabel sim
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q913 'Socrates'@en 1.0
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q179149 'Antisthenes'@en 0.8249946236610413
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q409647 'Aeschines of Sphettus'@en 0.8141517043113708
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q666230 'Aristobulus of Paneas'@en 0.8014461994171143
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q380190 'Phaedo of Elis'@en 0.7857708930969238

Despite the brute-force nature of the search, this query was very fast, since the dataset is very small and has only about 850 vectors in total. On more realistic data - for example all humans in Wikidata with about 9 million elements - this becomes very inefficient (4 minutes on a laptop) and we will use nearest neighbor indexing described below to speed things up.

For much faster similarity search over large datasets, we use an approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) index that can be constructed with a vector index directive when data is imported, or sometime later when it is actually needed.

Indexed vector search is expressed via a virtual graph edge kvec_topk_cos_sim which is implemented via an SQLite virtual table (a custom computation that can generate multiple rows and behaves like a regular table). Virtual edges are a Kypher-V extension to Cypher that take a number of user-specified input parameters expressed in Cypher property syntax. The parameter shown here is k controlling how many results to return, others are left at their default values. At this point, the query generates an error, since no appropriate index has been constructed yet:

kgtk query -i $EMBED -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:     (x:Q913)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {k: 10}]->(y), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim' \
     --limit 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
kgtk.exceptions.KGTKException: no trained nearest neighbor index available for 'kvec_topk_cos_sim_0'
SQL logic error

Different from regular graph table indexes which can be built by Kypher automatically behind the scenes, ANNS indexes can be quite expensive to generate and might require a number of user-specified parameters to control index creation time and quality. For this reason, an explicit index directive is required (somewhat similar to what we do for text search indexes).

Let's run this query again but this time create an ANNS index for it controlled by the --idx option on the embedding input. The relevant new options controlling ANNS index creation start at /nn/ (for nearest neighbor index). Since it is such a small file, we only create 8 quantizer cells for it (the value of nlist). We run the query with the --debug option, so we can see what the system is doing behind the scenes:

kgtk --debug query \
     -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2/nn/nlist=8 mode:valuegraph \
     -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:     (x:Q913)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {k: 10}]->(y), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim' \
     --limit 5
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: DROP VECTOR INDEX sdict['type': 'vector', 'columns': sdict['node2': sdict['fmt': 'auto', 'dtype': 'float32', 'norm': None, 'store': 'inline', 'ext': None, 'nn': False, 'ram': None, 'nlist': None, 'niter': None, 'nprobe': None]], 'options': {}]...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: CREATE VECTOR INDEX sdict['type': 'vector', 'columns': sdict['node2': sdict['nn': 'faiss', 'nlist': 8, 'fmt': 'auto', 'dtype': 'float32', 'norm': None, 'store': 'inline', 'ext': None, 'ram': None, 'niter': None, 'nprobe': None]], 'options': {}]...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: Selecting random sample of 859 training vectors...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: Training vector store quantizer:
Clustering 859 points in 100D to 8 clusters, redo 1 times, 10 iterations
  Preprocessing in 0.00 s
  Iteration 9 (0.01 s, search 0.01 s): objective=4772.23 imbalance=1.626 nsplit=0       
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: 

[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: Quantizing 859 vectors in batches of size 859...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: Adding quantization index to database...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: SORT table 'graph_1' batch 1 of 2...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: SORT table 'graph_1' batch 2 of 2...
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: CREATE INDEX "graph_1_node2;_kgtk_vec_qcell_idx" ON "graph_1" ("node2;_kgtk_vec_qcell")
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 sqlstore]: ANALYZE "graph_1_node2;_kgtk_vec_qcell_idx"
[2022-11-08 19:15:14 query]: SQL Translation:
  SELECT graph_1_c1."node1" "_aLias.x", graph_2_c3."node2" "_aLias.xlabel", kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1."node2" "_aLias.y", graph_2_c4."node2" "_aLias.ylabel", kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1."similarity" "_aLias.sim"
     FROM graph_1 AS graph_1_c1
     CROSS JOIN kvec_topk_cos_sim_0 AS kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1 CROSS JOIN graph_2 AS graph_2_c3 CROSS JOIN graph_2 AS graph_2_c4
     ON graph_1_c1."node1" = graph_2_c3."node1"
        AND graph_1_c1."node2" = kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1."node1"
        AND kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1."node2" = graph_2_c4."node1"
        AND graph_1_c1."node1" = ?
        AND kvec_topk_cos_sim_0_c_1."k" = ?
     LIMIT ?
  PARAS: ['Q913', 10, 5]

