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kgtk html converts a KGTK input file to an HTML table on output.

The primary uses for this command are to easily produce documentation files or to easily produce human-readable output in HTML-aware environments.

This comand is equivalent to kgtk cat --MODE=NONE --output-format=html-compact. However, it is a lot shorter and easier to type.

The HTML table is generated as a self-contained HTML document with minimal formatting. By default, compact HTML is generated, without end of line sequences between elements. --readable or --output-format html may be used to generate more human-readable HTML.

This command defaults to --mode=NONE since it doesn't attach special meaning to particular columns.


usage: kgtk html [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--pp [True/False]]
                 [-v [optional True|False]]

Convert a KGTK input file to an HTML table on output. 

Use this command to filter the output of any KGTK command: 

kgtk xxx / html 

Use it to convert a KGTK file to a HTML table in a file: 

kgtk html -i file.tsv -o file.html

This command defaults to --mode=NONE so it will work with TSV files that do not follow KGTK column naming conventions.

Additional options are shown in expert help.
kgtk --expert html --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        The KGTK file to convert to an HTML table. (May be
                        omitted or '-' for stdin.)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The GitHub markdown file to write. (May be omitted or
                        '-' for stdout.)
  --pp [True/False], --readable [True/False]
                        If true, use a human-readable output format.

  -v [optional True|False], --verbose [optional True|False]
                        Print additional progress messages (default=False).


Convert a KGTK Table to a compact HTML Table as a Filter

Use this command to filter the standard output of any KGTK command to a compact HTML table:

kgtk xxxxx / html

Convert a KGTK Table to a Readable HTML Table as a Filter

Use this command to filter the standard output of any KGTK command to a human readable HTML table:

kgtk xxxxx / html --readable

Convert a KGTK file to an HTML Table in a File

Use this command to convert a KGTK file to an HTML table in a file:

kgtk html -i xxx.kgtk -o xxx.html