x xlabel y ylabel sim
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q913 'Socrates'@en 1.0
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q179149 'Antisthenes'@en 0.8249946236610413
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q409647 'Aeschines of Sphettus'@en 0.8141517043113708
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q666230 'Aristobulus of Paneas'@en 0.8014461994171143
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q380190 'Phaedo of Elis'@en 0.7857708930969238

In subsequent queries the --idx option can be omitted (just as with other index types). If the option is identical to previous queries, it will simply be ignored. If some of the option values changed, however, the index will be rebuilt.

Except for datasets that are very large or very small like this one, ANNS index options can generally be left unspecified at their default values. For a more exhaustive discussion of available indexing options and the tradeoffs involved see the section on ANNS indexes.

Indexed similarity search parameters

The kvec_topk_cos_sim computed graph edge takes a number of required and optional input parameters to control processing and a number of output parameters to return results. We further divide these parameters into those that control search, and a second experimental set that implements more efficient batched processing for large joins.

We use Kypher's edge property syntax to attach and refer to these properties. For example, if we have an edge identified by the variable r, then r.node1 is that edge's node1, r.node2 is that edge's node2, r.nprobe is its nprobe value, r.similarity the computed similarity, and so on. The two tables below list search input and output parameters:

Input Description
node1 input vector (bytes) for which we want to compute the top-k similar vectors
k optional: top-k similar vectors will be computed, defaults to 10
maxk optional: maximum k to try for vector joins with dynamic scaling, defaults to 0 which means no dynamic scaling should be used
nprobe optional: number of closest q-cells to search to find similar vectors, defaults to nprobe option in --idx spec or 1
Output Description
label canonical name of the virtual graph edge (constant)
node2 node1 from this similar vector's row in the vector table which will (typically) be its key
vid edge ID of this similar vector's row in the vector table
vrowid row ID of this similar vector's row in the vector table
vector bytes of this similar vector
similarity cosine similarity of this similar vector to the respective input vector provided in node1

Let us look at a variant of our previous example that exercises more of those input and output options. For example, below we leave k unspecified which will use its default value 10, we set nprobe to 8 using property syntax on the edge (but this restriction could also be supplied in the --where clause with r.nprobe = 8), we exclude x as a result and constrain the minimum similarity required, and we return additional output fields r.vid and r.vector which all come from the row in the EMBED vector table where y and yv are defined:

kgtk query \
     -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2/nn/nlist=8 mode:valuegraph \
     -i $LABELS \
     --match 'emb:     (x:Q913)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {nprobe: 8}]->(y), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --where  'x != y and r.similarity >= 0.8' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim, r.vid as yvid, kvec_to_base64(r.vector) as yv'

x xlabel y ylabel sim yvid yv
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q179149 'Antisthenes'@en 0.8249946236610413 e-ea594b00 "LDeC....YNPw=="
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q409647 'Aeschines of Sphettus'@en 0.8141517043113708 e-0685ee35 "5lOZ....BdPw=="
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q666230 'Aristobulus of Paneas'@en 0.8014461994171143 e-2906ba9a "Ex++....oMPw=="

Full vector similarity joins

Suppose we want to ask the following question: Given a set of philosophers (Plato, Aristotle and Socrates), find the top-5 similar humans for each of them who are also writers. We use a small Wikidata CLAIMS graph that has additional information we need for this query. In Wikidata humans are entities that are instances (P31) of human (Q5), and writers are nodes with occupation (P106) writer (Q36180). See Wikidata for more information on this data model. A first attempt to answer this question might look like this:


kgtk query \
     -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2/nn/nlist=8 mode:valuegraph \
     -i $LABELS \
     -i $CLAIMS \
     --match 'emb:     (x)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {k: 5}]->(y), \
              claims:  (y)-[:P31]->(:Q5), \
                       (y)-[:P106]->(:Q36180), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --where  'x in ["Q859", "Q868", "Q913"]' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim'

x xlabel y ylabel sim
Q859 'Plato'@en Q41155 'Heraclitus'@en 0.7475227117538452
Q859 'Plato'@en Q83375 'Empedocles'@en 0.7423468232154846
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q868 'Aristotle'@en 1.0
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q10261 'Pythagoras'@en 0.769469141960144
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q5264 'Hippocrates'@en 0.7553266286849976

Surprisingly, the result seems somewhat incomplete. We only get matches for two of the three seeds, and for both of them we get less than what we asked for. What is going on here?

The answer to the mystery is that kvec_topk_cos_sim found the top-5 similar vectors relative to the whole universe of vectors U in the EMBED dataset. Once those 5 matches were computed for each seed, they were further filtered by the additional P31 and P106 leaving us with the results we saw above.

What we really want for this query is a true similarity join between the set P of philosophers (Plato, Aristotle and Socrates), and the set W of human writers. For each node p in P a similar node s should be in the join result if it is one of the top-5 similar nodes of p in W, but not in U which is a much larger set.

To find those additional matches we use a process called dynamic scaling which progressively increases k until enough results matching the join condition have been found. We use the maxk property to tell Kypher-V to use dynamic scaling and also where to stop which is important, since we might never find enough qualifying matches. Here we ask the query again with maxk: 100 and now we get the results we expect. Note how the similarities for Socrates' matches are significantly lower than what we computed in previous queries, since we now have to go farther down the list to find matches that also satisfy the additional restrictions:

kgtk query \
     -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2/nn/nlist=8 mode:valuegraph \
     -i $LABELS \
     -i $CLAIMS \
     --match 'emb:     (x)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {k: 5, maxk: 100}]->(y), \
              claims:  (y)-[:P31]->(:Q5), \
                       (y)-[:P106]->(:Q36180), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --where  'x in ["Q859", "Q868", "Q913"]' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim'

x xlabel y ylabel sim
Q859 'Plato'@en Q41155 'Heraclitus'@en 0.7475227117538452
Q859 'Plato'@en Q83375 'Empedocles'@en 0.7423468232154846
Q859 'Plato'@en Q5264 'Hippocrates'@en 0.7279533743858337
Q859 'Plato'@en Q868 'Aristotle'@en 0.7331432104110718
Q859 'Plato'@en Q1430 'Marcus Aurelius'@en 0.7032168507575989
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q868 'Aristotle'@en 1.0
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q10261 'Pythagoras'@en 0.769469141960144
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q5264 'Hippocrates'@en 0.7553266286849976
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q41155 'Heraclitus'@en 0.7392288446426392
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q271809 'Proclus'@en 0.7256468534469604
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q271809 'Proclus'@en 0.7659962773323059
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q5264 'Hippocrates'@en 0.7673165798187256
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q1430 'Marcus Aurelius'@en 0.7595204710960388
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q10261 'Pythagoras'@en 0.751109778881073
Q913 'Socrates'@en Q83375 'Empedocles'@en 0.7441204190254211

Of course, we could have simply used a much larger k to find all these matches. But that would have led to very unbalanced result sets and possibly a lot of unnecessary processing. We also can't really use a limit to effectively give us what we want as can be seen in this query, where Plato's matches dominate and block out others:

kgtk query \
     -i $EMBED --idx vector:node2/nn/nlist=8 mode:valuegraph \
     -i $LABELS \
     -i $CLAIMS \
     --match 'emb:     (x)-[]->(xv), \
                       (xv)-[r:kvec_topk_cos_sim {k: 50}]->(y), \
              claims:  (y)-[:P31]->(:Q5), \
                       (y)-[:P106]->(:Q36180), \
              labels:  (x)-[]->(xl), \
                       (y)-[]->(yl)' \
     --where  'x in ["Q859", "Q868", "Q913"]' \
     --return 'x as x, xl as xlabel, y as y, yl as ylabel, r.similarity as sim' \
     --limit 15

x xlabel y ylabel sim
Q859 'Plato'@en Q41155 'Heraclitus'@en 0.7475227117538452
Q859 'Plato'@en Q83375 'Empedocles'@en 0.7423468232154846
Q859 'Plato'@en Q868 'Aristotle'@en 0.7331432104110718
Q859 'Plato'@en Q5264 'Hippocrates'@en 0.7279533743858337
Q859 'Plato'@en Q1430 'Marcus Aurelius'@en 0.7032168507575989
Q859 'Plato'@en Q10261 'Pythagoras'@en 0.6969254612922668
Q859 'Plato'@en Q125551 'Parmenides'@en 0.6939566135406494
Q859 'Plato'@en Q47154 'Lucretius'@en 0.6934449076652527
Q859 'Plato'@en Q271809 'Proclus'@en 0.6883948445320129
Q859 'Plato'@en Q59138 'Diogenes Laƫrtius'@en 0.6805305480957031
Q859 'Plato'@en Q313924 'Nicolaus of Damascus'@en 0.6774346232414246
Q859 'Plato'@en Q175042 'Nigidius Figulus'@en 0.6490164995193481
Q859 'Plato'@en Q561367 'Lucius Aelius Stilo Praeconinus'@en 0.6464878916740417
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q868 'Aristotle'@en 1.0
Q868 'Aristotle'@en Q10261 'Pythagoras'@en 0.769469141960144

A planned extension to the dynamic scaling mechanism is to allow the specification of a minimum similarity threshold to control the depth of the search (instead of maxk). Note that this is different from using a where-clause restriction such as r.similarity >= 0.8.

Batched vector similarity joins

WRITE ME - Experimental support to compute similar nodes in batches to better exploit Faiss parallel processing.

ANNS indexes

Kypher-V uses a custom disk-based ANNS index architecture based on Faiss. Generic Faiss is main-memory oriented requiring lots of RAM, which has some disadvantages for our purposes:

  • Very limited support for disk-based indexes
  • High startup cost due to initial index-load time which would require a server-based architecture to amortize the cost
  • To index 180GB of text embedding vectors requires at least that much RAM (unless encoding / product quantization / compression is used which is also expensive to compute)
  • Hosting and using multiple sets of embeddings simultaneously quickly becomes very resource intensive and cost prohibitive

Instead we use a database-centric index architecture for Kypher-V which can be loaded quickly and requires much less RAM and computing resources.

The basic idea behind ANNS indexing is to partition or quantize a vector space into a set of quantization cells (or q-cells), and then assign each embedding vector to its closest q-cell. At query time we then compare a vector only to vectors from its (and a few neighboring q-cells) instead of every vector in the dataset, which greatly reduces search time. See this tutorial on Faiss ANNS indexing for a good introduction to the topic. Two important parameters in this process are nlist (the number of q-cells or cluster centroids or inverted lists to use in the quantization), and nprobe (how many neighboring q-cells to search when looking for similar vectors). These parameters are referenced in various places below.

Kypher-V goes through the following steps when creating an ANNS index (compare to the debug output from the example query above):

  1. K-means clustering of vectors with the standard Faiss API which involves:
    • Sampling the vector set to limit memory use (for example, 180GB of text embedding vectors can be clustered with 25GB of RAM on a laptop)
    • Clustering the sample, the resulting cluster centroids form the basis of the quantization index
    • Save cluster centroids via Faiss to a small file which can be loaded quickly, for example, for our largest dataset so far with 16K 1024-D cluster centroids this file is 67MB in size which loads in about 50ms
  2. Quantization assigns data vectors to their closest q-cell centroid
    • Q-cell IDs are written as extra q-cell column to the vector database table
    • DB indexing of the q-cell column allows quick access to all vectors of a q-cell (this implements a DB version of Faiss inverted lists)
  3. Sorting of vectors by q-cell ID to improve disk locality
    • Now all vectors of a q-cell can be retrieved via one or few disk accesses
    • Batched sorting reduces temp disk usage (temp space < 50% of table size)

Then at query time, we do the following to load and exploit an ANNS index:

  1. Load cluster centroids from saved Faiss file
    • This is one-time only and fast (50ms or less) and can be amortized over multiple queries when using the Kypher API
    • Creates a faiss.IndexFlat quantizer index object from the centroid vectors
  2. Quantize an input vector identified by a query
    • Find the nprobe q-cell centroids it is closest to (we usually search in nprobe > 1 q-cells to handle vectors close to a q-cell boundary)
  3. Dynamically and incrementally create a size-limited in-memory Faiss search index for the vectors of the identified q-cells
    • Create a faiss.IndexIVFFlat object using the flat quantizer loaded above
    • Load in all relevant q-cell vectors from the database using a DB index and query
    • Incrementally add the loaded vectors to this search index using Faiss' low-level API, this is very fast since we already know the q-cell each vector belongs to
    • Size-limited caching of this index reuses q-cells from prior vector inputs in a vector join query or over multiple queries (without using too much RAM)
  4. Search top-k neighbors of each input vector in the dynamically constructed Faiss search index
    • Using the standard Faiss API which uses very fast parallel search

ANNS indexing options

The following options control ANNS index creation:

Indexing option Description
nn whether an ANNS index should be built and of what kind, one of true, false (the default) or faiss (only type currently supported)
ram the maximum amount of RAM (bytes) to use when training an NN index, supports standard memory units, default is 16G for faiss
nlist the number of q-cells (centroids, inverted lists) to use for the ANNS index, defaults to closest power of 2 for 4K q-cell size
niter how many iterations to use when training the ANNS index quantizer, default is 10 for faiss
nprobe how many quantizer cells to search by default during ANNS queries, default is 1 for faiss (can be overridden in a query)

Except for very large datasets, all of these options can be left at their default values. Once datasets do become large (say O(10M) 1K-D vectors and beyond), the ram value should be realistic to allow clustering on smaller memory machines such as a laptop, or to exploit available RAM on a large-scale compute server. Note that this should not be the total memory available on a machine, but what can be safely dedicated to a clustering job that might run for several hours. Below we discuss in more detail how various dataset characteristics and indexing options affect run time and quality of the generated ANNS index.

Rebuilding an ANNS index

WRITE ME - we can change parameters which will keep the data but rebuild the index

ANNS indexing considerations

K-means clustering of a large number of high-dimensional vectors is expensive. The complexity is O(ndki) when n (or ntotal) d-dimensional (or ndim) vectors are clustered into k (or nlist) centroids in i (or niter) iterations (the parameters in parentheses are the names used by Faiss and Kypher-V). To keep run time in check on large datasets, it is important to control these factors very deliberately and carefully.

Number of vectors (n or ntotal): while this is generally predetermined by a dataset, it pays to consider whether it would be feasible to work with just a subset of vectors. For example, datasets such as Wikidata have large portions of very sparse nodes for which graph or text embeddings might not be very informative, or it might be sufficient to only have embeddings for certain types of nodes. For a given n Kypher-V will use sampling to cluster a dataset most efficiently and within the given memory bounds.

Vector dimension (d or ndim): try to use the smallest number of dimensions possible that provides adequate separation. For example, it might be possible to use 768-D instead of 1024-D text embeddings for 25% savings in run time.

Cluster centroids (k or nlist): each cluster centroid defines a q-cell in the resulting ANNS quantization index. The more clusters the longer it will take for clustering but the shorter search times will be during queries because of smaller q-cells. If clusters are too small, larger nprobe values will be needed to consider enough candidates. If clusters are too large, the benefits of indexing will be reduced. A good value is an average cluster size of 4K which is what the system will try to approximate if no explicit nlist value is provided. Moving that up or down a couple of powers of 2 can adjust for specific dataset conditions. Note that cluster sizes will generally not be homogenous with some clusters much larger and others much smaller than this average size. This can lead to unbalanced query times if a very large cluster needs to be searched during a query.

Iterations (i or niter): this controls the quality of the resulting clusters with larger numbers producing higher quality for the cost of longer run time. Improvements from one to the next iteration quickly diminish, and it is often not necessary to go for the best possible clustering, since the improvements in average query run time might be negligible. For large datasets a single iteration might take hour(s), so starting with a lower number and possibly reclustering later if that is not good enough might be a winning strategy.

Controlling sampling and memory use

Faiss' K-Means clustering uses a high-performance parallel implementation that exploits all available CPU cores and requires vectors to be loaded into memory. One of our large Wikidata text embedding datasets has about 40 million 1024-D vectors. With 32-bit floats one vector requires 4K bytes to store. To load all those vectors into memory would require about 150GB of RAM (on top of any other memory needs). To reduce memory consumption and also clustering run time both Faiss and Kypher-V use sampling (however, Faiss will require all vectors to be loaded into memory to build the final index, while Kypher-V does not).

Faiss and Kypher-V require between 39 and 256 vectors per desired q-cell as training data to train the clusters. Note that this is only between 1-6% of the total data for a final q-cell size of 4K. Given available RAM (specified by the ram option), Kypher-V will pick the maximum training data size in the interval [39,256] that can comfortably fit into available RAM based on the number of desired q-cells (the value of nlist) and randomly sample the data accordingly. If the data is so large that even at the lower end of the interval it would exceed available RAM, a multi-batch clustering strategy will be used that runs each clustering iteration in multiple batches that do fit into available memory. However, for such very large datasets, using a large-scale compute server is recommended to cut down on clustering time.

There is no indexing option available to explicitly control sampling. To force the system to use a smaller sample size than the maximum of 256 samples per q-cell, a smaller than realistic ram value can be used. For example: a dataset with 55M 100-D vectors will require about 6,700 q-cells of size 8K. At 256 training vectors per q-cell, this requires 6700 * 256 * 100 * 4 * 1.2 = 785MB (1.2 is a fudge factor). Setting ram=400M will force the system to use only about half of the data points for training which will speed up clustering by a factor of two.

Vector data import and indexing times

Here are some example vector data import and clustering times for several different datasets. Entries marked with a * were imported from a network drive which added additional time. All imports and clusterings were performed on a Lenovo W541 Thinkpad laptop with 8 cores and 30GB of RAM. DB size is the size of the resulting Kypher graph cache on disk. NN-Index time combines clustering with vector quantizing, sorting and DB indexing of the resulting database table. The last column shows the relevant indexing options used that were different from their default values.

Dataset Type N Dim DB size Import NN-Index Total
--idx Options
Wikidata ComplEx 53M 100 26GB 1.4 hours* 1.1 hours 2.5 hours vector:node2/nn/ram=25g/nlist=16k mode:valuegraph
Wikidata TransE 53M 100 26GB 25 min 2 hours 2.4 hours vector:node2/nn/ram=25g/nlist=16k mode:valuegraph
Wikidata Text 39M 1024 182GB 8 hours* 11.5 hours 19.5 hours vector:node2/nn/ram=25g/nlist=16k mode:valuegraph
Short abstracts Text 5.9M 768 24.5GB 16 min 28 min 44 min vector:node2/nn/ram=25g/nlist=2k/niter=20 mode:valuegraph

Kypher-V tips and tricks

  • Start with default ANNS indexing options, then tweak some aspects through index redefinition if there are any issues (e.g., increase nlist and/or niter)
  • Check imbalanced sizes of q-cells with a query like this:
    kgtk query ... --match '()-[r]->()' --return 'r.`node2;_kgtk_vec_qcell` as qcell, count(r.`node2;_kgtk_vec_qcell`) as count' --order 'count desc'
    Some imbalance is expected, but q-cells that contain O(100,000) or more vectors might cause performance problems.
  • Import large embedding datasets into their own dedicated graph caches and then selectively use them in queries with the --aux-cache (or --ac) option. This makes it easy to manage and throw away these very large files without affecting other imported data.
  • Once vectors are imported, export smaller dedicated subsets like this:
    kgtk query ... --match 'emb: (x)-[r]->(xv), claims: (x)-[:P31]->(:Q5)' --return 'r as id, x as node1, "emb" as label, kvec_to_base64(xv) as node2'